Test: Am I an alcoholic or a social drinker?

in #life6 years ago

Nobody wants to be designated as an alcoholic even if he is, you have to pretend. Nothing better for this than to put a class name: Social drinker.



I am a social drinker because I only drink when I go out, when I am away from home, when there is a meeting, work things, events, parties, celebrations. This is the great shield to the problem.

Alcohol drinkers and risk drinkers are people who, due to the consumption of quantities and frequently, can presage a bad outcome, alcoholic drinkers, without needing to be drunk or drunk all day, have been acquiring some behaviors that have affected them. made sick as a result of drinking. This could be the home classification of alcohol drinkers.

On the subject of alcohol, the limits are unclear: When is drinking too much? Who determines it? The truth is that the answer is not true and depends on many aspects. Frequently one does not realize that he drinks too much until he has lost control, that track is the one that initiates the suspicions, but he is late. Normally the consumption was previously inadequate, but it was camouflaged in some way. The problem is that, the alcoholic usually denies his problem, at least until he comes face to face with the world. What drives you to drink? By definition the alcoholic has abuse, dependence, withdrawal syndrome and is diagnosable, but this does not mean that other types of alcohol consumption are not harmful.

The term alcoholism is obsolete, word of the nineteenth century, which alluded to all the effects of health and social problems, doctors prefer to call it "alcohol dependence".



Effects of alcohol on the body

For alcohol to cause liver damage, women and men should consume a daily dose close to 30 and 60 grams, respectively. Women have a more sensitive liver than men, so their degree of tolerance to alcohol is lower.
If this amount of consumption is maintained for five or more years, it is likely that 1% will develop liver cirrhosis. While the drinkers who consume over 100 grams, they have between 5 and 10% probability of generating this pathology. (Doctors Daintegra).

This is the problem drinker that if detected and recognized can be handled, but we are already wrong. The problem drinker can be detected through the Binge Drinking Scale (EBBA). It is a questionnaire of seven questions that is answered yes or no. It is recommended by Chilean medical specialists.

1. Have you had problems with your family or friends because of the drink?

2. Have you lost friends (as) for the drink?

3. Have you wanted to reduce what you drink?

4. Has it ever happened to you that without realizing it ends up taking more than you think?

5. Have you had to drink alcohol in the morning?

6. Has it occurred to you that, upon awakening, after having drunk, you remember only part of what happened?

7. Does it bother you to criticize him for the way he drinks?

And if you have bothered with the post and this test, please also check it out!



Social Drinker :)


Yeah I think so :)

I'm not sure it makes much difference. Social drinkers seem to increase the opportunities they have to be at events where they can engage in"social drinking" and some drink to excess. That is why they go to where the drinking is. Some of the most obnoxious people I have run into were "social" drinkers.

Conversely, most alcoholics learn to hide their addiction and most successfully keep it a secret for as long as possible. "Social drinking" usually means everyone is doing it so it doesn't matter.

In both cases, both are addictive behaviors.

Extraordinary arguments You put me to thinking and internalizing and I concluded that you are absolutely right.

Oh boy!! Looks like I missed out a wonderful post.. or probably I was too drunk to notice.. :-)

On a serious note there are many who wouldn't even care to respond thinking that they are in control of the situation and drinking habits while slowly the scale tips to and the situation is control is other way around.

Nice poat

Thank you very much! Actually most think that they have the situation controlled but in the end the alcohol takes over them.

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