Daily Thoughts - 11 Dec 17 - Homesteading Today...

in #life7 years ago

Hello my fellow Steemians! :D It’s a cold -12 degrees here this morning and there isn’t any sunshine, hopefully it’ll come out by this afternoon. :D

The puppy dogs have been enjoying their play time outside on and off today. Every time the puppy dogs come back in everyone just plops down and falls asleep. :D Here’s Dakota (left) and his son Shadow (right) sharing the couch with me.

Lady (background) and Tiny (foreground) decided they’d sleep in front of the wood stove. :D

Mya (background) and her mom Karma (foreground) ended up sharing the chair so they could keep watch on the other puppy dogs, the road in front of our house and me. :D Each time they came back in they would switch the rotation. It was kind of cute. :D

The girls were thirsty this morning. My husband brought them water before he left for work and they wanted more when I went out to feed the boys their bottles, so of course I lugged over three more buckets of water. Belle (left) and Candy (center) drank most of it while Princess (right) just kept eating the hay. :D

The boys, Buddy (foreground) and Joker (background) were energetic today, they wanted to play, and I let them run up and down the barn while I was cleaning out their stall. :D It sure made it much easier to get their stall mucked out, that’s for sure. :D After I got their stall cleaned, their hay feeder and calf starter dish refilled and let them back into the stall, the boys went straight for the calf starter. :D
It was a quiet day on the homestead, no escapees today, thankfully. :D I did have to run into town to get another bag of calf starter for the boys’ supper feeding, but at least I had a bit of sunshine for the drive to town and back. I finished off the last bag refilling their dish this morning. :D

I think its funny how Joker (background) and Buddy (foreground) seem to alternate who gets to get into the refilled dish of calf starter first. This morning it was Joker first, but tonight it was Buddy. :D Joker is about a half foot taller than Buddy so you’d think he’d be the boss out of the two of them but Buddy holds his own when he wants to. :D

Its funny how the girls know when its getting close to time to head into the barn for the night. They spend their day out wandering in the back, but as soon as the sun even thinks of lowering slightly they show up. I took this picture and didn’t realize Princess was peeking around the trailer on the left and Candy was peeking around it on the right (until I saw the picture), but Belle was just chilling over by the hay (it was her I went to take the picture of), waiting for us to come let them into the barn. :D
I took a few nice shots of our sunset tonight to share. I hope you like them. :D

Picture 1.

Picture 2.

Picture 3.
I think Picture 3 is my favorite of the ones I took tonight. :D
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

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