Making Sense - emotion as a programming language - part 3

in #life7 years ago


Belief can turn our lives into a series of addictive behavoirs. We may be able to update some of the more obviously dysfunctional or limiting pieces of code, for new “empowering” or “positive” stories. Yet they remain what they are, programs that shape our decisions and actions and ultimately alter the way we relate with the world around and inside of us.

This is not to say that belief is bad, for that would also be a belief, can you see how tricky this gets?

For the sake of exploration allow me to posit that:
We store memory as skill or as knowledge, ( no ledger required?)

Skill requires sensitivity because it is relational, it is action that moves gracefully with the unfolding situation, even as it alters it. As such, this kind of memory is flexible, or it would not be able to receive - it is the vibrating string that is both receiver and transmitter - it exists right in the middle of both past and future.

Stored Knowledge is also relational but without the context, what the hell does that even mean?
What I am suggesting is that knowledge is comprised of pattens that can be applied to many situations.

Skills are embodied
Knowledge is dis-embodied? (we will come back to this, its critical)

Knowledge lacks context, so that it can be applied to situations that have vastly different properties (textures).

Knowledge alows us to have pattern recognition, it is all about relationship, yet it is devoid of actual relationship.

Knowledge allows us to share what others have learned from their direct or indirect experiences. The more unspecified the better - consider math which is totally abstract and can be applied in infinate ways across unlimited disciplines.

For knowledge to serve us, it needs to be updatable, expandable, verifiable and flexible, in other words...applicable. We need to be able to apply it in an environment that is dynamic and complex. Knowldge has to be as flowing and expansive as the environment from which it emerged.

To understand how to apply knowledge, to be able to predict the consequences of using it to alter what would otherwise occur. That is impossible, for in an infinitely connected world, there are too many variables. Great skill is required, much practice is needed, the quality of the experience gained is dependant on our sensitivity - feed back.

A great artist or engineer who is also an effective teacher may be able to pass much to a gifted student. We often do not have time or patience for that kind of education however, so we take short cuts.

We both give and accept teaching in an abbreviated form - we accpet the knowledge without having testing it, without the full richness of three dimensional five sensual experience. We believe it rather than living it.
We trust these beliefs even though we have not personally tested them in a variety of situations.

Now that is fine, we can run a temporary belief and so long as it is functional, we can always test it on the run, update it as we gain the rich textures of context.

Many times I have found myself re-running some “up-setting” event from my past, one of those “he said, she said, so I said” scenarios.

Many times I have noticed that keep re-playing different versions of the original event where I said or did something different.

Maybe its just me, but I find myself re-living these alternate fantasies rather a lot, particularly when I wanted to be focused on something know a minor thing, like the real relationships of the present moment lol.

The cells of my poor ole body, meanwhile are pumping out adrenaline, shutting down immune function, they may of even stopped checking the way new protiens are folding, they are in a full blown emergency...while I am taking a shower, walking on the beach or supposedly listening to a loved one.

Perhaps these “thoughts” are even being thrown up into my awareness by my immune system? Perhaps its my bodies way of saying “ how dingbat, you wanna re-process this piece of code, cos it sure is using a lot of energy?”.

These kind of thoughts are stories - they are created when I allow an opinion or assumption to “motivate” my actions. It’s like a piece of bad code or a virus in my operating system.

So however did “I” come to trust these pieces of code?
Without vigorously testing them in the fires of experience?
Why was I tempted to use these un tempered reactions?

That is a story for another day, hope your still enjoying the journey, thank you for joining me.

Your comments help to bring more perspectives to thes posts, I enjoy all of them, especially the ones that challenge, where I may by trying to sell you an untested piece of code lol....

Enjoy your day, feel your way =8-P

For knowledge to serve us, it needs to be updatable, expandable, verifiable and flexible, in other words...applicable.

So to put it simply, we have to keep on learning always as there are really changes in our immediate environment that we need to cope up with all the time.

Many times I have found myself re-running some “up-setting” event from my past, one of those “he said, she said, so I said” scenarios. Many times I have noticed that keep re-playing different versions of the original event where I said or did something different.

