The first love!! 😍😍// El primer amor!!😍😍

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Everyone at some point in their lives has come love, but not any love, but the "first love"
That makes us see all the color of roses, that we have since childhood or that we started in high school, where we give everything for that special person, where it makes us happy to see that person smile and with whom we want to be for life.


Here I bring the story of my first love ..

It was in high school, I was 14 years old and he was 16, we met through friends in common, so we started to contact and talk on the phone, at that time we were just friends and he already liked someone else, so I commented on that girl that I wanted very much and I as his friend listened and supported. Among so many conversations, messages and calls one day we started to talk about the future and what would happen if he and I were boyfriends, how would our relationship, since we got along very well and we had a lot of things in common.

So at the time we started to like and we started to leave, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I accept.
We went out for 2 years and 7 months, shared many things, went on a trip with me and with my family, I went to every family reunion or party that invited him, we went to the movies, to the beach, I went to his house , in short, we enjoyed our time together.


At that time I was still very immature and jealous, so there were things that bothered and we fought, when he entered the university things changed a little as responsibilities increased. After a while he started to change with me and decided that I wanted to stop being boyfriends, I asked him why and he told me that I was still a girl, because of my jealousy, because of several things that he did not like about me, I asked him if he had someone he liked and he said no.


After all the discussions I had I told him that I did not want to end that I loved him and that he could change, all of these I did not achieve anything with him, he did not want to give me that opportunity and we decided to finish, it hurt a lot a lot and I got depressed , even got to lose weight, since it did not cause me to eat, I cried a lot because he really wanted it. After a month of having finished with him, my cousin shows me a photo of his profile and I find out that he already had a girlfriend, since the photo was coming out kissing me, that made me sad, I felt bad because I discovered that I had cheated with another girl and that the others were not able enough to tell me that he liked another person when he asked. I disappoint him, I disappoint him since I never thought he would do something like this to me.


The time passed and I changed, improve as a person, improve my defects, I remove that innocence that I had as a child, mature and I became aware of many things, I sincerely do not regret the moments I shared with him because at the time I went very happy. I also do not regret what happened, because in that way I could grow, start to understand and see things that I could not before and above all value me as a woman and as a person, I always have to give my best, never stop to be "me", that if someone would get me to love it because they like everything about me, both good and bad things, since I am like this. You can have your flaws like everyone else and not because of that I will stop loving you or appreciating you because that is your way of being, I can help you to improve, but without ceasing to be you.

I do not keep him or hold him a grudge nor do I get revenge for what he did, because something I learned is that the world gives many laps, everything falls by its weight, time takes care of that, and so it was .. I contacted him again and he apologized for everything he did, that he really felt it, that I still liked him, so much so that he told me to be with him, being with his current girlfriend, what do you think ?? !! to deceive his current girlfriend with me .. I told him I apologized that everything was fine, but that we finished our time ago, so I went on with my life and his with his. We are currently writing, as I said, for birthday and Christmas greetings and sometimes we talk.


The first love is a very beautiful stage of life, which can leave us much learning and experience fills us to apply in the future, can be very painful and sad but are moments in life that occur and when they happen cause us many emotions, I fell in love with him in spite of what came later, but thanks to all that I have experienced and all those sad moments that pass, I am the woman I am now, giving love and affection to those who deserve it, being good and helping those who need it, remain happy and living life minute by minute without regrets, so to that first love, thank you!

As always hoping that you liked my post and do not close to love, so you have gone through sad or difficult times, do not stop loving, rather that motivates them to be better and demonstrate how strong they are! believe me there is someone out there who will love them as they deserve! I do not give up!
Regards :)

El primer amor!

Todos en algun momento de sus vidas les ha llegado el amor, pero no cualquier amor, sino el "primer amor"
Ese que nos hace ver todo color de rosas, ese que tenemos desde niños o que empezamos en bachillerato, donde damos todo por esa persona especial, donde nos hace feliz ver a esa persona sonreir y con quienes queremos estar para toda la vida.

Aqui les traigo la historia de mi primer amor..
Fue en bachillerato, yo tenia 14 años y el tenia 16, nos conocimos a traves de amigos en comun, por lo que empezamos a contactarnos y hablar por telefono, en ese entonces eramos solo amigos y a el ya le gustaba alguien mas, por lo que me comentaba sobre esa chica a quien queria mucho y yo como su amiga lo escuchaba y apoyaba. Entre tantas conversaciones, mensajes y llamadas un dia empezamos a hablar del futuro y de que pasaria si el y yo fuesemos novios, de como seria nuestra relacion, ya que nos llevabamos muy bien y teniamos muchisimas cosas en comun.
Por lo que al tiempo nos empezamos a gustar y comenzamos a salir, el me pidio ser su novia y yo acepte.
Salimos por 2 años y 7 meses, compartimos muchas cosas, se fue de viaje conmigo y con mi familia, iba a cada reunion o fiesta familiar que lo invitaba, ibamos al cine, a la playa, yo iba a su casa, en fin, disfrutabamos mucho nuestro tiempo juntos.


