Are You Living Surrounding Anxieties? Oh! Please, Stop It. There Is Nothing In The World To Worry About. Bad Times Come But They Come To Test Us. We Have To Handle The Bad Times With Utmost Strength Rather Than Living Our Life In Anxieties..!!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Do you people worry on stuff more than it is required to?

In our day to day life, we all are concerned about various things and stuff. Isn't it? It's really common and one cannot deny the fact. Worrying is not a bad thing. It's human nature. We all worry about things a little. But wait, there is a problem here. If you worry over-excessively, then it can be called as the symptoms of anxiety disorder. When you are always worried about some or the other thing, always doubtful about the outcomes that will come, you are definitely going through a anxiety disorder.

As I said, anxiety is quite common in our day to day life. We all worry on something some or the other time. But when we are always worried about something, the excess of worries can prove harmful for us. There are many disadvantages pushed out by the excess worries. Anxiety disorder is quite common and it affects 30% youth somewhere and at some point in their life. There are various ways through which we can come to know that we are going through an anxiety disorder which I will mention in this blog below. Have a full look.

Feeling Heavy On Heart Every-Time

Anxiety can be of various types. The common anxiety disorder include symptoms as always worrying about money, health, work, responsibilities, and some other thing. The big anxiety disorder include symptoms as irrelevant doubt that something bad is going to happen, taking a small issue into thoughts and converting it into an enormous one. When we talk in terms of physical being of a person, anxiety disorder symptoms include feeling really heavy on heart, shivering of the legs and hands, fainting, bad stomach, sweating hard, and etc, etc..

Excessive Control Of Fear On You

We all perceive some or the other phobias. When I was small, I had height phobia. Now, I have water phobia. Like this, we all have some or the other. There are many different kind of phobias. Many children are scared about facing stage and audience so they have stage phobia. Similarly, there is a phobia called "Agoraphobia." People having such phobia are scared about going in crowd and facing the crowd. They think that if something will happen at such crowded place they will not be able to come out of the place.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is a disorder where a person feels restless, insecure and uncomfortable in social places, in the places crowded by people. It is the case where if a person is in his room isolated, he will be calm and comfortable and as soon as he'll be asked to move outside the boundaries of his room or house, he'll start feeling heavy on his heart. This kind of problem starts from the adult age. Perceiving such kind of fears largely affects an individual's social, interactive and communicative life. It can really be very hard for him then.

Hope you all enjoyed the post..

Much Love<3<3<3


Well articulated and informative . Are you a psychologist . because you mentioned most of our term in this post .

Our time?? I didn't get it.

Is a typo I mean term

I am genuinely sorry but I still didn't get your comment! ;(
Can you please explain again?

I simply mean that wrote like a psychologist because the words you used in the post are the words psychologist use .

No! nah, I am not a psychologist. I just write what comes to my mind and what I feel like writing! :) Thank you for explaining me again!

You are welcome

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