Synchronicity (Is someone speaking to me?)

in #life7 years ago

Was that just a weird coincidence, or what?

That feeling. Yes we've all experienced it many times before. Surely coincidences happen and are purely random in nature. But what really should we expect in the way of how many times in a given day or week we experience that feeling?

Some believe that coincidence, or as it is also referred - synchronicity, is an attempt at communication by a very un-corporeal source. But by whom?

Is it our consciousness playing tricks or spirit guides and loved ones who have passed away reaching out to us? Some even claim that spirit beings such as demons, aliens from parallel dimensions and even God can communicate with us from beyond using this technique.

I'm not sure what I believe, but it has certainly been eerie for me these last few weeks. I've had that feeling way more than usual. Enough times that I wish I had been keeping a journal.

I wrote about some of my experiences below and one in particular stands out. It occurred just two days ago. Please tell me what do you think?


Have you been reaching out to me
Through synchronicity
I had a dream recently
So off the wall and obscure
No one would mention what I witnessed
Not in a million years
But the very next day
I have to say
Someone across the planet wrote all about it
As I read the details I was flabbergasted
It was my dream
Something before then I had never seen
But how could they have known
Can they see my dreams
There are many more examples
Just in these last weeks
Perhaps most telling of all
Was what happened just two days prior at the mall

At the bookstore
Leafing through magazines
Something caught my eye
A beautiful leather bound book
On a topic I frankly don't often look
But for a moment I felt inspired to ponder my misdeeds
The cover read, "Jesus Always by Sarah Young"
Its pages calendared
Filled with daily inspiration and motivation
Pleasant but nothing special or so I thought
As I turned to a specific page
The date was February 3rd
And I was not prepared for what I saw

Was my mystery solved
The encoded messages wrapped in coincidence
Were brought sharply into perspective
The title for the day read
"Jesus Calling"
"Faith! Looking at the unseen picture"
I couldn't believe
Were my eyes beginning to deceive
A message from God
I could not know for sure
Perhaps an act of cognitive dissonance
It certainly was an odd coincidence

Free In Thought

As always, I truly appreciate your support and comments. If you feel so inspired, please upvote, comment and resteem.

Images and Audio used are CC0 Public Domain unless noted or clearly original
Writing is original - Always

My D-Tube Channel


I know what you are writing about. Sometimes that feeling gets stronger, sometimes it fades away, but a coincidence is a very interesting result of chain of events :)

Yeah.... I think a couple of times, I've had similar experiences tho. I would dream o something's and probably forget and then when it happens in reality, I'll be like "I think I dreamt of this things"...

Some school of thoughts believe its inspired by " series of thoughts" while others attach it to spiritual credence, but however it is, most times I maintain neutrality...

Thanks for sharing @freeinthought

Very interesting. Hmm. Regarding the topic I don't know. Sure why not. Makes me think of quantum entanglement and how people can be spun up together and think the same thoughts. Like unconscious periods falling in sync when you spend a lot of time with your friends.

I really enjoyed reading the poem. It was like a story. I wanted to see what happened.

While I enjoyed the rhymes they sometimes made the words sound awkward or forced like rearranging natural flow to accomodate the rhyme. It changed some lines to be very passive and strange sounding.

My favorite rhymes where the unplanned or internal rhymes that didn't happen at the end of lines. Well done. Gave it a very lyrical tone.

I wasn't clear exactly what the speakers dream was or what exactly the speaker read or saw in the leather book. Images? Maybe I missed it.

Keep writing! This poem and prelude was enjoyable! Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for great feedback.

While I enjoyed the rhymes they sometimes made the words sound awkward or forced like rearranging natural flow to accomodate the rhyme. It changed some lines to be very passive and strange sounding.

I acknowledge this. I tend to struggle with this sometimes. Maybe I need to worry a bit less on rhyming sometimes and just see what flows out.

Regarding the leather book. It was the coincidence of the fact that on that particular day, Feb 3, I stumbled upon this book and the text written for that particular day was along the lines of Jesus is calling to me and that I need to pay attention to the unseen.

I found it a strange coincidence that mapped exactly with what I had been wondering about lately. That is, do all these darn coincidences mean something and if it's a message from beyond, who's sending it. Interesting at least...

Your words always awaken what my life values truly are. I think you must have been an old soul you seem to be so very in touch with your spirit and soul. My core is my faith in my high power, not a guy up in the sky but an entity more powerful then myself as I am only a mere human there simply had to be something more powerful then me. My God which I define as G ood Orderly Direction is caring and loving and guides me. I believe he puts angels on the earth to cross our paths (all this might sound totally weird but just my belief's). Also I believe our loved ones that have passed their spirits are near helping guide and protect us. Short story before my step-dad (Poppa)passed (cancer) he told me and the kids when I cross over I leave dimes as a sign that I am close at hand. And this is not coincidence but soon after he died we all kept finding dimes but not in the usual we would put our bedsheets back and there was a dime, I would walk past the kitchen and there would not be a dime on the floor next time there was (I live in a condo so pretty small) goes on and on. I have attached the bowl that I put by my front door (letting Poppa know he is welcome). I believe in my Higher Power, Angels and Guardian angels all part of my spirituality and faith and all I know this gives me my inner peace. Thanks for sharing #freedinthoughts.....appreciated.

Wow what a great experience with your Poppa and the dimes. I believe it.

I do also very much believe in God (and angels and demons). I think we as humans often get confused and like to think of God as a him or a masculine (or perhaps a feminine) being. I imagine it helps us relate and understand God more so. I feel that God transcends all of that and encompasses the best of everything, including the masculine and feminine.

I think I've struggled a lot with following the right path and because I feel I am open to change and continuous learning and questioning, I wonder if that makes me more open to receiving such signs like perception of synchronicity. It was no coincidence that I looked at that book about Jesus on that day with the specific message it gave me. There's more to it than simply a random act of nature, that's for sure.

Thank you! :)

Hi friend @freeinthought, that coincidence they say that it does not exist but what a coincidence that you are thinking about something and it suddenly appears hahaha. Thanks for sharing this post

@luisanita, Agreed. I believe it! It's happened way too many times in ways that are highly improbable to believe that it's all randomness. Thanks for the comment!

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