in #life7 years ago

"I am the greatest!" - Muhammad Ali

I am never moderate or conservative when it comes to selling. I wasn't making claims big enough before. Once you realize this, everything becomes possible. Because when you are an ethical person, when you over promise, you are obligated to rise to the occasion and over deliver.

Only a criminal will deliver at below what they promise or what they promise.

Become obsessed with being the best! That's when you over promise, it's not bragging if it's true, as Ali said.

When you are a legit deal, when you're the master of your universe, when you are the king or the queen of your domain you will always rise to the commitment that you made and over deliver.

If you never over commit, if your people never over commit, neither you nor your people or your company will ever over deliver or perform at higher levels. Over promising will allow you to establish and the exceed exceptional levels of delivery.

If you're short on creativity, I promise you it's only because you are short on commitment. I tell my people this constantly. If you're short on creativity is because you lack commitment. Where you lack commitment you will lack creativity.

Those to commit to an investment or are crazy enough to see a future that others cannot yet see -- tell the world that you are the best, tell the truth about how awesome you are. Tell people how good you are. And then deliver that promise.

Muhammad Ali said "I am the greatest!". And he said that before anyone knew he was.

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