lecture about allergies basics really.. have allergies? read this!

in #life6 years ago

short background story about this. i translated this from russian lecture. for my friend. who was very allergic. those who wants i may find the russian doctor name. but maybe it is already mentioned somewhere in the text.
since it was a quite a big task i decided to share the translation with you here. read only if you want to know more about allergies. (note i translated to best of my abilities but there will and can be errors) dont mind them and read on.

In the lecture they talked about those things that official medicine does not address or talk about... does not work and refuses to work it out
We will see how can identify and differentiate between allergies and different symptoms, and after this lecture I think many of you will be able to fight this important problem allergy in our life is very very common, it is tied with the allergens that go in one’s body there are 3 ways of how it gets in you
1 by eating where it goes to your stomach edible things and the additives of those edible things colorers sweeteners anything that is added to food. That can call out for allergy,
2 by inhaling allergens through air, by lungs, dust from trees, dust in-house, animal fur
3 allergens contracted by skin. Allergic dermatitis, cosmetics, makeup, metal, plastic, jewelry, synthetic clothing, and the things we touch. Sample chrome or nickel, on the watch you have on your hands the reaction is as follows. The place becomes red. But not everyone has the allergic reaction.

Let’s see what is happening when the allergic reaction happens

This is very interesting.
German doctors and investigators. Puts forth this kind of concept of the body and allergies
The concept is this. Human body is a glass (drinking glass)
When a human is born then something has appeared in the glass
It could be genetics passed over from parents
Add to that some shots. That means something more is added in the glass
And that’s how fluidly. With medicaments with all kinds of pesticides the glass starts to get fuller and fuller, one of reasons was, that could overflow the glass, was the tooth fillings. silver monogama dental filling'' i cant translate it when dental filling is placed it has a nice smooth finish to it, but then the finish rubs off and is consumed by human body. And by it happening it fills up the glass even more
Let’s start by saying this. Lead and other metals the body doesn’t do a great job doing it. mercury. Some kind of metal is trapped in body for 18 years before it is carried out. But by help of bio resonance therapy it can get out that metal from body in two weeks it is a big difference. 2 weeks vs. 18 years.
So what can happen when the mercury metal fills the glass so it overflows... listen, when the cup, the glass of patience overflows we get a stormy reaction from body organism from its surroundings to weak influencers of the cup filling. In other words when the cup is overflowing the body is very intolerant to some allergens which in other circumstances would be small fry. But now that the cup overflow’s the body thinks it’s a big deal.
it can me, that a person cannot eat citrus fruits... intolerance to fur dog and cats .milk intolerance so all these things overfills the cup of patience. And then we get the stormy reaction of the human organism

Until this cup of patience overflows... you will see no patients my dear friends. because the body has enough reserve to fight and deal with the interactions of the surroundings
Patients only come when the cup of patience already has overflown.
So what the doctors try to do? Usually they try to cram something more in that cup. Cream against allergies if it’s dermatological. Eat some pill, some kind of aerosol. But friends. All these products that are used by the official medicine. They suppress the symptoms of the allergies.at the same time they don’t handle the soul cause of the allergies. Cos to figure out what caused to overflow the cup of patience, the diagnostics needs to be done. For that. goal, very well suit Вегетативный резонансный тест and in English it is Vegetative resonance test a bit later we will touch upon it some more including some easy diagnostics that a person can do by himself without diagnostic machines

So my friends when we have hint that human suffers from allergy of course it’s always outside symptoms. Observable. Plump lips red cheeks etc. and the red cheeks are not only when we come home from very cold weather... red cheeks is indication that one suffers from allergy the body shows it. And dear friends these symptoms are just symptoms which help use to made conclusions. That a person might have an allergy but it does not give us the right to say that the person has allergical reaction cos the symptoms can be from different causes, for example in children funny talking in children, when they talk talk but in the end doesn’t say anything it can be the outcome of various food additives. And allergens that children do love to eat with sweets

