Making Sense - emotion as a programming language - part 1

in #life7 years ago


We respect athletes and artists because their gestures are fluid and effective, they embody sensitivity without fear. They exhibit trust in themselves and in their understanding or mastery of their chosen activity.

Whatever the situation, the opportunity and the the dangers are flowing in and around us. Our response will be determined by how we apply the resources that are available.

We can stop and think about how to do that, but then we risk being too slow.
So we develop skills, body memories, so that functional action is automatic,
So that action flows out of stimulus seamlessly.

Great artists spend years practicing and refining their movements until they use the minimal force to create the most beautiful outcomes.

What is a beautiful outcome and why might it be a minimal expression of force for a maximum benefit?
All is energy, and energy is dynamic, flowing, waving in fact, ....groovy huh?
The only way to know energy is as a flow, the only way is through our senses, through resonance. Through being moved, through allowing, ( I almost wrote acceptance, but any more “spiritual” cliches and I am gonna toss my cookies ha ha)

Is a vibrating guitar string separate from the energy that is moving it?
Is it both the cause and the effect, is it happening outside of time?
Is time even possible without memory?

What is memory?
A memory is a fixed reference, stored either in our synapses or our fascia, perhaps both.
Don’t ask me how, but I am guessing it is done with an electrical charge.
What is important is that memory is different to what is happening outside our skins, otherwise it would serve no purpose.
Memory is the opposite of resonance - it either does not move or it moves at a different rate to stimulus. This relative “density” or resistance to motion gives it the illusion of matter - we think memories matter lol..

Still with me? - sorry this cooks ma lil brain also. (Ketones and caffeine help)

The Ocean moves with the wind - wind is created by hot air rising and being replaced with cold air. Heat emanates from the center of the Earth and the sun - probably due to the gravity forcing stuff together. Whatever...Gravity, moves through water because water does not have enough density to resist. (If it did maybe it would get hot?).

We could say that the ocean waves because it allows gravity to move through it, but has enough density that its molecules are still moved.

Those waves do not break, they are in fact a gentle ebb and swell until they become squeezed into a smaller space. They only go vertical and fall over when they bump into the land. The land is dense, so the energy is forced upwards, the water bounces back off the land and the opposing forces cancel each other out until there is no movement. A state of balance is returned, there is no movement at the point of balance, because all is in equilibrium.

Now waves of energy are still flowing, but no movement occurs until there is some difference in the density of the medium they are flowing through. This difference is the potential for movement. The potential of different rates of movement allows the possibility of relative density. (we all have some relatively dense relatives, In my family I am honored to play that role ha ha I made a funny!)

These patterns of density are what form the arrangement of electrical charge into the various elements of matter, which eventually become the building blocks of life.

So the energy is flowing through the water, great, then it hits an ice-berg. If that ice-berg can “bob” (no offense Robert) their is no splash, if that iceberg can not sway with the swell, the water will crash into it (bob will get wet). If that iceberg is fixed to the ocean floor or so damn heavy that it just does not move. You get a bigger splash.

So when the waves of energy - (light, sound and pressure), move through our sensory organs, through all our tissues in fact. We will not even notice them if we are not holding some amount of tension. Hold just enough, and you will “feel” the environment as an expression of movement. Hold more than that and you will be moved.

Force is transferred with violence (violation) equal to the density of the material it encounters.

Are You ready?
Memory is density - it is that which can not move.
Memory is rigidity
Memory is tension
Either the lightest of electrical charges, or the ease with which the fibers of our connective tissues slide past each other.

All the information about our situation is available through our cells ability to be moved - to resonate.
Our ability to move and respond to that situation is available from our ability to resist and either be carried, or to generate force, through contracting muscle fibers.

While we remain tense or rigid, we are, to a degree desensitized to our environment, because we are no longer allowing it to move us. "sense is resonance"

A skill is the ability to either alternately tense and feel or to understand how our tension is altering the flow of energy and force. So long as we understand our relationship to our situation we can trust that the outcome wont hurt us or those we care about.

