in #life6 years ago (edited)

I have always meditated since babyhood and have had endless precognitions that I believed were common to everyone until I reached five years old and discovered that other people did not know what I was talking about.
I had no words for the abilities I was accessing so I made them up.

When I wanted something I would "gism" for it.
If I wanted to project an idea into someone else's head I would "gism" them directly.
I had no doubt that I would see danger approaching ahead of time and therefore I did.
I found that the stronger my belief in my abilities, the stronger and quicker were the "visions".

My famiiy became thoroughly used to my predictions and ability to answer questions before they were asked.
I was, and still am, convinced that these abilities are normal, not in any way special.
It is just a matter of belief.

I often say - if you believe a thing, it is true for you.
That has a very unpleasant double edge to it though.
Those that believe in devils, demons and evil energies will experience them because their belief conjures them up for them.
Hence the predator class which tries to rule over earth is fundamentally flawed and thus quite vulnerable.
Their beliefs and their faith in the false hierarchies they have created have trapped them and excommunicated them from the rest of us.
They only think that they rule.
The reality is the reverse.

In claiming supremacy they have self deceived and damaged their connectedness.
They are, in effect, isolated and therefore, lonely and extremely afraid of us.
Generations of them.... teaching and abusing their children and sometimes ours too.
Teaching entirely the wrong state of mind, crippling their natural abilities and ours, has resulted in all the fake history, education, language inadequacies and above all, in horrible diseases and afflictions.

Freedom of mind comes when, in deep meditation, we believe wholeheartedly in the absolute eternal oneness and have the faith to access its knowledge.
I have heard that referred to as the Akashic Records and as a term of reference it will do, I suppose.
But the way I understood it as a small child was as a vast and safe playground, set up for me to explore and learn from whenever I needed to know something.

It is there for us all and even for all other forms of life.
If I were to ask my dog about his consciousness.... how would he be able to reply?
He sees and knows only one consciousness.
And that is firmly focused on the present and eternally holy moment.
Which is why he can detect a wrong thinker and give me the benefit of his uncannily accurate assessment by steering me away or positioning himself between me and the soul that has excommunicated him/herself from the joy of a life lived in simple connectedness.
You see, for my dog and for all other life forms there is only one complete uninterrupted consciousness.

The oneness.


Many thanks for those insights!

Your post about levels inspired me to respond to your conversation there. I simply adapted that slightly to create this post. I am very glad you have seen it.

I see a multitude who have been poorly educated, deliberately.
Filled with toxins, deliberately.
Starved of opportunity, deliberately.
Moral rectitude, values and priorities have been distorted by mass media, deliberately.
If a person can withstand all of this and survive, that is something to admire and rather than find fault with them, praise them.
This may achieve tremendous results.

First it improves your perception of others.
2nd it improves your attitude to others.
3rd this becomes evident in your demeanor.
4th it attracts others to you.
5th it builds and strengthens the bonds of natural connectedness.
6th it activates speedy exchange of ideas and information.
7th the oneness is perceived as the miracle that it truly is.

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