Hello Again!

in #life6 years ago

Hello everyone,

This is my reintroduction to me coming back to Steemit. It has been almost a month since I was last on here... Didn't seem that long to me, thinking it was only a couple weeks... Time flies!!!!!

I will not be elaborating on my recent events as they are more personal and the reasons to which I have been gone for some time.

But know that I am slowly coming back and I am looking forward to talking with all of you once more and getting back on the writing wagon.

Things to come from this foxy lady?
I'm not sure. I know that my life, right now, has made me realize that making promises is not a good reality as when the tides roll, I flow. (Does that make any sense?) Basically life happens and I gotta go with it.
I do plan to start back the crochet contests. Next week seems a good time for me to start that once again.
Also I plant to write more stories. Get those creative juices flowing and giving you guys some entertainment! (YAY bring it on! ~ says the background crowd in the silent voice .....crickets)

With all these plans, I know that I must pace myself and not feel that there are expectations thrown at me as they bring me down - A LOT - when I cannot meet them, but the most important expectations I must meet, are those of my children, husband, family etc. So please, tighten your grip on those seats.... there will be more commercials than there will be shows. 😛

It is winter here now, so perhaps I will also be sharing some pictures of the northern winters. It is cold and already reaching -22 celcius here. The snow is here to stay till April.

With all things said, and not saying too much, I look forward to saying hi and asking how you have been and what 's new.

I am sure there is much to tell and hugs to give. For now, here is the star of the show:

Piper at 6 months of age!


She is quite the pup. She may be around 50lbs now. I will know for sure by the end of the month when I bring her in to the vets. Our older dog, Moe, still doesn't like her yet he does love showing off when he runs.
The awesome thing about her, that I just love so much is that she is a companion for the family. The kids love playing with her so much and plays a great and important role. The only thing is I wish she wouldn't climb on my back when I am on the floor playing with the kids. OUCH!

Have a great day everyone!


Stopping by to visit @foxyspirit and nice to read you are back ...

"... but the most important expectations I must meet, are those of my children, husband, family etc."

... while ensuring you get the balance on your time right.

I think most of us find it challenging on getting this big question right - how we spend our time well. I know I do ...

For what it is worth, I think you have the priorities right. 👍

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How to spend our time well is actually kind of hard. It can get quite hectic and as a mother, everyone needs mom all the time lol. It is a huge question when it comes to having some 'me' time and when I can have it. Trying to get everyone to respect and know that I need it just as much as everyone else is also something hard. It can be easy to forget about someone when we can be so busy with ourselves. Putting a foot down and organizing the chaos breaks the clouds on a sunny day :)

Yes, @foxyspirit ...

"How to spend our time well is actually kind of hard. It can get quite hectic and as a mother, everyone needs mom all the time lol."

... agree and 'been there, done that' which is what stood out to me on your profile to begin with - a SAHM ...

A 'bit' older than you, we've been through that phase of our lives and 'out the other side' ... It is no doubt difficult, but there is great satisfaction at the end of it all as a sacrifice well worth making. Your children don't understand that now, but the day will come when you will be (hopefully) surprised at what they say to you, once they are adults themselves ...

Hopefully, you won't mind me saying that ...

Always interesting how we "meet" each other in here. It came to my attention awhile back you seemed to be upvoting my posts (auto?) and now I am doing the same in return. No idea how my work came to your attention in the first place, but ... Here we are!

Until we "meet" again @foxyspirit, all the best to you and yours for a better tomorrow! 👍

My memory is a bit split at the moment. The only auto vote thing that I can recall is being on those community trails like Helpie and The Hive. I forget what we call those trails lol, I am forgetful lately, my bad.

I absolutely do not mind what you said and I completely agree! In fact, just today, I went town (BY MYSELF!!! WOOHOO!!), did my errands. When I came back, I was greeted by my youngest one in the most loving of ways. The best hug ever and lots of love. And even from my puppy too by trying to dig her face in my coat, puppy hugs haha. Although my husband was more like, 'hey' (Oh God the woman's back) 😜

Just adding a bit of humor in there. It is a lot of work to have kids. But every day it has these moments that are like secrets. Shared feelings and connections that tie us all together as a family in which creates warm smiles and sparkling eyes.

Thank you for replying and I hope to see you again :)

Good evening @foxyspirit. First opportunity to come back to this and comment. Working full-time, with a family, doesn't leave me as much time "in here" as I might like.

"But every day it has these moments that are like secrets. Shared feelings and connections that tie us all together as a family in which creates warm smiles and sparkling eyes."

Yes, words seem inadequate at times. At least for me. I think children and family deepen our lives. Definitely not always a picnic, but we grow through the challenges. And the bonds we develop through it ...

An old friend from high school was closer than a brother to me in those days. But he got married and they never had a child. Didn't want any. We had several, so we just were no longer "compatible" ...

Makes me wonder, when I think of him, how he looks back over his life now. I say "deepens our lives" because his seems "shallow" to me in comparison. Most of their free time was spent out entertaining themselves ...

Hope you've enjoyed an uplifting day in your world!

It's funny how that works. I find if we have a good friends, we should stick together no matter what life brings us. If I had decided to not have kids but my best friend did, I would be more than happy to act as an aunt towards those kids. Not everyone is the same though and I too had those fleeting friends. I can say that my first real friend I found when I was in my later 20's. And then my 2nd when I was 29-30. They are rare to find but I am with them till the end and so are they.
It was an eventfully filled day. Thank you. I hope today brings you a lot of sunshine and inner warmth!

Hi dear fellow @steemitmamas glad to have you back. Look forward to the kids and dogs stories. You should enrole the dogs in #dogsofsteemit by @supernovastaffy she has a contest running you should See that. Well good luck and See you soon
Love Britt

Thank you! That would be a real cool thing to check out, thank you for sharing that with me. Most of the time when Piper sees the camera/phone she jumps at it. This one picture I managed to get her to sit but I had to act fast.
Thank you for coming by my post and supporting me. Much appreciated!

Submitt this one or edit your blog and put in the tag in the text and the name @supernovastaffy it Will work

Welcome back!!!

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