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RE: When the electricity goes out, even for a few hours, people get stupid really quick. Most ppl won't even read this and they should!

in #life8 years ago

We don't have too many power outages here on the west coast except during heavy storms. Last winter, we had power knocked out three times, each time lasting about 7-8 hours but there was one time in Surrey (a suburb of Vancouver, BC) where we didn't have power for a day and a half. Nothing too serious happened though some of us lost food that spoiled when our freezers and fridges were down. I am much more concerned about a earthquake here in the Vancouver area. THAT would create so much chaos and I know too many people who don't have supplies and a fully-stocked backpack and first aid kit. I have one in the trunk of my car along with a set of warm clothes and sneakers (since I wear impractical suits and heels at work) in case the big one hits while I'm at work, and another backpack at home with enough supplies for three days (water, granola bars, several cans of food with can opener, extra socks, matches, flashlight, thermal blanket, whistle, small first aid kit, extra pair of glasses, and cash.


Does it bother you, that gas stations, which fuel police, fire, and ambulance vehicles, don't have any manual pumps to refuel these vehicles? There is no incentive or regulations or laws for oil companies to put them in..

It was just a couple days ago, I saw a fire truck at a regular gas station. I was astounded. Never saw that before. The reason is simple. Fire trucks don't fuel up that often, so it is quite plausible that 90% of us won't ever see one at a gas station. But that's where they get their fuel.

So even if you do have all the supplies handy. It's really horrible that emergency vehicles will run out of gas (and they have, if you research it) simply because we're not prepared for long outages.

I had never thought of the gas situation. It's horrifying to think that emergency vehicles, police cars, fire trucks, etc. could run out of gas. Ontario has had so many multi-day power outages in the last decade due to severe ice storms. I wonder now how they managed?

Good question. I don't think you want to know the answer. Whatever emergency vehicle unused in the parking lot, gets put out into service, as long as it has gas? Who even knows the answers to these questions. They get away with it, because the public hopes its under control. It really isn't.... I'm serious.

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