The Importance Of Rest And Sleep For Progress In Losing Weight And Gaining Muscle

in #life8 years ago

Hello everybody!

If you want to thrive and reach your goals, whether weight loss or gain of muscle mass - you need to sleep!

Sleep is not only important for people in fitness and bodybuilding, but also for all people, but the bodybuilders most needed, because without enough sleep is not possible to build muscle mass, no matter how intensively trained and practiced.
Remember that muscles do not grow during the workout, but during sleep and rest.

Everyone already know that the adult human daily for normal functioning need between 6 and 8 hours of sleep. If you train hard and regularly, it is important to adequate rest. The best way to do that is sleeping, because the muscles during it grow, develop and recover.

What is regeneration?

The process during which your body renew and repair those muscle fibers that you destroyed during exercise. Not only are rebuilding, but there is a 'Super Compensation', ie, restored fiber will be bigger and stronger than they were.

When you sleep too little, ie. You do not have enough sleep, catabolic processes reign in your body and of course muscle mass is lost in the first place.

In sleep is very important routine. Falling asleep at about the time every day, even on weekends, it's very significant. San supposed to be one of our priorities. The need for sleep should be satisfied.

Exercising only destroys muscle fibers, growth and strengthening occur during sleep. Exercise is catabolic and anabolic relaxing.

If you are not sleeping enough are not able to give the maximum in training, which of course leads to a drop in power, the development of muscle mass and generally slows down your progress. It is very important and when you lay down on the bed, as if you lay down at 3 am, you have less time for food during the day.

Rest and sleep after sporting activities should be planned. Care should be taken about the timing of rest, its duration, number... Resting will be more effective if the activity at the stage of fatigue earlier terminated. If the person who is training we seek to engage the rest of their possibilities, then rest after that will not be much effective. In order to be able to return to its normal level required is relatively long break. When a fatigue is bad, then the rest quickly. Resting be given before symptoms become express fatigue at the time of maximum effect, and before the effect starts to decrease.

How much sleep is enough sleep?

Of course depending on age, lifestyle, genetics and many other factors, but the general view is that it is 7-9 hours of sleep. If you are wondering, does more sleep better, the answer is no, but even advisable not to do that, because according to some studies, people who slept over had a higher mortality rate.

Thanks for reading!
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