The Kangaroo story

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hello world.

You know when you kind of do not feel your age at all? Most of the time I feel like this, because, you know age is just a number. The amount of experience you gain all this time is the actual age. Social experience, love experience, job experience and so on, this is what is supposed to teach you and sometimes doesn't depend on age. Also they say like, if you do not feel your age it´s kind of like the past lives, or your soul has already been in this situations and somehow the lesson is already learnd, so maybe you got really fast bored of going out in da club or you feel more comfortable hanging around with older people than you. Anyways, here is a site where you can calculate your own mental age by simply answering some questions. (it is a little stupid but I know you are really bored and you don´t got shit to do)

Ok, so what I wanted to say is that besides my artwork that I will try to post, are this funny stories wich mostly I´ve been trough or some friends have or I just heard them from all this crazy people I meet so often. I´m only 25 years old, but I´ve been trough a lot and this is why I feel older and I just hope I have enough stories for everyone´s taste.
So, this friend finally got a new job, as a night guardian at the local Zoo. Basically, he just had to keep an eye on the animals. One night he invited another friend just to chill around the Zoo, because it was pretty boring for him. Of course they got drunk at some point and one of them had a pretty funny idea, to check out if the kangaroo is really boxing. (You know how they always show boxing kangaroos in movies or cartoons)
So they took some gloves, got in the cage, hit the kangaroo one time and the motherfucker died ! K.O. R.I.P.
Eventually he got fired, got a big ass penalty and got banned from the Zoo.
Conclusions? I know life is worthless and will all gonna die, but try not to get drunk at work, is not a plus. (except bartenders)



LOL thats mad funny. I could see someone doing that. Ill try to take that advice "not getting drunk at work" he's lucky they didn't arrest him! lol very humorous. I gave you a big up vote and follow :D please follow back I make funny memes and articles as well great story!

Nice, I could use some memes haha. PEACE!

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