
in #life7 years ago

We Are All Guilty

We have all erected a facade in our lives at some point. Often times we hide behind them.

Sometimes we use them to deceive others. We try to get something we want by creating an illusion. It's a form of sleight of hand. It's trickery.

They may help us cope with a difficult situation or keep mean people at bay. Some say beauty is a facade, as it is only skin deep. Perhaps there's truth in that.

But worst of all is when we begin to believe the facade is actual reality. It's a dangerous slope to ride. It's one that can really lead to bad places.

Be well. Love and peace to everyone!



A beware of dog sign when you don't even own a pet
It's putting lipstick on a pig or fresh coat of paint
To mask the many cracks on the walls as homes are sold each day
It's smiling back when someone asks how your day is
But inside you're crying wondering when the pain will finally end
It's telling your terminally ill father that it'll be alright
As he slowly slips away never making it through the night
It's when a child goes to school each day depressed and suicidal
And telling ourselves that it's all part of growing up
When we go to work hollowed out of any inspiration or motivation
We trick ourselves by saying it's an inevitable part of life
Like death and taxes until we shut up and settle for mediocrity
It's lying to yourself
Never admitting that you need help
Thinking you have all the answers
As you hold the blade up to your vein
Ready to silence the fucking pain

Free In Thought

As always, I truly appreciate your support and comments. If you feel so inspired, please upvote, comment and resteem.

Images and Audio used are CC0 Public Domain unless noted or clearly original
Writing is original - Always

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To me your poetry always has such raw emotion. Not only it is beautiful but to me each line is a avenue of connection for those of us that have experienced just that. But also some folk have trouble labeling their emotions or feelings so this poem could and I believe will help them to relate to their own circumstances. I have hid behind that mask oh so many times without even knowing it but with age and my own spiritual growth I have been able to put that mask aside. Thanks for sharing as always.


I agree. I feel like it is very visceral; like you know he is speaking through experience, and the words are like the speaker is naked peeling back his skin to show the blood underneath. Well said.

like the speaker is naked peeling back his skin to show the blood underneath.

Why hold back? I love how you pose this. Being both blunt and vulnerable is a neat way to think about it. I've been hiding behind a facade for most of my life. I think my writing (or the fact that I am even writing at all) may reflect that I'm finally starting to break through and introduce myself to the world.

Thank you so much. How wonderful it was to read your message today. I think when it comes to poetry, it's the emotion that motives and inspires me. I don't set out to try to help people necessarily, however I'm really glad if that's what transpires. I often intend to use writing as a way to think about and explore deep and often difficult concepts. I feel like this exercise will help me in my own personal quest for understanding. It's been great though. I love the tag line as well (Faith-Hope-Love). Thanks again.

Thank you for sharing this poem. I really enjoyed it! Wow! I've seen a significant improvement in your poetry over the last month! This just connected in a very physical way.

Each line was a raw image connected to a complex emotion: depression, solitude, fear, loathing, pain brought real by the situations that I could easily identify with and grasp.

It's smiling back when someone asks how your day is
But inside you're crying wondering when the pain will finally end

This was so relatable. I felt the gnawing hollow feeling where you smile so fake you're afraid they'll notice and press you when they ask, "how are you doing?"

I found these two images the most profound and evoked the strongest emotions as I read:

It's telling your terminally ill father that it'll be alright
As he slowly slips away never making it through the night
It's when a child goes to school each day depressed and suicidal
And telling ourselves that it's all part of growing up

My dad isn't terminally ill yet, but I dread this thought. I don't have kids, but I was one, and I do not want to ever feel this pain; I can feel it in these images! Wow. Just profound and concise wrapping on these concepts. They are dense and provide feeling I can touch.

My only piece of suggestive feedback is to remove the cliches: "lipstick on a pig," and "death and taxes." I think you were going for this image, but you did such a great job presenting other complex ideas without relying on cliche I think you can remove them and give us something better.

The final lines are hurtful; as I don't wish this type of pain for anyone. Suicide is a horrible awful thing and I encourage anyone feeling like cutting themselves will solve the pain should see someone to talk to who will listen and provide compassion.

Thanks again for sharing another poem! I totally enjoy the read.

Wow. Thank you for sharing this comment. It made my day. I love all your feedback, including the critique.

I took your comment about not always forcing a rhyme seriously. It made sense to me and I think I was trying too hard sometimes. It's nice though when a good rhyme works out. I see your point about the cliches. I wondering a bit using the lipstick on a pig but completely didn't notice I did it again with death and taxes.

I wanted to end the poem on a strong and potent note. My overall thoughts on the topic revolved around the notion that when we continue to live our lives behind a facade trying to being something or someone we are really not, it often gets worse and worse, sometimes with very bad results.

Thank you again. Really. I'm so appreciative of your thoughts....

You are very welcome!

I took your comment about not always forcing a rhyme seriously.

I'm so happy! This poem felt so much more natural sounding and less forced. I think this was in part due to this very thing. There is stilly rhyme, and that is GOOD!, it just doesn't shoehorn lines and gives you a little more creative expression. I think this really showed up here as a wonderful beneficial element.

Cliches are so difficult because they are so effective! They slip into conversation constantly and just make life easier because they define a complex topic. I feel like I have them in my writing and like reading your own books for editing you miss things because you're blind to them. Sometimes you just need a second set of eyes.

You're awesome! Keep it up! Thank you for the response and encouragement. You inspire me to write better and craft my language with care.

Thank you too :)

I always follow your post everything is good if any time visit my blog @mamaathiyya

Thank you for the comment.

Hello friend @freeinthought, that is, there are people who show a false personality, and they have damaged others, that is why we have to be very careful of those beings who without any scruples do not mind taking someone over anything. Very good post thanks for sharing. Greetings

Yes I agree. I'd like to believe that most people are good at heart. But that all seems to fall by the wayside when greed and desperation or sloth take hold of people. Thank you.

Hi friend @freeinthought, it's a pleasure to say hello, there are people who show a personality that is not, and has hurt more than one, but good always overcomes evil, and those false people always do badly, they do not progress. Thanks for sharing and I invite you to my block

Thank you for the comment. :)

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