in #life6 years ago


This weekend I had the opportunity to see a movie called "the good lie", a story that particularly reached me deeply, a story that in a certain way I did not know, and that made me realize once again that there is always someone who It is worse than us, it has stronger, almost irreparable problems and for some of us not having to buy the latest fashion in footwear is the end of the world. Well, I invite you to see "The Good Lie" a story of pain, hate, survival, love, beliefs, in short, a story that we should all know.

Between 1983 and 2005, the civil war in Sudan left thousands of children orphaned or separated from their parents. Later dubbed as the lost children of Sudan, around 20,000 children of the Nilotic tribes Nuer and Dinka escaped to the density of the forest where they hid to survive for days, months or even years.

When the soldiers finished their villages, their places to live, many children were orphaned as their parents were killed before their eyes and unable to do anything, as a result they were left only wandering those places, walking hundreds of kilometers hiding from said soldiers and looking for a way out, on the other hand there were those who were recruited for soldiers or were sold as slaves.


In the film they show a group of 6-5 children who take a path to the forest because they were lucky in a certain way to escape from the soldiers, all together supporting each other, they manage to get away unharmed from the many difficulties they get along the way, all in order to reach a place that would provide peace and tranquility, this place was the borders of Ethiopia and Kenya where there were refugee camps. Here they could have food, medicines, clothes and in a certain way peace and tranquility, at least physically speaking.


There were many kilometers that had to walk, supporting each other, of course there were those who could not stand such inhumanity and died, but there were many who wanted to live were stronger than anything, they went hungry, thirsty, fears, pain I dream, but nothing stopped them. They suffered severe dehydration, malnutrition, respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, and others such as malaria, which of course were treated upon arrival in these refugee camps.

In the film they only show a small part of all the suffering that these people must have suffered, that nowadays many are adults and professionals. Because not everything was bad, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and for sample we have GER DUANY.


Duany plays one of the children in this movie, which left me shocked, because it is rare, with that we can see that nothing is impossible in this life, today we are without anything in our pockets but tomorrow We do not know. Ger was one of the lost children of Sudan, he was also separated from his parents and recruited as a soldier before arriving in the refugee camps, today he is 36 years old, he is a model, an international actor and of course he is part of the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR) who helped him in his time to reach the United States and be able to finish his studies and have a better quality of life.


I think these are stories that should be shared, whether through films, they are realities that most of us do not know, many live in a crystal ball and do not realize everything that could be happening around them, some will think that it is something that does not concern us since it did not happen to us, but particularly to me it makes me see life from another point of view, it makes me feel lucky to have what I have, to have my family with me, have a plate of food every day, because there are those who do not enjoy those little details, and of course much less a pair of nike shoes, all this leads me to the reflection that no matter how much or how little we have, the important thing is to love life, to want to live and get ahead with what we have, many have everything and remain in the same place as some years ago.

I just wanted to share this small and great life story that maybe many do not know. I hope I have awakened that curiosity to investigate a little more ...


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I can't imagine the bravery it must take to wander through a forest in Sudan running for life from soldiers. Truly unbelievable.

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