Dreams world(learn new stuff about dreams in rather simple terms)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

all of us dream,

but are you getting out of it the best experience that you can get?if you are not LUCID dreaming then the answer is NO.

what does it feel like in a lucid dream?
What does it feels like?
It feels as real as you are there right now
Really it is that real
Well how real it is... it is like your whims are fulfilled in an instant.
Whatever you will allow to happen will happen

getting started
you need to have a mindset of a dedicated person. this lucid dreaming stuff will not happen in the first try... although it might. its just very rare.If you want to start having lucid dreams then You just need to practice some things I'm going to tell you a bunch of stuff you need to do to remember to initiate lucid dreaming.

remembering dreams

its important to do these steps in order to have quality recollection of what you were doing while you were sleeping.start a dream journal. write in it every dream memory, you can just after you wake up day by day. Before sleep say to yourself that you will remember dream that you had. and you will remember it well.


What is dream world?
a place where you have full control
What happens in a lucid dream?
everything you want.It is a magical place of self-knowledge and realizations.
What I have come to realize about it,
Lucid world is not solid.
And it is not static.
It always is changing.
It is not constant.
It is always shifting
dream world is inconsistent.

For example****.
I can in my dreams go through walls Just by gently pressing on them Then I sink through. It's like going in some kind of fluid. I can't do it if, for example run through the wall or the door I will not get through.... I must lean against it. And gently push through otherwise it doesn't work for. (for me at least) but it could work for you REMEMBER it is about YOU and YOUR PERCEPTIONS AND BELIEFS about this reality that you proxy into your dreamworld. beliefs caries over into the dream world. it is the same if you will hit the water with 200mph you will hit a brick wall. cos your beliefs are not so easily changeable. they are mallable yes but one cannot change them with a snip of finger easily. but you will sink easily if you jump in water in normal speed.

Ok do you understand how the waking life differs from lucid dreaming?

Real life is solid.


  • When you sleep.your mind, shuts off brain's critical thinking ,your critical thinking is shut off when you sleep in a dream
  • example of this is this
  • You maybe on your bed now. And if some clown would come in your room right now to show you tricks you would call the cops. And scream.
  • But in a dream....it is different.
  • Your mind would think it is normal for a clown to be in your room making tricks, so you would not be aware of what is happening. or even to assume that it is abnormal. ** **
  • Habits you keep in waking life is passed on in the dream world.
  • bad things from waking life is passed in the dream world.
  • negativity from waking life is passed onto the dreamworld
  • so it's good to make a habit to test if this a dream and pretend that it's a dream
  • The real world rules will apply as long as you will keep on thinking that you are in waking world.
  • When you realize it is but a dream then the rules physics everything will be at your command gravity will stay the same in lucid dream until will realize that you are dreaming then you will bend it to your will.
  • One time. In my dream. I punched my fist into the pavement, I could tell it was a dream cos it didn't hurt no matter how powerful I hit.
  • And one more thing about gravity....if you want to lift a car in a dream. You don't have to strain any muscles you just have to take the car and gently grasp it without force. It will become as light as zero grams. You can do with it anything you want. Push pull but the more you strain your nonexistent muscles in a dream world the more you won't be able to move the car.and achieve your desired outcome. all it takes is simply put hand on the object and it will stick to your hand like a magnet but without pulling sensation.

you have no body. you have your mind.

Checking if you are sleeping

in a dream if there is a pc screen. Or digital clock, it glitches and changes frequently
when you look at it and then look away,
then ask yourself if this a dream and ask person next to you,
if this a dream and if it is a dream they will tell you yes it is a dream, then the fun can begin.
But they can lie too .There are many ways to tell you are dreaming.
if you look at your hand in a dream it will have fingers.
If you look at it and then look away. If it is changed then it is a dream.
So you want to enter dream world... then you must do
Certain things in waking life for you to be able to regain consciousness while you sleep .
many times a day. You must check if you are not dreaming.
if You have a phone it has digital clock in dream if you will look at the clock.
once and it says 2:32
then look away...and look again the phone for clock.
it will say this T@:42 or other random symbols
Couse it is not solid it cannot sustain and recreate the same clock as you saw before.
it is a sign that you are dreaming.
Then you must take action to proceed to look at the door and to ask your niece to come through if that is what you wish
So many times a day. Check your phone for clock ...look at it for several times.it will always be normal in real life...
But in dream it will change. So you must train your mind to discern and act accordingly.
In real world you must think
what you would do if you would see them differently.
then you would test if you are dreaming.
Visualize very strongly.
You check once the clock it's normal.
You check it twice you pretend that it is not normal and then you say
well I must be dreaming this is a dream. This is a dream.
Ok if this is a dream I can pull out taco from my pants pocket.
Then you pretend you just got a taco from your pocket
Or whatever you want. You can eat it if you want, or just throw it away.
What you do after you realize that you dream is up to you.


