The Soul Sucker

in #life7 years ago

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The Soul Sucker

I hate my job
It sucks my soul out through my ears each day
There's no question it's not worth the pay

It's driving me mad
Depressing my greatest hopes and dreams
I'd rather be writing novels about aliens on moonbeams

I wear a white shirt and neck tie
It may as well be a noose
For my mind is rotting slowly for people so obtuse

Free In Thought

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I absolutely love this post and your poem. I can so relate to you. It feels like our creativity and talent is wasted away at jobs we aren’t truly passionate about. The way I see it.. when we work for someone else we are working for their dreams and neglecting our own.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

I love the way you summarized it so succintly:

when we work for someone else we are working for their dreams and neglecting our own

Well said!

Great poem,@freeinthought. I especially liked the last part about the neck tie being like a noose. I thought maybe it was so constrictive it made you hallucinate, and the lack of oxygen was rotting your brain slowly.

Shitty jobs suck. I feel like by contributing, writing, and making attempts in your free time to pursue your dreams you're taking the first steps. Many people simply do not do, they just complain. You are doing! Keep it up!

I like how you take action on your thoughts that you share here, and continue writing. The worst is not writing at all but wanting to.

I liked the image of your soul being sucked out through your ears. HAHA, like a vacuum cleaner or the air conditioning in reverse just hoovering souls through ears. Do you aim one ear up at the ceiling to make it hurt less coming out?

Ever write any stories of alien moon walkers? I'd be interested in reading :)
Thanks again.

Thank you so much for the encouragement.

I will keep writing. I found as I write more and more, not only do I improve but I'm enjoying it more. And frankly, I'm able to actually envision a time, perhaps not too distant, where my livelihood is earned from writing.

I love sci-fi. I always have. Ever since a small child. I would love to write sci-fi novels. I am working on a book, however it's not sci-fi. It's adult alternative erotica. I'm not sure where it will go but I'm enjoying the process and up to about 150 pages and would like to sell it on Amazon. If you have experience selling books I'd love to hear your tips. I notice you are also an adult fiction writer.

Thanks again. Your words mean a lot to me! :)

Ugh, have you seen my amazon page? It is so easy. Get scrivener. Use that to compile everything. Get someone else (not you to edit), and pay someone to buy cover art. As long as you write to a niche you'll make the monies. Oh, be consistent, and don't fall off the face of the planet for a year (like I did whoops!).

You'll do well! I'd love to read your stuff when you publish. I recommend putting your stuff in Kindle Unlimited. You're exclusive to Amazon, but they're the biggest by far so you're not really losing anything by doing that to begin with.

Thank you so much for the advice. I'll take every tidbit and follow up. I was focusing on Amazon but it seems like a lot to consider even with them. I'll look at Kindle Unlimited for sure.

What's your take on e-book vs print vs both?

I've always been a bit worried to have someone edit it since it's adult fiction and don't want to get too many frowns from close relatives. I suppose there's services for that but will they steal my book and print it themselves (I always worry).

I'm in the process of cover art with a real artist here on Steemit so I'm stoked about that.

Scrivener, I've heard of but I'll look into for sure. I've been using Word so far.

Thanks again and I'll keep you posted. You're awesome!!!

So I downloaded and started using Scrivener. Thanks so much for recommending it @jocelynlily. I really love it. I moved my current manuscript over to it from Word.

I was wondering about E-Book vs. Print book or both though. Do you have experience with that question?

Thank you again!

I'm happy to hear about scrivener. It will seriously help you later when you want to publish.

If you publish with Kindle Select, which you should, there is an option to import your text for ebook (do this first) and then if you want do print. Most indy authors do not do print. I would suggest you get like 7 books out before worrying about print. The single best indicator of a successful author (if you want to sell books) is to keep writing and publishing regularly.

It is easy to do both on Kindle Select. The tutorial just walks you though it. You can even use the same cover art.

You're basically me, we in the same boat, let's get in a new boat with steemit and other online endeavors brudda.

I wanna write on here and some sci-fi/fantasy eventually. And I'm looking for other solid ways of making money with my skill set.

Thanks for stopping and commenting. I hear you. I'm always open to ideas. Let's stay connected at least.

I'm following you now.


Definitely, followed back!

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