
in #life7 years ago


It takes two to dance!

If a tree falls in the forest but there is no one around to hear, did it make a noise? Does it matter? What if the sun set one night and never rose again. Would it be dark? What would dark even mean without the existence of light to explain it?

Cheer up! Your luck will eventually turn.

The concept of duality can be applied to many things. Today, I wanted to explore how duality is a prominent factor in ones life and the constant struggle for happiness.

We often find ourselves in tough, often depressing, situations. It's easy to slip into a state of mind of despair and hopelessness. I find it helps to remember the concept of duality in tough times. That is, there is no such thing as sadness and sorrow without the existence of the opposite, happiness and hope. Ergo, if I'm feeling so sad and depressed, the must be happiness out there somewhere. So there's always reason to be hopeful.

As we so often hear, Cheer up! Your luck will eventually turn.



Darkness falls before the light
In perpetual struggle
They battle in angst of opposing ideals
Neither willing to concede
Yet both unable to exist without the other
A father struggles to keep his sanity together
Life's burdens weigh heavy on his heart
One that longs to love in the midst of a cold and cruel world
He is becoming a slave to the darkness
A soldier for despair
It seduces and soothes his aching wounds
Leading him to readily concede defeat
And be wholly consumed by the underlying evil
That lurks silently recruiting blackened souls
Into an army that has given up on the beauty of life
Sad, molested and twisted beings
They were once happy
Full of love and compassion
Now reduced to powerless henchmen
Of the wretched darkness
They walk without feeling
Without care
No personal light to guide them
Life itself becoming too difficult to bear

Sometimes the soldiers of darkness are saved
Pulled from shallow graves
Not yet buried and lost forever
A sliver of light is able to penetrate
The rot and decay
Finding its way
To a scared little boy
Curled into a ball
He weeps and he begs
Please kill me
He cries
Until he finally sees
And believes
In the wonder and hope
Wrapped bountifully in the eyes
Of his sworn enemy
A soldier of the light
His despair overturned
Demise is reverted
With optimism he shouts at the light
Please help me
I want to live
And to love
The light smiles and extending a hand
Offers warm embrace
To a harbinger of hurt and disgrace
It restores his dignity and worth
Offering new ideas of great things
For a man once destitute and down

The light is victorious this day
In a battle of great struggles
Constant sway
It is a war that will never be won
Good and evil
Darkness and light
Are one in the same but different
Their song will forever be sung
In perpetual dance
With no end in sight

Free In Thought

As always, I truly appreciate your support and comments. If you feel so inspired, please upvote, comment and resteem.


Images and Audio used are CC0 Public Domain unless noted or clearly original
Writing is original - Always

My D-Tube Channel


I must admit although this creation is one of your darker poem. It is my very favorite by far it really shows the deep raw emotion of the realities of life that is forever present. Life is life and it seems the contrasts always seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. The area of grey seems not to often to exist. I always admire and I so mean this how your words flow so easily out of your mind. Mine trend to whirl around in my head and when they do come out tend to be very simplistic. When I read your poems it really helps mentor me to come more outside my comfort zone. Ironically to day I did a post (sorry to mention in my comment) but I had to laugh as it was on opposite emotions or as it turns out could be dark and light. Thanks for sharing......appreciate your work so much.

Thank you again for your kind words. I really appreciate your comments.

yes, I agree with u, sadness and sorrow without the existence of the opposite, happiness and hope.

Thank you for your comment.

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