What Your Eye Colour Reveals About You!

in #life6 years ago

This is What YOUR Eye Colour Reveals About You!

Your eye colour is a genetic trait that is also determined by the amount of melanin your eyes have; and that colored circle surrounding the pupil is called the iris. The iris changes the size of the pupil, and allows different amounts of light to enter the eye. When people ask you what color your eyes are, they actually mean what is the color of your iris! As it turns out, your eyes reveal way more about your personality than you might think, especially their color! So keep reading to find out what your eye color has to say about you!

Number 1 - If you have Green Eyes
Green eye colour is one of the rarest eye colors in the world. Green is considered a very youthful, invigorating color, so people with green eyes tend to bring vibrancy wherever they go. If you possess green eyes, it’s also possible that you might come across as someone who gets angry easily, however, you can hold the reins well under pressure. You perform exceptionally well where others fail, especially since you are quick and decisive. Most people view you as alluring, sexy, and even mysterious. And they're not wrong! You definitely keep your secrets locked away, which is probably why people find you so trustworthy. You're very curious, so you're always off exploring the world around you. You ooze compassion, which is yet another reason people find you worth getting to know.

Number 2 - If You Have Hazel Eyes
Hazel is an uncommon shade for eyes, so people with hazel eyes are told from a young age that they are different and unique. The amount of melanin in eyes varies from person to person, so one can never pin down these people’s personality, though a common theme seems to be a balanced personality that can sometimes be challenging to read. If you have hazel eyes, you tend to be independent, confident, and spontaneous. You live a life all your own. You don't let rules or standards keep you from doing whatever makes you happy. Others find these qualities admirable, and only wish they were half as rad as you are. You hate routine, so you're always trying new things whenever you can. And thanks to your ‘spur of the moment’ nature, you also tend to go for things when the time is right!

Number 3 - If You Have Blue Eyes
Blue is the second most common eye color in the world. Research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. Scientists have tracked down a genetic mutation that took place about 6 to 10,000 years ago, which resulted in people having blue eyes! If you have blue eyes, you can tolerate pain better than people of other eye colors. You also display great stamina, and you can withstand long hours of discomfort. However, people often don’t see the real you and judge you negatively before they get the chance to know you. They may see you as weak, timid, unassertive, and even untrustworthy. But, once they get to know you, they realize that you’re actually quite warm and friendly. You are one tough cookie! And nothing really gets to you, because you know how to roll with the punches. But, you have a tendency to be a little too egotistical from time to time.

Number 4 - If You Have Gray Eyes
Gray eyes are rare, but they are really just a variation of blue eyes. If you possess grey eyes, then you are sometimes plagued with intense inner conflict of emotions, and you can find it hard to make rational decisions. But, no matter what the struggle, you emerge as strong as ever! You know what you want and you will do anything in your power to achieve your dreams. You also know how to let loose and have fun! If you have light gray eyes, you probably have to work a little harder than most people to exert yourself. You strive to be taken seriously, yet you also keep your defense up. Though it takes a while to break through your concerned, cautious exterior, you care deeply for people who are able to burst through. If you have dark gray eyes, you are either an exceptionally well-balanced person, or there are two sides to your proverbial coin. You can be different things to different people, depending on whose needs need to be met. This can be a pro or a con, depending on how much control you have over your emotions.

Number 5 - If you have Brown Eyes
Brown eye color is the most common eye color. Nearly 55% of people around the world have this eye colour! Brown eyes are the result of having more melanin in your system, compared to those with lighter eyes. This earthy color also signifies a personality type that is confident and at the same time, simple and humble. If you have light brown eyes, you're not a morning person, that's for sure. If you could sleep for the rest of your life, you'd happily do so. You're also as loyal as they come, so your friends know they can count on you whenever they need your help. If you have dark brown eyes, you act like a hardcore, don't-mess-with-me type of person, but inside you're just a big softy. You care deeply about everyone in your life and will go out of your way to make sure your loved ones feel appreciated. You're also incredibly confident and make an exceptional leader!

Number 6 - If you have Black Eyes
It is said that people with very dark or black eyes are very trustworthy and they keep secrets like their life depended on it – not that spilling secrets is what gives these people their black eyes… Although, that might work as well… But, seriously… These individuals are very responsible with everything, and everyone around them. If you have black eyes, then you can withstand pressure and are not swept away by the tides of time and circumstances. You are reliable and not affected by emotional upheaval. Your advice often stems from experience and indifference to momentary distress. People often think that you are either too serious or just plain boring. But that assumption is far from the truth, because you definitely have a wild side, and you can be the life of a party!

Number 7 - If you have Multi Coloured Eyes
People who were born with a rare condition called ‘Complete Heterochromia’, have two different coloured eyes. ‘Partial Heterochromia’ means that parts of your iris are different colors. One corner might be green, while the rest of the iris looks blue. ‘Central Heterochromia’ refers to a condition where your iris has two different colored rings. And it’s quite beautiful! If you have multi colored eyes, be sure to check both descriptions, and see which apply to you more!

What do you think? What does YOUR eye colour say about you!? Let us know in the comments below.

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