Why you can't get what you want! or what do you want.

in #life6 years ago
so the question is simple. why you cant get what you want. or what do you want?


but the answer is rather strange.

to get what you want, first of all
you must establish what it is you want to get.
no matter what it is.
a thing,
an experience,
learn something,
you need to pinpoint it. what it is that draws you ever so near.

maybe you are not attracted by anything.

then you have not discovered what it is that you want.
solution to that is,

why is that that our most desired things are never in reach?

not willing to work for what you want

its that simple, you want it , you have to put in the effort.
no effort no progress no end goal.
And not being able to follow through,
is what you need to get over first, in order to be one step closer to what you want.
dont be like a fish in the stream, plan for yourself. you have brain, use it.

of course you can dream all day about the eggs and bacon for tomorrows breakfast and how it will taste once it will be done. but you have to remember it is not here yet and is giving you false sense of accomplishment

you cant feed ten people with two eggs, you cant make scrambled eggs without eggs.

##make a plan.
its not that simple. to be focused , so you need to make a plan not to get sidetracked.

easy does it .

it isnt a sprint. but a marathon, do little steps. no need for big steps, take baby steps.
learn from the bottom up not the other way around. let the basics solidify.
do daily little things that will put you even just an inch closer to what you want.
it is totally worth it.

you dont know how.

as is with everyone ... everyone thinks that all things are easy, but when it comes down to do it yourself, it can get quite tricky. cos most things you have never done and this could be your first time doing them. and you are easily discouraged when you fail at first attempt.
get past the initial inconvenience. and get started

what is it that you want? what would make you comfortable?

issue of no money

so what if you have no money, that is no excuse for putting aside of that what you want/desire.
every painter started with a pencil before they went oil.
libraries are free.

you think you are doing great?

nothing can be further from reality. than this. cos you can always be doing better
there is always something to learn.
So dont get too comfortable with your possitioning there is always room for "better"
habits can ruin you. check your habits eliminate bad habits. your normal habits might not yield the results you want for your end goal. if end goal is what you are after.

will you really enjoy it? will it make you happy?

pinpoint it down really to the depth of it, cos every person desires different things.
what do you want.

not always you will get your way.

and you need to be content with that. just make due with what you got while you get what you want.
this is to establish the sense of confidence, and it will keep you safe from the fear which you might experience from failing. workaround the obstacles.

forget the rest.

cos it is no use of doing what you dont want
in order to get what you really want.
which you will never get
cos doing what you want
will always be a second or fifth priority
what you want will never come,
if you will never make it your TOP priority.

most people are procrastinators. i bet you are no exception.
everyone does it. no need to be ashame of it.
but you need to ought yourself for a chance to get what you want.
Stop compromising and go after what you want!
tomorrow is lazy it will never get here, go forward now to meet tomorrow in mid point!

oh i will get there eventually

no you will not. if your passion is not your top priority you cannot become a master of it.
start NOW

insipire others

inspire others by doing what you want. nothing gets people more inspired than seeing how you are enjoying what you do. always make the thing you do entertaining.

will it give you freedom?

it must give you sense of liberation, an escape.

be humble

its simple, when you are humble, you value things/people/ opportunities, more deeply.
if you do things halfheartedly , it really shows.

there is a quote,
"stay hungry, stay foolish"
be always willing to digest more, be always willing to learn more.

River flows due west between two shores
Every boy dreams to be the best
Stars come at you in the darkest of nights
Then you start to see how bright they really are
Epilogues are written for ended story but is this done?
Everybody wants to be the hero of the story, but
Mistakes are made as sometimes the heroes are outshined
No not by villains but the other cast
Once you grasp the idea of what makes stories exciting
With ease you will be able to describe the most boring of adventures.

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as always stay kind. get excited!, and shout!


Good post brother, really inspiring

thank you. have a lovely day!

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