How to Develop Your Passion for Life?

in #life7 years ago

Hello, how competently are you able to use your passion? Questions arise by themselves: a passion for whom or to what?

And really, to the girl, to the guy, to the mother, to business, to silence, to communication, to silence, to sex, to the car, to fishing, or what?

Yes to everything! In general, to life itself. Here's what. We must live passionately, this is the main thing.

What is it like? You ask. This is so that each of your actions has a feeling of passion. When you do something through someone else's "must", your passion will not be able to ignite. This is violence against oneself. It is quite another matter when you have placed your "must" on the basis of your own "want".

Fans of car dealers know that a spark from a candle lights fuel and thus causes everything else to spin and move.

But where is the passion for the spark plug? And how to distinguish her presence from her absence?

Well, let's say, passion is a feeling that grows. The feeling of increasing internal excitement. The stronger this feeling, the clearer is that the passion is higher.

For example, you were insanely in the childhood liked to launch boats from a paper on water. If you are not a fool, then you can do this further, because you will have a passion for such a thing, it will come from that very childhood and give you strength.

So no, "now it's fashionable to be a manager (a programmer, a designer, a psychologist, someone else will complain about other professions), so I'm working," thinks the hired worker. Because it's so fashionable and my friends respect me. And the fact that I like to put boats on the water - it's not fashionable and wrong, and in general it's a hobby. I'd rather do something that's fashionable (after all, there's no brain to figure out how to make money) and quietly give my soul at the end of life to the earth. "

That's just in this example, your juices and dry irrevocably. If you approach everything with passion, then she will find a way. And do not sweat as there will be further!

Even the Bible says, "Live this day." But I warn everyone: to live today - this does not mean to think in advance what you will do tomorrow. Think about it!

A person engaged in his own business supports himself with his own passion for this cause. And the fact that he can earn a little - so it's in the beginning. He moves and through mistakes and falls will come (well, someone will not come, but surrender) to more.



Thoughtful post! Finding your passion(s) should be a lifelong journey. Each journey is different, and so should your passions. Do your best to live in the present moment. When you live in the present, you begin to enter your flow state. Flow states are where you do your best work and hone in on your passions.

Where will your journey take you?

Thanks for the interesting comment and question (it's difficult to immediately answer this question), I appreciate it;)

@ frank1in its really a nice article :)
its just all about your passion to reach it..
keep it up.
i just followed you ..!
kindly visit my blog and share your thoughts.
Cheers :)
have a great day Dear :)

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