
in #life7 years ago

Curves don't define a woman, however they evoke thoughts of femininity

I wanted to explore how a woman's curves are a signature of her femininity.

Although I am a man, there are things that I can say about my most esteemed counter part in this wonderful yet perplexing existence. Women, like men, are special. They have many attributes. Some good while others not so much. Men are the same.

Of all the vast aspects of femininity and qualities that women possess, today I felt compelled to write about curves.

It is not something that defines who a woman is or can become. That is up to her and her own desires and choices. In my own way I wanted to explore how a woman's curves are a signature of her femininity.

This trademark means many things to different people and is surely regarded differently than in the context of a man and masculinity.


The nape of her neck
Soft and smooth
It glides and flows seamlessly
Like water flowing along curved paths inspired by divinity

Shoulders and breasts
Natural and sweet
A muse to masculine energies
Attracting and sparking an intertwining of species

An incubator of love and devotion
Harboring life's seed granting it safe passage
Her softness reflected in a bond with new life
His primal duty inspired and together they join as husband and wife

A woman's curves are not who she is
But inextricably they are attached to her femininity
Her beauty and the miracle of life
Are wondrous and worthy of honor and praise
My respect will always be yours until the end of my days

Free In Thought

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Amen brother. The feminine is symbolized by curves and flow, contrasting to the steadfast straight lines of the masculine. And in your last shot you chose the ultimate curve of the feminine. The belly, the waist, the womb. Lovely post.

Thank you. I've never thought of masculine as the straight edges, lines and corners until now. But that makes a lot of sense.

It's funny. I'm the one in my household who for years after the birth of our last child kept pestering my wife to have another. She was done though. Three was enough. Ultimately we both need to be on the same page in a decision like that, so alas it was not meant to be. I still love her though. :)

The lines and curves...that’s how I see it at least. I think I got that from “The Way of a Superior Man” by David Dieda. (Odd title, great book)

So I’m curious, was it more children that you were urging or The pregnancy experience? Three is a lot of kids. We have 3 - and then I was done!

You mentioned the book before. I did take a look. I got as far as adding it to my Amazon wishlist. I checked the local library chain too by alas I think it's too controversial (at least the title is) for public purchase based on today's standards.

It was the kids. I've always dreamed of having a big family with lots of kids around. Somewhere around 5 or 6.

I figure it would strengthen family bonds and provide for infinite memories if we were a large family. Thanksgivings and Christmases would always be special. And in old age I would have lots of family around. Nowadays kids tend to uproot and leave their parents for far away places a lot more. I'd be able to hedge against that possibility as well.

My parents both came from very large families (7 and 14 kids each) and I guess I've always romanticized that in a way. But they were very poor so I can't imagine in reality what it was like.

Love the poem, A wonderful tribute towards woman, Thank you for sharing this

Thank you so much... It's a tribute well deserved.

I think this poem should be put on every women's bathroom mirror so she reads it at the beginning of everyday. Her affirmation, her reflection reminding her no matter what age, color or size that her curves are her signature of perfection. Thanks for sharing....appreciate it.

Thank you so much. What an awesome comment to receive.

I think often we can get hung up on physical beauty. Yes it's wonderful. Attraction is major part of ensuring we don't go extinct.

But beauty and perfection come in so many forms. And yes size, age, color, race, religion can vary significantly yet the beautiful parts are still there. Child birth and the love of a mother is a great example of perfection in our lives that is common the world over.

When I had breast cancer and had to have a lumpectimy I was panicking until I realized this was my ego being fearful. Removing a part of my body was not going to change my spirit my soul the only thing it did was make me stronger and stopped being so vain during the aging process. Love the poem. Such talent.

Well said. Thank you again.

great post @freeinthought

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