Will you ever be fit?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


We live in a world where being "in shape" is completely subjective. According to social media and popular magazines, your body should look a certain way, 6 pack, bubble but, big pecs, big arms, fit a size 0. But thats not accurate, and you don't want to have a cookie cutter body, we all come in different shapes and we all get in shape differently.

For example, lets say your heavy, you've always been bigger then those around you, and no matter how much cardio you do, how many salads you eat, you stay the same size.

What's the solution, how do you get "in shape", and most importantly, what will you look like? Well...you might not like this, but if you've been big for most your life, your never going to look like Pamela Anderson. But you can get into better shape. "Big" people are amazing at getting strong, they can pack on muscle (muscle burns fat) better then anyone, your body type is called "endomorph", basically your a viking. You are going to be way stronger and more explosive then most other people, and that's awesome! your going to have a bubble but, strong legs and a strong back. You will never be a size 0, you'll have to still shop around for clothes that fit you well, and you will eat like never before. basically you'll look like an offseason crossfit athlete without the 6-pack. You'll look great! But this means that you have to train with weights, weights are your friends, forget the treadmill for now. If your going to workout for an hour, train weights for 45 mins and then do 15mins cardio.


What if you've been skinny, like pancake butt, people wonder if you have an eating disorder, you look like a teenager type of body. You want to tone up, you want to not feel so frail, maybe even have a butt.

Your body type is an ectomorph, and my friend, you've just hit the jackpot, because you don't have to worry about dieting, you can eat as much as you want. As far as training goes its pretty easy, stop doing cardio, almost completely give it up. Start doing a lot of weights and a lot of eating, and the more eating. Its ok to have, what you consider a little pudge, in the beginning, its called gains. That little bit of extra fat on your bones will help build the muscle and keep it there.


Lastly if you're average in build....not really fat or skinny....try harder. Just go to the gym. Don't be lazy.


Yeah dude, hittin it up either today or tomorrow! Can't wait to get back to the gym :)

sweet you got a new gym! Thanks for the repost dally!

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