Other Side Of Fatigue Or How To Feel Better

in #life7 years ago

Fatigue, and how to fight it? With chronic fatigue, the value of rest can not be overestimated!

It happens that there is a family, friends, a favorite work or study, the usual rhythm of life, but at some point a person begins to feel tired. Hands fall, there is no desire to do anything, the joy of life dims, there is a feeling that you are running in a vicious circle, routine and annoying. In general, fatigue.

So much advices already written on the topic, so I'll try not to repeat. Perhaps the main thing is to understand the cause of your fatigue? Do not immediately torment yourself with questions about how to get rid of chronic fatigue, improve your mood and begin to feel the joy of life.

First of all tell yourself STOP! Realize what exactly bothers you, why strength and joy flow away somewhere.

There are several main reasons:

  • physical fatigue,

  • emotional fatigue,

  • it's time to change something in life.

Physical fatigue.

Very often you can see that modern people are trying to "make it all", "make all the money", that is, they take on more than they can do, overpower (or, at least, can not stay in the chosen rhythm for a long time). Many people start to feel guilty or feel that they are standing still, waste time if they do not do something every minute if they just sat down to rest! This is a permanent job, household chores, some worries, a lot of necessary, urgent business.

Everything would be fine, but the person is not a machine (and in the car and in that the parts wear out, the charge and fuel run out). In order to have the strength and desire to do something - a person just needs to take energy from somewhere. No dope, supernova drugs and vitamins will not replace you full rest. Fatigue tends to accumulate, and your body will wear out and hurt, if the activity does not alternate with relaxation, work - with rest.

As many people try to replace a full rest, for example, a dream, mugs of coffee (or other dope), cigarettes, pills for "vivacity." Do not deceive yourself. All these tricks only harm your body, especially with prolonged use. The organism will still take its own, only it can make you rest, giving you illness or other life circumstances. So is not it easier to afford to rest regularly? Just get enough sleep or, at least, sleep more - go to bed early on weekdays, and on the weekend generally get up when your body itself says that it's enough sleep. Sometimes you need to put aside your household chores and take a walk in the evening, or just lie / take a bath in the bathtub. If you think that you do not have time to walk - open the windows wide in the apartment and breathe air, sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Teach yourself to do a little exercise in the morning (at least 5 minutes), and a little workout of the neck, shoulders, arms, waist during the day. We often uncomfortable / wrong sitting, walking, lying, or just sitting a lot, because of our daily activities. Charging and warming up is a compensation to these "irregularities", this allows us to feel cheerful, get rid of back pain, neck and joints, and prevent them. It would be wonderful to walk more often - it's good and useful activity, it perfectly removes emotional fatigue. If you have the opportunity to exercise regularly, yoga - it's generally good for health - a person's muscular activity is important to a man, especially as a change of activity (if your work is related mainly to mental activity, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting!).

Emotional fatigue.

A person can not constantly be in a state of tension, constantly being extremely collected, very active. If you listen to yourself, it becomes clear that at some point we get tired of "urgent" cases, from duties, from the need to solve some issues, to bear responsibility, to run, to answer calls, and in general from life on schedule. I'm not saying that we should encourage fatal idleness and irresponsibility! I'm simply saying that a person needs rest from his deeds, from a daily round of affairs.

Even if we ourselves have chosen certain deeds and responsibilities, a certain rhythm of life, even if this is an interesting work or study, then in time there may still be a feeling that you do not belong to yourself, that you simply have to obey the chosen schedule that you can not get off from this path. In general - the fatigue of all even the most interesting. I do not propose to change the life at the root - to leave work or to drop out of school. I just say that you do not need to get yourself into a state of fatigue when there is apathy and nothing brings happy!

It is necessary to increase diversity into your life. It is necessary to disconnect from all cases from time to time, to arrange a full-fledged weekend. Turn off the phone so that you do not need to make or receive calls, so you do not have to solve some issues - almost all cases can wait until everyday. You need to have a full weekend, when you decide where to go and what to do, when you do not have to get up on the alarm clock, you do not have to run anywhere, when everything can be done slowly and with pleasure, or do nothing at all. But also on weekdays there should be time for rest, there should be a personal time - for favorite things (lie in a bath, read a book, watch a movie, chat with a loved one, with friends ...). In general, as for favorite things (besides studying and working , Even if they are in joy) - be sure to find time for them. Personally, I (and I think many) in the stream of affairs, if I do not find time for myself, self-development, entertainment and recreation, there may be a feeling that I miss something in life, something important and interesting I do not have time. And this negatively affects my mood, does not allow me to fully experience the joy of life. It would be nice to go to theaters, theaters, exhibitions from time to time (although it's interesting for you, maybe you would like to dance with pleasure - this is a good energy release and a charge of good mood). Just take the time to walk, sit with your loved one in a cafe, or just sit at home together and discussing what you are interested in, remembering something ...

What else do you usually not have time for? Maybe you need to visit the beauty salon for a long time, change the haircut, make a daytime make-up, update the wardrobe, but all there is no time - arrange for a weekend trip to the shops, try on different images, change and have fun! Or maybe you have long wanted to cook something delicious and arrange a romantic evening - take time and do it, come up with something unusual, spend even a little more time, but make yourself and your loved ones pleasant, something new that will help you so To relieve the feeling of fatigue. Do not make life a routine, a boring monotony. Find time to communicate with your friends. Meet, go somewhere together, invite them to visit or visit them at a party, just call them or write a letter. A wonderful vacation is a change of scenery. Depending on your abilities and the time of year - this can be a trip to another city, to a resort, to the forest with a tent, to the lake for fishing, to the beach, to a picnic park. Even 1-2 days spent outside the house are charged with emotions, give new impressions and help fresh eyes to look at seemingly familiar things (of course, I mean rest on the nature, time at a party or at a resort) and get rid of fatigue.

Substantial changes in life.

In rare cases, but still it happens that you have a rest morally and physically, you try to rest regularly and bring a pleasant variety, but something gnaws at you, something does not give you joy. Then you should look more closely at your life and ask yourself questions. Why am I so tired? What do I dislike about my life, work or study, in everyday life? What do I lack to feel joy? Or that it is necessary to change, remove from my present life? Answering the questions - act.

Find time to relax, get rid of fatigue and appreciate your life, get pleasure from it.

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