Daily Thoughts - 02 Apr 18 - Homesteading Today...

in #life6 years ago

Good Morning, Steemians! :D

I woke up to sunshine this morning, YAY! :D The piglets are enjoying their breakfast with the sun shining into their stall through their flip door. :D They’re going to be having a lot more time outside today since the wind isn’t as strong or as cold as it was yesterday. :D

Pinky (background) and Junior (foreground) searching for any of the oatmeal that was spilled during breakfast. :D

Lil’ Miss came over to see what I was doing, she started chewing on my boot as I was trying to get a clear picture of the herd in the pasture, LOL. :D

Junior (left) and Pinky (right) have now joined in the boot biting game, which isn’t fun when they bite down, their jaws are already very strong. I’d hate for them to try biting my boot as full grown adults, ouch, unless my boots were steel-toed, LOL. :D

Lil’ Miss (left background), Pinky (right background) and Junior (foreground) were all searching for missed treats again when I left the barn after chores were done. :D

The herd, Candy (1), Princess (2), Belle (3), Buddy (4), Joker (5) have all finished their cold beverages and are working on their breakfast hay, while my son grabs the empty buckets in the first picture. All the cattle getting ready for a nap, Candy and Buddy are still finding their perfect spot to lay down, but the rest of the herd have all claimed their spots already, LOL. :D

Our lovely Karma trying to convince me to let her out off the leash, but after she took off and wouldn’t come when called last night she’s out of luck on that no matter how pretty she sits, LOL. :D

This was the view of the moon in the sky from my front steps last night while I was waiting for our handsome grand-puppy Shadow to come in for the night. :D I thought it was pretty and I hope you like it too. :D

Here’s what the sky looked like from our side steps this afternoon, pretty too, at least I think so. :D I hope the clouds don’t block the sun out before I can get some sunset pictures tonight. :D

Time to put the herd to bed and get everyone settled in for the night. :D

Junior (left), Lil’ Miss (right background), and Pinky (right foreground) enjoying their supper by sunset. :D

Here come Belle (1), Princess (2), Candy (3), Joker (4), and of course Buddy (5) bringing up the rear. Our handsome boy Buddy’s got one speed at bedtime, slow, LOL. :D

The whole herd is by the barn, now we just need them all to have a drink and they can go inside to enjoy their supper. :D

Sunset 1.

Sunset 2

Sunset 3.

Sunset 4.

Sunset 5.

Sunset 6.

Sunset 7.

Sunset 8.
Well that was our day here. How is/was yours? I hope you have/had an awesome day! :D

Anyone else interested in a badge like this? Contact @daddykirbs for a custom badge of your own. :D


I love those pictures that you have been posted.
I like the farm animals, they are my favorite.
Thank you so much for share this. :D

Thank you for taking the time to visit, read my post, and make a comment. :D
That is so nice of you to say, thanks, we love them all, no matter how much trouble they can get into sometimes, LOL. :D Please feel free to visit again anytime. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

There is a reason why this homesteader wears heavy leather work boots and yes, even steel toed ones sometimes. LOL I have had a few toes broken in my time. Love the afternoon sky shot. It is beautiful.

Welcome back lovely lady! :D
I've never worn steel-toed anything, my feet are almost always freezing and I couldn't even imagine how cold they'd be in something steel-toed. Ouch, broken toes would be no fun at all. :( How long did it take to heal, if you don't mind my asking? I'm only asking because the girls have come very close to stepping on my foot a couple of times and its always good to know in advance the approximate heal time in case they get me. :D LOL. :D
Thank you very much, I thought it was a pretty one too, but my son didn't think much of it though, LOL. :D
God bless you and your fantastic family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

It took a couple of months to heal completely. Couldn't wear shoes for the first month because of the swelling. And they were so pretty as the bruising healed...the black, blue, purple and yellow-green. LOL Had a Clydesdale horse accidently step on them. Saw stars for a few minutes...

I bruise a lot so I'm quite familiar with that particular color sequence. :D
I bet you saw stars, oh my land, Clydesdale's are huge. I'd probably say more than a few choice curse words if that happened to me, LOL. :D

Very pretty! What kind of pigs are those?

Thank you for taking the time to visit, read my post, and make a comment. :D
That is very nice of you to say, thank you. :D They are mixed breed piglets. :D They are going to be a handful this summer, no matter what breed they are, LOL. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

Thank you again. :D God bless our military members, past, present, and future, and their families. :D

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