preparation in the face of the end-time war

in #life7 years ago (edited)

preparation of US in the face of the war the end, prepare before late 1. the Messenger of Allah recommend US to plant trees dates and save stock dates that there is still the stem as much as possible in the houses of US. why dates? because Palm trees is plants that would survive menski happen dukhan. while nearly all plants dead. "in the event that the day of judgment about to happen, while in the hands of one among you no seeds of dates then when he was able to plant before the end of the world then let him to plant." (HR. priest Ahmad) 2. make the Wells manual at home the death of technology makes water pump and all equipment-smelling technology could not function. for it, suggested to make the Wells manually so that we do not have difficulty of water. 3. set up dinar and a dirhams the collapse of the system banking will make money paper will not work again and we will re-use dinar and a dirhams. therefore, tidka hurt start mengemaskan paper money US. "will come in an age to human. whoever has no money yellow (dinar) and also the money White (dirham), then it will not get the ease in life." (HR. ATH-thabrani) "will come to the human, a time where useless in that time except dinar and a dirhams." (HR. Ahmad) 4. prepare tools household manual as described above, the death of technology makes we live as the first, then it prepare tools household manual, such as: stove manual, lighters, wax, lights paste, kerosene. 5. prepare tools surviver manual we don't know what will happen later, a clear we should prepare tools survival manual, such as a wide range of rope and tent. 6. mask and glasses swimming disaster dukhan a disaster with black smoke thick and concentrated. therefore, be sure we prepare the means to protect the body of exposure to harmful substances. 7. weapons manual and clothes anti sharp weapon the number of crime in that time, so that we must provide the weapons manual and also the dress anti sharp weapon to protect yourself. 8. tool thibbun nabawi treatment manual also needed, Karen atidak there are more hospitals that operates so that we must master the treatment thibbun nabawi, such as: cupping and the like. when already get info official that soon there will be a meteor rammed Earth and existing gonjang-ganjing in Saudi Arabia, then immediately prepare a few things this: 1. emigrated to rural, because people who suffer most when it happens dukhan is the urban. 2. form the community, for example set up a land where gathered believers mutually protect each other. because the number of crime, even mentioned neighbors will heart to come to other neighbors to kill each other for the sake of food. if you have a neighbor believers, then it can be minimized. 3. soon selling assets technology-based and switch by buying dinar and a dirhams or gold. we wish to understand the important things that should be prepared to face the end times above, we more spirited again in the increases faith and Taqwa to God taala. may Allah keep US and strengthen the US in the face tough times in the end of the time of the future and may Allah save US from defamation-defamation the end of age. here is a backup preparation and practice to face the end of age. preparation of science and faith 1. to explore the ins and outs of defamation the end of age. 2. mengilmui faith and unity based understanding generation salaf and make sure we including as experts monotheism like them. 3. understand the characteristics of the enemies of Islam and make sure we do not among them. 4. understand the characteristics of firqatunnajiyah and thaifah almansurah and make sure our one among them. 5. knowing about defamation duhaima '. preparation material 1. planting dates and provides stock dates knaggy in houses. 2. make spring-spring manual at home. 3. redeem a paper money to gold and silver. 4. prepare an important tool life manual like lights, macis, candles and so on. 5. prepare tools purposes life as a rope, hoe, ax and so on. 6. set up a mask (mask) and glasses swimming. 7. provides tools and medicine-ubatab thibunnabawi like cupping and related. 8. have the tools martial 9. if it is near (existing info from NASA), emigrate to the area high. before that need to be provided region emigrated to believers. selling assets Tech and buy tools manual in addition. preparation of physical and proficiency 1. not fat, berjantung healthy, strong run and climb. 2. expert with science and practical purposes of life. 3. proficient archery and riding. 4. master of science treatment of Islam. 5. studied ruqyah and master the way of use. 6. away from food / drink alcohol 7. do not take drugs Haram or berkimia. 8. get used to take the food Sunnah and herbal Islam. preparation ruhiyah and practice 1. prayer 5 time congregation in mosque. 2. memorized Surah Inter alia-khafi (10 first verse / last) 3. form or join the community of people who are faithful and understand about the end of age. 4. Umrah full month of Ramadan. 5. the pursuit of reward of Friday. 6. always seal or read the Quran with ballot jahr. istiqomah with practice-practice Sunnah most of the reward 1. prayer-prayer circumcision rawatib (qobliah / ba'diyah) 2. tahajud, duha and syuruk 3. fasting Sunnah (Monday Thursday, David and others) practice pembenteng most powerful in the end 1. charity and infaq 2. memorized sebanyaknya Surah and verses Quran 3. prayer to strong face of the enemy. 4. prayer and dhikr destroy the power of the enemy. hopefully useful and capable injected with a passion for immediate preparation of science, faith, practice and supplies survival manual.

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