Top 10 signs Planet X Nibiru is nearing Earth

in #life9 years ago

A catastrophe ominously looms on the horizon. Planet X, a huge planetary body, or star, is headed our way. Described as a great “Red Star,” the path of this approaching, heavenly object puts it on a potential, head-to-head collision course with our planet, Earth.

If you haven’t heretofore heard of the mysterious and deadly Planet X—so-called because it is said to be a newly discovered yet ancient tenth planet for our solar system—believe me, you will very soon. Doomsayers are predicting the marauding planet’s elliptical orbit will bring it near to the earth by this spring or summer.

Many pseudo-astronomers and perennial astronomical doomsayers point to Zechariah Sitchin’s works in which the Russian scientist/author alleges that a planet named “Nibiru,” which travels an orbit from the other side of Pluto to earth on a 3,600 year cycle, causes manifold disasters each time it makes a pass. They say this is now the time for Nibiru to return.

Some cite other names for Planet X, including “Wormwood.” This is prophetic since the Holy Bible does, in fact, prophesy catastrophic earth changes to occur due to a star by this name:

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp…And the name of the star is called Wormwood…and many men died… (Revelation 8:10-11)

While the more dramatic accounts forecast Planet X’s arrival later this year, some maintain the shattering specter will occur later, in 2004, 2006, 2012 (the last year on the Mayan calendar), or even 2078. Others claim it could be thousands or even millions of years before the tenth planet orbits near Earth once again.

Surprisingly, a number of professional astronomers at the world’s top observatories share the view that there is a tenth planet out in space. Scientific reports conclude that the gravitational pull of this tenth planet, a planet not now observable by most telescopes, is already disturbing the heavens and causing what the astronomers call “perturbation.”

Planet X and the Secret Doctrine

Significantly, Freemasonry and the occult world have long awaited the arrival of Planet X. The occultists, in their Secret Doctrine, teach that the ancients once worshiped gods and deities, mighty men of reknown, who came to Earth from the heavens, from a planet star called Sirius.

NASA has confirmed what ancient civilizations warned about thousands of years ago. Nibiru, or as it is translated “planet of the crossing” may be a heavy mass object (HMO) in addition to a dark star that is part of our own solar system.

All of the hype that happened in 2012 has muddied the waters of what these ancient societies were actually writing about. Their calculations indicate that this HMO will enter our near solar system near 2012, it swings past the sun and is sent out in a sling-shot fashion to deep space once again after that.

In one of the first reports, the HMO was measured at 50 billion miles from the sun. Less than a decade later, NASA gave the following update. Notice the distance of 7 Billion miles. This report is 20 years old.

Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun – NASA Press Release

What is the distance of this HMO from the sun in 2012? Too close! What is disturbing is that after all the reporting, which showed up in news conferences and newspapers all over the world for years… has virtually vanished. NASA stopped discussing the HMO completely.

However, the data continues to be gathered from the scientific community and astronomers from every corner of the globe. Unfortunately, with all of the hype on the Internet, it is very difficult to sift out the truth from the lies.

The 10th Planet, called ‘X,’ reflecting the Roman numeral for the number 10, moves in an approx 3,600-year elliptical orbit around our sun. Planet X is 4 to 8 times the size of earth and 100 times as dense. The mass of Planet X, like the earth’s moon, would cause massive tide fluctuations as it nears the earth when whipping around the Sun, it is also speculated that the magnetic pull of Planet X will cause the earth’s magnetic poles to shift. It will also case huge solar flares as it nears the sun. Solar flares take out satellites and their intensity could burn up much of the vegetation on the earth and cause devastating storms and flooding while activating many volcanoes.

Nibiru Expert Says Planet X Visible in December 2015. Also known as The Twelfth Planet or Planet X, some are warning that the wandering body of Nibiru is quickly nearing the Earth – and could cause global devastation. Should you worry?


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