And these are the moments I'm not necessarily fond of, it gives form to the usual "what if", "it should've been", and the like, and we'll just hope that it won't keep on playing in our heads and let us fall victim to the notorious feeling of regret.

Yes that is what I was trying to share
So glad you were able to follow my train wreck of though lol..
thank you reading and your insightful comment

"We both give and accept teaching in an abbreviated form - we accpet the knowledge without having testing it, without the full richness of three dimensional five sensual experience. We believe it rather than living it.
We trust these beliefs even though we have not personally tested them in a variety of situations."
You're right. We, really, initially accept other people's beliefs, skills, knowledge. We believe in someone else's experience and other people's knowledge. A person always learns from other people's knowledge and skills. But then people interpret this knowledge and skills for their situation, change them, possibly change their skills and beliefs, because all people are individual and can not equally use all known knowledge. The only condition is that a person should have a normal intellect, a desire to develop it and use the acquired knowledge and skills correctly for himself.

so glad you totally get it, thank you for hanging with me, I know in my previous posts it might look as though I am saying thinking is bad. There is no good or bad, just different outcomes. I want to understand the whole process better.

I respect people who have their opinions, even if this opinion differs from my views. I gladly read your articles, learn something new for myself. It turns out everything, as you write in your post - we learn and get other people's knowledge, skills and experience :)) I get new knowledge from you :)) And I'm interested. I like it when there are opposing opinions - then it's interesting to talk with a person.

If I find that if I am upset, then it is usually because my belief has been challenged and that it is central to my sense of being a valuable person - that will probably be the last chapter in this series.

This whole thing is probably about trying to cure myself of the need to control other peoples opinions - in other words, to sit with my fear and own it.

That would be respectful, that is who I want to be
When I can fully enjoy other people who hold opinions, without making that wrong, then perhaps I can stop trying to "solve" life and really live it.

still got that headache, perhaps why I am not joking so much today.
thanks as always :)

It is difficult to control other people, it is almost impossible. Each person has his own individual beliefs, which he acquired from the accumulated knowledge. And this knowledge is stored in their memory. You can not completely influence the adult person. Only children are susceptible to mental control, because they have not yet developed a psyche and we, adults, can influence the child's psyche. When you try to control an adult person, try to convince him, you take away your energy and get negative results - for example, a headache. Relax and remove the tension and you will feel better.

Yep - been banging my head against that particular wall for quite a while now.

This writing was supposed to be a fun exploration
Underneath that is this story about saving nature from man's irresponsible application of clever knowledge

in other words - control based on a righteous opinion :)

lets see if I can take my own medicine lol

relax oooohhhhhhmmmm

Thanks :)

" control based on a righteous opinion :)"
This is another situation. Here control is needed to improve the situation. And the more people control, the more positive the result will be. It all depends on what to monitor. If control is solely in the interests of one person to change the convictions of another person - I believe it is useless to waste your time and energy. If for protection, for example, nature - it is necessary and important.


By gaining enough knowledge in a particular field, we become a skilled person in that particular field, and we become capable of teaching it to others. Thank you.

teaching is so interesting.
We need to put ourselves into the students perspective so that we can select an appropriate metaphor.
in doing so we gain the gift of a deeper understanding of the subject
Teaching is the gift we give to ourselves, especially with children as we get that opportunity to experience being un-conditioned again. so fresh and playful, so fearless and curious.

I guess one reason I try to write all this down is to locate the holes in my understanding, building a more flexible foundation from which the next question can arise.

thank you, it is fun to at last be able to share this

"I've got nothing to teach, I can only provide my students the conditions to learn"

  • Albert Einstein

I hope I can give up the addiction to teaching as a form of control
I love writing, because one can take or leave it
my greatest desire is to explore this
I now have the time and energy to do that
It is not teaching, I have too much respect for readers, to call it that
Its just me-search
peeling away the beliefs that crash rather than glide
so much beauty, why hide?

so true :))

very interesting content. like it. thanks for sharing.

Tell me more about it

most of my posts revolve around this theme,
I have probably written about 20 of them now.
perhaps it will lead to something new or at least a deeper understanding

mostly though it is good to write it down here instead of trying to force it upon unsuspecting family members lol...

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