there are not many ways to enter the dreamworld
one is while you are sound asleep and becoming aware while you sleeping randomly or by your cue, or set triggers.
by this method you will find yourself A in your social normal waking life situation or B non waking life social situation out of the ordinary situation when you are curious of where you are.
second is to iniciate lucid dream from waking state.
by doing this. you will experience high pitched noises in your ears especially while entering a dreamworld. and you will also experience a wormhole experience, with changing colours. you will be able to see the dreamworld appearing right before your very mind.
Just lie on your bed.
And keep your body still breath. But don't go to sleep.
You have to trick the body that you have gone to sleep. /...... but in reality you are just waiting for dreaming to begin.
But it's very hard. As most of the time people just fall asleep and don't fall into a lucid dream.
When lucid dreaming will occur.
It could take up to 30 min or more... depending on how relaxed you can be. Until your body believes that your mind is ready for sleep Is relaxed. And calm. Then a sound will come.
It will come out of your brain and will consume your head. And ears... it is like going under to sink in the water. Not scary. When sound comes let it come. If you won't let it come you won't have lucid dream. There is a sound a ringing in your ears.

I have this sound coming in my brain
It's not long for it to last.
It lasts only 5 to 15 seconds. And then you are in dream world
Mostly in random spot. As your mind builds everything in front of you

easiest for most way**
The easiest thing to induce
Lucid dream is,
Wake up before you wake up.
Meaning. If you have to wake up at 6 you wake up and stay awake for 30mins then go back to sleep again. Thinking about going to dream world.
It's easier for mind to go lucid when you just woke up.
So you wake up earlier. Wait a while and then rest to sleep again, without thinking that you have a body don't concentrate on your body.Just think about Lucid dream. Don't try to control it...
With eyes closed there will be 1000 colors flashing before your eyes. Accompanied with the sound
Just relax through the process
And then you are in a lucid dream.
And that's it.
The vibrating sensation can occur too. Just relax and let it happen.
Don't fear it when it happens. it is normal.

techniques of removing limitations

You are in waking life here. And now yes?
this is knowing
How high can you jump?
constraint by your mind and your limitations, your beliefs are carried over in dream world. so at start you can jump only as normal.
Let me explain how the dream is not solid and not static vs the real world
Your jump height is limited.
To what your muscles can do in the real world but,
In a dream however. You have no muscles to govern your jump height
Let me tell you this...
I had a dream which I thought was waking life
I started to go and jump.
Run and jump.
I jump as high as in real world . its a trick of a mind believing that you are still in the waking world.
continued to jump. Not high.... then when realization struck me that this could be a dream.
Funny thing happened.
With every jump I could jump higher.
And higher.
And higher. 3m.
Then 5 m
Well... you have to know that your mind is not you and it will do whatever you will allow it to do and believe into.. you as the experiencer... have no mind but can govern the mind.
In dreams whatever you think it is It just is possible.

Possibilities in dreams are ENDLESS,

  • what you can conceive it can happen in a dream
  • Can make it snow, rain in a dream.
  • I sometimes had a dream within a dream that was awesome
  • picking up a car.(odly enough, you will not be able to pick it up if you will think that you need to strain your muscles.the car will not move and you will just simply most likely be thinking that this is reality and will miss the chance of lucid dreaming) or just simply wake up cos of the strain of your body in real life., but this is dream world you have no muscles everything happens with YOUR WILL ALONE.
  • In a dream can shift time of day as easy as flick of a finger. see how sun travels in the sky as you wish.
  • You can be anything ,have anything ,do anything in a lucid dream.
  • You can summon summon storm lightning. anything
  • Meteorite shower, petals falling from the sky.
  • Make moon bigger smaller.

not just pretending

you may think "but it was just pretending..." its not real and it is no use of this so called lucid dreaming..
i tell you no.... its like practice before the big game
In lucid dream it will be real.as real life...
So your pretending in real life will be reality in dream world.
It's very crucial that you pretend
lucid dreaming benefits your well being of your mind.

missing the chances

Let me tell you. How it fooled me. Many times
As was dreaming a lucid dream.
I became aware that I could be dreaming.... then I decided to check if this is actually a dream....
So I began To check if I am dreaming.
Many times I checked differently...
Cos most of my lucid dreaming started as if I was in waking world. Nothing unusual... everyday life
So then the first thing is to ask. Am I dreaming?
Then I asked it to person that stood next to me. He said I am not dreaming.
Then I lost opportunity to have lucid dream cos I believed that I was not dreaming....
If you ask long enough they will tell you truth the dream characters
Just ask if you are dreaming then they will tell you yes
Then you must check with a test if you are dreaming.
It can be that you had your first lucid dream but it is 1 to 1 with your waking life
yyou might not notice that you are dreaming. Cos it's so lifelike. And normal... BE MORE OBSERVANT mind at ease

It's possible to lucid dream during daytime?

YES, but distractions may arise in real world that will just bump you out of the dream.