Oh i have forgotten the word for the fluid that comes from the mouth it’s generated in the mouth. And i can’t find the translation for it.... anyway... the stuff the mouth produces happens in children, they just don’t stop. Ohhhh i remembered. Drools. They can’t stop drooling. Red dots on neck turns red and turns hot. It is a signal from body that, that previous food... doesn’t really like the body the eyes. Black circles around the eyes, the eyes can drool be watery, when people with allergy shown the bright light so we can see who has allergies if the person walks around always in sunglasses. Even indoors. Patients also complain ... about skin troubles? (Inaudible i can’t understand it.) But patients therefore can have a strong odor on them. I had a patient she had hormone instability along with hard allergic reaction. In case of using hormonal medicine. She smelled really strong and it was impossible to work with her. Cos to limit the odor she used a very strong perfume , so i asked her to leave my office, i opened the window turned on the fan and then i invited her in. , that is one of the more colorful samples when there is an allergic reaction.
Next point after when you consumed an allergen. You feel hot; skin can turn red that is also an indicator for serious allergy
Next symptom you can observe is .it is in children the most... relentless leg, shaky legs they can’t sit calm, legs are running when they themselves are sitting
And also. Allergic reaction can come out as anger fury and aggression and we need to differentiate... cos not always. The state of mind of the child and the hyperactivity there of cant is tied with the allergies. There can be this. when a child starts to cry and the parents quickly stopped him , when a baby is stopped then psych toxins are formed and then the toxins stays in the body adds up so to say and then they can’t study well in schools so that is not an allergic reaction but a psychiatrical problems.
So we will not be mistaking between allergy and psychiatric symptoms

Next are big symptoms if allergen gets on the skin. Some of you know that using not good makeup skin becomes sensitive, heats up and shows allergic reaction on these things. Also observable (antiflxffgf shock can’t make out what he said...) caused by bug bites, use of medicaments those are also dangerous things.
But... my friends in these kind of fierce symptoms. By rule a patient calls for ambulance and very rarely comes to doctor working with vegetative resonance test it happens rarely. But if it happens we need to firstly work with the fierce symptoms.
It is impossible to make diagnostics if the fierce allergic symptoms remain, first you lessen or deal with the symptoms firstly block the allergen, later i will tell you how to do that. Then lessen the big pain i will tell you later about it also. Then run the diagnostics after you got it under control.

Chronic symptoms are those that surfaces in time period when the allergen has filled enough, exema, coughing, appearance of conjunctivitis that doesn’t heals by no means
Puffiness of middle ear. Low tolerance on favorite foods. The thing you eat the most.
These things surface is when allergen already was in body for a long time and has been causing wrong for the body

You can systemize the symptoms; note that almost of 80percent of patients suffering from allergies has metabolic acidosis,метаболический ацидоз. in fierce episode of allergy, caused by any means, always prescribed a teaspoon of food edible soda, on entry of treatment allergy need to intake cine against acidosis, with this vitamin C and B6 they liqidify something... cant translate that :(

Any kind of allergy in the body is stress for the body organism making body produce more adrenalin and cortisone, allergy excites sympathetic nervous system
In the foreground of edible products skin effects

There can’t be hay fever without overload of mold fungi or overdose thereof. First treat the hay fever and then test for the fungi.it is very important.

Next prolonged allergies can cause sickness which most of the time we overlook... migren, stomatitis, neurodermatitis.
Diseases tied with allergies Dysbacteriosis, dysbiosis, and involuntary discharge of pee in children. Chronic infections of urine pathways, skin rashes, and exema
Heart problems extrasystole.

Later ill will tell you how to do test to know if there are allergens in rooms

now also interesting problem it is bronchial asthma , allergy to filled mattress, home dust all those things can cause bronchial spasms and then bronchial asthma and a person starts to suffocate. How to know it? Energetic working hours of lungs are 3am or 6am if the person suffocates in that time period, if that happens check on what you are sleeping. And what is in the room it can be many things, new paint on the walls etc....