Fear arises when we either do not trust or accept the situation we find ourselves in.
Skill and understanding prevent or alleviate fear by allowing us to move effectively, to gain what we need and avoid harm.
Skill is body memory, it is stored in our connective tissues, the fascia that coats every muscle fibre, the skin of our bones, our arteries and our nerves. Like the guitar string it both moves and emanates, it receives and it gives. Like the ice-berg it either sways or it crashes. It either takes shape or creates shape. Through our gesture, our body language, it both in-forms others and receives emotional in-form-ation.

How was that? I know it is really hard to follow, Also I can not see you, so I can not gauge where I have lost you and need to try a different metaphor.

If we can reach an understanding here, it gets way better.
Next stop is trust - the concept and how it can both enrich us or create immense suffering.

empowerment without the need to control is a beautiful thing, I trust it is worth the journey we are trying to make here.


Thanks for talk about memory, skill and fear. You have beautifully described memory. Thank you once again.

so glad you were able to follow my dodgy logic, this forms the foundation for where I would like to go next.
I learn so much from the ocean, out there is an experience rather than just an ephemeral concept
thank you also!

Is a vibrating guitar string separate from the energy that is moving it?

No. Everything is in contact with eachother. Everything is itnerlinked/interconnected.

Notice; Your skin touches air, air touches string, string touches guitar, and so on...

We are in touch with everything and everything is in touch with us.

Memory is the opposite of resonance - it either does not move or it moves at a different rate to stimulus.

You just reminded me about frequency of vibration/wave(s)... It might be that when someone loses memory, it is still there but vibrates at a lower frequency ...

This might explain the link between the appliance of an electrical stimulation to the brain... to remember something specific that you cannot remember naturally... or enhance brain power...

Neuroscientists Discover Trick to Enhancing Memory Recollection with Electric Stimulus to Brain

memory is not the opposite of resonance - but it does alter it.
there is incredible response -ability in this

I am avoiding the specifics so that I can float freely around the edges
your comments are really helpful - thank you

Analytical discussions have been discussed. thank you for share.

that is the funny part
we either feel and accept what is
or we decide what to do about it
in deciding what to do, we go into memory, into mind into analysis
in doing so we go out of relationship with now,
we then try to control from a place of dis-relationship
that creates a world where nature is no longer doing what it was
the ebbs and flow become swellings and deserts
we take information and create inflammation
however that is not good or bad
its just what spirits do in the material world lol..
we shake it up, make a mess, get dirty, have a party
sometimes we stick around and clean up
sometime we don't

All mental processes are interrelated with the physical processes of man. Like everything in nature. Memory is very important for a person. All the skills and knowledge a person keeps in his memory. Thanks to such a natural repository, a person can correctly navigate in life situations, make the right decisions. Memory stores events that can cause fear in a person, but can help him to act quickly in dangerous and difficult situations.

yes, language separates for convenience and I love that, but it also can deceive us into thinking there is a separate this and that, that they have different values and that one action is better than another.
we can become frozen in indecision or lost in alternate versions of one reality..
man, words are just impossible lol..
thanks for playing along ha ha

"we can become frozen in indecision or lost in alternate versions of one reality.."
You very well and correctly said. Indecisiveness and get lost - these actions can either help a person or play a bad joke with him.

its so easy to get lost in this stuff, sensing directly without the filter of my mind is where I find joy.

These words are another game I play, to leave the senses and enter the mind, to put together these sentences can become another struggle where I get lost, in such cases, seeing the joke is the door out again.

There is a way to think without becoming lost - a way to think and remain in flow - to access flow without having to jump out of a plane or down a cliff.

so funny that humour is the larger part of it.

Correctly. A person should always think before doing something, especially if the situation is dangerous and difficult. But sometimes a person does not have time to think and he starts to act quickly and rely on his instincts and perceptions. Here memory helps, skills are included.

that opens the door to areas beyond my understanding
I look forward to stumbling though it with you :)

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