Tibetan monks can lucid dream anytime they want. There are mind states brain waves which brain operates in ... the beta brainwaves are wakeful state... if you want to enter the lucid dreams when you want ten you must lower your brain waves and must enter the theta waves... hypnagogic state of mind. In order to do so you must be still. It's sort of like meditation.
its not advisable for eyes to get any light while in a lucid dream.

the benfites of lucid dreaming

  • Easy, you just have to know that you are dreaming and then anything is possible, mostly I talk with persons in dreams as I can summon anyone in the dream world, I just imagine and expect a certain person will walk through the door or around the corner, and after a moment they come visit me. Can call anyone I want. I had many visitors in my dreams , I also call myself and talk with myself about my problems it helps a lot.
  • Don't have ill effects of it.
  • Monks do it all of the time. and they can enter that state of mind while meditating
  • people use lucid dreaming for their own purposes wellbeingf mind
  • In dream nothing is out of reach.Super powers?You got it.
  • Making things turn to gold? Easy. Making everything a jelly? No problem anything is possible. Easy peasy.

The real benefit is be free, help yourself, and just have a fun time.

is it a scary place?

No not at all.
It is fun and loving place. even if its not. nothing can hurt you. it is a liberating place for you to create and play. if you are having nightmares constantly LUCID DREAMING can help you get rid of them real easily
Only rarely have to go through nightmares. But once you realize that no one can hurt you there cos they can't.
No reason to be afraid.
But I am telling here very important things to you
Don't be afraid.

more real than real

You want to know what it is like. It is life like. Right now.
Right now. Can you see the door? Of the roomtheyour room
Look at that dooryou could be sleeping in a dream lucid dream right now.Yeahthen.You know what you can do?You can summon through that door whatever you want.in a dream
You think this thought... and expect it to happen.....
What do you want to let through that door now?
I just want you to know that it is as real as waking world

Dreams a very emotional place

Lucid dreaming lets you experience a visit from a deceased loved one
It's just very emotional to see touch and hear the voice of late loved ones again in a dream life like
Yes talk interact.
Mostly it all comes to crying.
Cos of the love feel from them.
Looks differs sometimes. sometimes they are young
You just simply stare at thedoor.
And expect her to come through
And she will come.
You must say. Her name and that she is coming.
Mostly the deceased come on their own terms to you.
But can summon them.
It just brings such comfort to the soul when you are able to hear them and speak with them again.
Let me tell you. Such love and warmth as you hug them you will not experience in waking life. Such peace and love, deep compassion and understanding. Is when you hug a loved one in a dream that you just start to weep in the dream.
Its peace and love.
There is no doubt for me that deceased use dream world to come contact you.


Having a wonderful dream, makes you wake up genuinely happy and relaxed, actually there aren't things to worry about, and it is the burden of expectations from self and others.

You can easily have a dream that you want it just takes a little practice. It is beautiful to dream, can do anything your heart desires there if you have the focus. I suggest you read book on lucid dreaming. I like how dreams tend to be as real as waking life. The sensations and feelings are strong and welcome.
It just makes sleeping more exciting.
No it energizes the body.
Have an easy lucid dreaming. The most important is to play with your imagination.
Pretend that you are dreaming.
What you want is in dreamwhat you will. Is the keywordsto lucid dreaming?
Don't force anything... let it come. And allow it to come.
You can. and you will develop ability to be proficient at lucid dreaming
It may not happen fast... it depends on. How good can you visualize what you want to happen
give it time and it will happen a mental a switch will be clicked that will enable to have lucid dreaming regularly.

having doubts?/

Don't think that you can't.
You are learning to be able too...
Think it from different angle
you will soon
The ones who have not had lucid dream yet. never doubt, you will get it and it will be the time of your life.
You will have results just keep on checking if you are dreaming.

LUCID DREAMING checking fun

💭 Eyes awake? Well take a moment........ ...... .... eyes wide awake now? Take a second. Look at your hands. Are they hands? Do you have fingers? How many have you got? Count them up... check if you don't have sharp claws hiding in those puffy paws. No paws? Double check that, you need to be sure. Look in the mirror check your eyes. Have they changed? What about teeth? Ears? Try to listen further, maybe behind walls. If all is well you can proceed as normal. But don't panic when you see others have changed. If you see a tail or two... act as if its normal... try to blend in. Joke around. Don't do any sudden movements. It might trigger something awesome..... So alright... if you experience these... then you need to wake yourself up.(but if you want to experience everything you want ignore next sentences.) To do that you need to find and catch your shadow. ... Good luck with that anyway.... are you awake? Take a moment. Brace for a new day. Then get up.

well this took quite a while....to finish
closer to reality than fiction
And thank you , i deeply appreciate it.
resteem, upvote, comment.

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Very detailed

haha it better be. it took many hours. better sleep is one more key to happier life. so its better for more people to know about lucid dreaming. i was pondering on this..... the lucid dreaming is more entertaining than GAMES,MOVIES, modern entertainment.... so what if someone dont want you to be free in your own dreams? you can create everything in your dreams so why would kids need to spend time on FORKNIFE hahaha...

Lucid dreaming can be bad if one indulges too much in it


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