Masked allergies where official medicine views on allergies are disregarded. And not accounted for. Firstly about masked allergies introduced and studied to us doctor Rinkel.that masked allergy progresses on human the most favorite food. If he intakes them very often and exactly those products can be masked allergens. How to know? If you ate some kind of product and after that you felt weak, drowsy and helpless. it means the body spends more energy on to process it than it is necessary that’s why we need to ponder about what it is exactly we are eating, why do we love this product, because we are already accustomed to this product and body fights back vigorously against the product and that is what makes the syndrome of "used to"

Masked allergies symptoms. By dr Randolph
Mania with spasms with or without convulsions
Patient can’t keep track of logic, excite and leans towards panic
Short loss of memory muscle spasms.
Patient is aggressive, talkative, is fear prone, dreadful worries, wolf appetite
Complains of heat pathological laughter.
a real life story, of what person become if subjugated to spilled mercury.... i got it now what it was above those were mercury dental fillings. So mercury takes 18 years to get out of body. ... So one of masked allergens can be mercury that’s inhaled through long periods of time. a soldier served, in a cabinet where mercury was spilled , he served 2 years so he inhaled mercury for 2 years , and accumulated in him in large quantity , symptoms of mercury started to show they were, fears of loneliness , person could not stay alone ,
He drives in city all is ok ... drives out of city have fears turns back to city. Only few ties in allergy to mercury like so. ..
Nervous patient, excited patient, agitated patient, too sensitive patient reacting to surroundings very sharply.
Local reactions, common cold, plugged nose, cough hard breathing, rashes, meteorism,
turn attention to common cold reaction... you don’t have common cold, but when you enter some room with allergen in it and you are unaware of it you start to get the common cold symptoms that is a local reaction for allergens in that room , and there could be a serious problem in that room
Common reactions to allergies
Tiredness, depressions headaches, high blood pressure, muscle pain, uneven pulse
These are the reactions of cup of patience when the cup is already overflowing. It is very important

Next is. Depressions problems in thinking, sad, wishy washy,
And after it is deep depression is when person can’t fight back allergies with his reserves. Memory loss, sleepless, speech problems,

And look here, what can account for allergies my friends. Many of you buy the product most advertised. And as a rule no one reads the label of what’s inside that stuff. And there is written these letters in fine print. e130, e131, e210 and mostly not a lot people know what is behind those letters and numbers doctors say that they are ecological safe food additives. But when we look ourselves then we see that e 153 it is pro cancerous additive which is added to food
And look how many E’s so before you buy some cake cookies, any sweets please look. If there are any of the dangerous E's there. Many of E's can cause pseudo allergy. Why pseudo? Because fierce allergic reaction you will not get, it is worth to note that these additives pesticides, do have certain heavy molecular mass in times even greater than, mercury and lead, and these pesticides doesn’t go out of the body so easily if ever... they accumulate. They accumulates when they reach certain amount of mass they start to cause destruction to human organism, therefor the E's are very dangerous for children my friends.

Cosmetic products the stuff that can cause allergic reaction if gets on skin...
kathon CG , creams most of creams contains Matricaria , sun creams, deodorants and parfimery , shower gel,. it’s hard for official medicine to get allergens from body, but with bio resonance therapy. it is possible to easy block them and stream and weed them out of the body , in the session of bio resonance from the body comes out substance that what doesn’t allow a person to live , the one of strongest ways to fight allergies is in fact the bio resonance therapy , and a doctor who works with bio resonance therapy is very demanded cos he fixes allergies, in one or two séances/therapies

food intolerance individual products
but it doesn’t mean these foods can’t be consumed
egg allergen stays active even after boiling
cacao, cocoa
potato chips
these are products to which people get used to the most. and they are also are a cause of allergic reactions

interesting to note also
allergy and parasites
there are some ties
cow’s milk-Ascaris lumbricoides
boiled egg- Salmonella
wheat- mold
pig- Trichinella spiralis

natural tests
coca test. you walk in a room after 3 minutes measure pulse you can eat you can just stay there. sit calmly, be natural. and measure pulse after 15, 30, 60, and 120 mins if the pulse starts to climb then it’s a face of allergic reaction , or on face an allergic reaction , and no matter what you ate there or breathed this test is ideal for bedroom allergen that is in bedroom not only can all for climbing pulse for first symptom it also can call for climb in blood pressure
climbing pulse and climbing blood pressure is a reaction to allergen in that room . could our bedroom the same bedroom we spend most of our time it be the cause to provoke arrhythmia arythicardia i can’t make out what he’s saying . however the person’s heart and lungs works totally normal that was the test where everyone can test anywhere

we return again to the cut of patience what is that , that filled the cup of patience , that what doesn’t allow a person to live. how we are going to pinpoint those?