En ese tiempo yo era todavia muy inmadura y celosa, por lo que habia cosas que a el le molestaban y peleabamos, cuando el entro a la universidad las cosas cambiaron un poco ya que aumenaron las responsabilidades. Al cabo de un tiempo el comenzo a cambiar conmigo y decidio que queria que dejaramos de ser novios, yo le preguntaba el porque y me decia que yo todavia seguia siendo una niña, por mis celos, por varias cosas que no le agradaban de mi, yo le llegue a preguntar si el tenia a otra persona que le gustara y me decia que no.


Despues de todas las discusiones que tuvimos yo le decia que no queria terminar que lo amaba y que podia cambiar, a todas estas no logre nada con el, el no queria darme esa oportunidad y decidimos terminar, a mi me dolio mucho mucho y me deprimi, incluso llegue a bajar de peso, ya que no me provocaba comer, yo lloraba mucho por el porque lo llegue a querer de verdad. Al cabo de un mes de haber terminado con el, mi prima me enseña una foto de su perfil y me entere de que ya tenia novia, ya que en la foto salian los dos besandose, eso me entristecio demasiado, me senti mal porque descubri que me habia engañado con otra chica y que a demas no fue lo suficientemente capaz de decirme que le gustaba otra persona cuando se lo pregunte. Yo me decepcione de el, me defraudo ya que nunca pense que el me haria algo asi.


El tiempo paso y yo cambie, mejore como persona, mejore mis defectos, me quite esa inocencia que de niña tenia, madure y me fui dando cuenta de muchas cosas, sinceramente no me arrepiento de los momentos que comparti con el porque en su momento fui muy feliz. Tampoco me arrepiento de lo que sucedio, porque racias a eso yo pude crecer, comence a entender y ver cosas que antes no podia y sobre todo me valore como mujer y como persona, que siempre tengo que dar lo mejor de mi, nunca dejar de ser "yo", que si alguien me llegase a querer sea porque le gusta todo de mi, tanto las cosas buenas y malas, ya que yo soy asi. Tu puedes tener tus defectos como todos y no por eso yo dejare de quererte o de apreciarte porque esa es tu forma de ser, te puedo ayudar a mejorar, pero sin dejar de ser tu.

Yo no le guarde ni le guardo rencor ni tampoco me llegue a vengar por lo que hizo, porque algo que aprendi es que el mundo da muchas vueltas, todo cae por su peso, el tiempo se encarga de eso, y asi fue.. El me volvio a contactar y me pidio disculpas por todo lo que hizo, que realmente lo sentia, que yo le seguia gustando, tanto asi que me dijo que estuviese con el, estando con su novia actual, que les parece??!!, iba a engañar a su novia actual conmigo.. Yo le dije que lo disculpaba que todo estaba bien, pero que ya lo nuestro termino hace tiempo, por lo que segui con mi vida y el con la suya. Actualmente nos escribimos, como les dije, para felicitaciones de cumpleaños y navidad y a veces conversamos.


El primer amor es una etapa muy hermosa de la vida, la cual nos puede dejar mucho aprendizaje y nos llena de experiencia para aplicar en el futuro, puede ser muy doloroso y triste pero son momentos en la vida que ocurren y cuando pasan nos causan muchas emociones, yo me enamore mucho de el a pesar de lo que vino despues, pero gracias a todo lo que vivi y a todos esos momentos tristes que pase, soy la mujer que soy ahora, dando amor y cariño a quienes lo merecen, siendo buena y ayudando a quien lo necesite, seguir siendo feliz y viviendo la vida minuto a minuto sin arrepentimientos, asi que a ese primer amor, gracias!

Como siempre esperando que les haya gustado mi post y no se cierren al amor, asi hayas pasado por momentos tristes o dificiles, no dejen de amar, mas bien que eso los motive a ser mejores y demuestren lo fuertes que son! créanme que allá afuera habra alguien que los ame como se merecen! yo no me rindo!
Saludos :)


Similar things happen to me.. she was not mine first girlfriend but she was mine first love.. N now we broke up n still we sometimes talk to eachother i even have no idea why she left me. Yeah there is a line which say first love hurts yeah i believe on it n yeah it teach us to b mature n we get experience from it .
Keeping thing aside we must move on that's what the life is all about. Keep on moving 😊

Yes!! :D thanks!

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Very good post.. I enjoyed it :)

Que linda historia, con un final no tan bonito pero así es la vida... te sigo y te doy mi voto

Muchas gracias :) si asi es!

No siempre todo buen comienzo saldrá bien! ni todo mal comienzo terminara mal!

Claro es verdad! :)

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