Daily Thoughts - 29 Nov 17 - Homesteading Today...

in #life7 years ago

Hello my fellow Steemians! :D

It’s a grey, gloomy and wet morning out here today, I hope it doesn’t stay that way all day.

The poor girls are soaked. Belle was standing at the barn door waiting to go in, but I had to tell her it wasn’t time yet. She looked at me for a minute then turned, flicked her tail at me and went to get a drink from the buckets I refilled before I went into the barn. :D

Candy (above) and Princess (below) ignored me on my way into the barn, but when I came back with my second refill of the water buckets Candy came over to see me. :D

The boys, Joker (left) and Buddy (right), were silly today, they spilled their calf starter while they were rough housing in their stall, so I had to refill their dish. I’m kind of sad that their horns are starting to come through, its not going to be fun if they keep up with the head butts once their horns are out. To be honest, its not fun now, they are a lot stronger than they look. :D
Yay! The sun has come out! :D So nice when it comes out and the temperature is pretty a lovely 4 degrees. :D I wish this was the temperature all winter long, but it won’t last long on the plus side of zero up here.

Well I made it into town and I remembered to pick up my husband’s wing for his glasses this time. :D Drove home in a sun shower. I don’t mind sun showers at all. :D

I wore my Steemit t-shirt (thanks again for the lovely present @papa-pepper) to town today because I was hoping someone might ask me about it, but no one did this time, maybe next time I wear it. :D I took a selfie with me and my shirt, before I headed into town, but I couldn’t figure out how to get my face and the shirt in the picture, so I got the important part, the t-shirt instead. :D I could hear the boys bawling for their lunch bottle while I was taking this picture, but they don’t get one anymore. I feel bad when I hear them crying, like I’m starving them, makes me feel for the poor boys. :D
I finished my Christmas shopping today. I have one item that is on order and being shipped up from Moncton, but it will be here next week or the week after and just needs to be wrapped after I pick it up and get it home. :D I only got a couple small presents or one bigger present for the kids and my husband, but I can’t say what because they may read my blog. :D I’ve got to figure out what to bake, I plan to bake some cookies, but I might, if I get some energy, also make a coffee cake, everyone likes it here, just don’t tell my husband, in case the energy isn’t there, I don’t want to tell him and then not make them. :D

The girls, Candy (foreground) and Belle (background), were hanging around outside the barn this afternoon, just chilling. :D

All our puppy dogs, Tiny (out of frame), Shadow (left foreground), Mya (left background), Lady (right background), Karma (right center) and Dakota (right foreground), all enjoyed their outdoor time today, especially once the rain stopped and they were even lounging in the warmth of the sun while enjoying the breeze outside. :D It was a beautiful afternoon out. :D I was wearing just a t-shirt all afternoon because the sun warmed the house up so much. :D It was a balmy 8 degrees out, which was a nice treat. :D

I spoke to my daughter today. (Sorry this is an old photo, but I couldn’t find all the ones from more recently, its like they went poof into cyberspace, technology loves me so. :D) She lives down in Fredericton. She told me she lost all her cute little winter hats, you know the types with penguin faces, etc… but when she got to college today, she was lucky enough to find two of her missing hats. :D She was so happy. Its funny how much the little things like silly hats with penguin faces (or in my case, a unicorn) mean to us. I don’t think its so much the items themselves, but more the memory of when we received them, at least for me it is. :D

I’m a bit sad that its getting dark already, its only 1545 and I’ve got to turn the lights on, that is kind of sad. Oh well, at least I got some sunshine for a few hours today and the temperature was above zero all morning and afternoon, so I’m not going to complain. :D
I’m going to feed the boys in an hour and then I’ll have to start our supper to get it ready in time for my husband and son to get home from work. :D I think its going to be a steak, onions and green peppers, with fries night. :D If I remember I’ll even take a picture of it to include in this post…the odds are not in my favor though, I’m very forgetful when it comes to taking pictures of what I cook for some reason…probably because I’m not a great cook. :D LOL. :D (I forgot to take the picture as you can see by the fact that I didn’t include it in this post. :D)
Oh man, its snowing now. Welcome to Canada, if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes, it’ll change. :D LOL. :D

The barn door was stuck so I had to put the bottles down. After I got the door open I turned to grab the bottles and this is what I saw…Candy, with some fresh snowflakes on her neck, trying to steal a bottle. :D Silly girl. :D

Here’s Candy enjoying her oats. :D

Belle was enjoying her oats as well. :D

Here’s our little Princess eating her hay. :D

Our boys, Buddy (background) and Joker (foreground), enjoying a post bottle snack of calf starter, yum, at least to them. :D LOL. :D
Here are a couple pictures of our sunset tonight, the rest were too blurry to share. :D

Picture 1.

Picture 2.
That was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D


Hello from Newfoundland. Love your post @frostyamber. Love hearing about your little friends :) If you I saw someone wandering around town with a Steemit shirt I would dance a jig :) Great work. Following and UV ;)DQmPnCRpHLS6xVXhb4uDtNTetygqfquhyexDzjtcD3KWoqX.jpeg

Hello @buckdurddle, love your name! Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it. :D I know right, I think it would be very cool to be walking through town and see someone else with a Steemit shirt on! I'd be like, hey, I'm a Steemian too! :D LOL. :D Welcome to my blog, thanks for the UV. Have an awesome day my friend! :D

This post received a 20% vote by @msp-canada courtesy of @buckydurddle from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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Oh my goodness, thanks so much! :D

Very touching to glimpse into your life, such a fresh change from looking at the crypto price. Thanks for the reality check, love the way you care for your livestock, so glad there are people like you out there :)

Thank you very much. I always worry that I'm going to bore my followers writing about our little homestead here and its always lovely to hear that people like it, especially since I've only been blogging since I joined Steemit in June. I didn't think I'd do well, to be honest, thought I'd have about four or five followers and now I'm over 300, so I'm super excited. :D
Life is a lot more interesting with the animals in it than it was when we didn't have them. That is the honest to God truth. :D It was a bit hard in the beginning, but now 10 years down the road I can't imagine our lives without them now. We've gone from chickens, to pigs and chickens, to chickens and goats, to chickens, pigs, and cows, and right now just the chickens and the cows. We'll be getting another pig next spring if we're blessed to find one at a decent price. :D Have an awesome day! :D

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