talking about how to use a device to test upper statement.
we can take an ampule where we can place many allergens and here we can test many things that we have in our ampules , in such ampule you can place, a drop of cream, drop of oil drop of deodorant . perfume everything you come in contact with you can use on your patients. also you can you digital database for allergens
in what way happens diagnostics ? many of you are working with vegetative bio resonance test. on principle yes/no. if by default we are measured an 80 if we add to the passive electrode, wheat then arrow begins to fall it falls to 55 then we know that strength of the signal is 25 , if we will use different allergen then arrow fell to 72 , it means it leaves the strength of 8 it means it is not strong enough allergen by doing this we can observe what allergen is capable to intrude the body and how strong it is. at the cup of patience again.
if a certain allergen accumulated in the cup very much and it causes serious threat to health then the resonance number test on that allergen will be higher and the arrow will begin to fall further , but if it is a new allergen and still not accumulated and is not a reason for serious problems it will be shown as very very weak signal. that’s why when shifting allergens we are watching how low the arrow goes the more it goes bellow 80 as the default the more significant that allergen is to further diagnostics
so look let’s say we have started to test many different allergens
most of them we marked them as weak but we are left with 10, which read 50 ,55,52, , most of them are quite the same , so how do we differentiate on which one is the most serious allergen that doesn’t allow the person to live..
that’s why we use bio resonance apparatus we turn the volume on two for the device. so the apparatus hears better , and by setting on volume two it will give the positive effect. we continue to add the volume to the apparatus, and there some allergens are beginning to disappear. and when we are at 60. we will be left with one or 3 substances that are key they will be the ones that are not allowing a human to live.
with first test we conclude who is not letting us live, and with test two we conclude which is the most important of them which is the one that we need to get rid out of the human organism

there he is saying how to pinpoint with the device the last one one by one they test them.

and now let’s take a look on most interesting things
if in a certain room a person is concluded that there is an allergen there that somehow gets into your organism though any means , what you need to do is to put cotton balls or bint in those rooms. let them sit there

there technical failures begins exactly when he starts to tell how to heal allergies

so how do we fight the allergens in that room.. let the bint stay in the room for hour, or more, then put that in a sealed plastic bag and come to doctor. by doing that we have brought to doctor the same allergen that calls an allergic reaction. doctor places the allergen in a cup. tests it., and get many interesting results by doing so. but later. he puts the sample in the input of the bio resonance apparatus, turn on inversion by doing that the apparatus sends to your body through phase signals to block allergic reaction. you can use this to fight those hay fever symptoms.....

and instead of dust we can use any allergen that goes into human body. if you have a cream , and you start to get an allergic reaction to it. then you do is, take the cream go to doctor , doctor puts the cream on tin foil and turn on inversion and block the cream allergic influence on body , and then base diagnostics . this technique that i showed you. is a very good technique for any fierce sharp allergic reactions and like that in maximum of 20 mins we can dim the fierce reaction of allergy .

the same we can use to dim a fierce pain we put the electrode to the place where it hurts cos , dr Reinhold? said that pain is a scream of body the place where needs attention, and if it a scream then we can capture it. and invert it. and dim this big pain

when you are eliminating key allergens by this method it is very very important to tell your patient to drink much clean mineral water. 30gram on 1kg of the patients weight that water is very good liquefier , cos water dissolves many many things , and water dissolves that what you in bio resonance destroyed.
which allows to fast wash the allergen out of your body that’s why i told you that, mercury comes out of body, in a period of 18 years? and in two weeks with bio resonance apparatus, but if patient is a keen water drinker last recommendation to give patient is to be active, not by any chance the patient should lie and do nothing , you need to move, and need to wash out of the body allergens if you will do nothing after destruction of the allergens then they will float around your body, and in time will again clutter and accumulate in the same place where they are comfortable to be at. again to unite , to fight against the human, so it’s be active, and drink mineral water , juices and other liquid substances are not the same as mineral water mineral water should be priority tap water isn’t the best thing either.

again i would like to say my friends. that bio resonance in this day remains the
most effective way to fight allergic reactions and the vegetative resonance test, allow you to pinpoint what exactly is not letting your body live , in what degree, and with what you need to start with. to remove them from organism.
that concludes the lecture about allergies

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And thank you.


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