My "Vacations" Started

in #life6 years ago


A as the title suggests my vacations have already started. This time i am just in my village, no islands or such, as i spent my money visiting China at the start of the year so i have no regards. My village isn't exactly the destination that i like to visit as you literally have nothing to do.

If you have a car which in this case i don't and a bunch of friends then it's a great place to go as it has a lot of famous destinations that are nearby. Also because the community there is so closed everyone knows everything and you can't even take a walk without all the village finds out. Finally, most of the people have a stupid mindset where they try to act cool and show off doing especially dumb things like drinking beers, riding bikes in places without lights and also driving while they are drunk. 


There are 3 reasons as to why i am visiting my village each year:

  1. The number one reason it to see my grandparents. Thankfully they are both alive and i feel like i ''own it'' to them, to at least see me once per year (it's basically 3 times but ok). Our relationship is great, i have a lot of funny and awesome memories thanks to them so i think it's only natural to go and see how they are doing
  2. The second reason is that my village is place that i can fully relax. It's the exact opposite of my home here in the city that is next to a road so all i am hearing is voice voice voice. There all i am hearing is the air, the trees, some dogs, some chicken in general the sounds of nature so just sit,walk or sleep while enjoying all these unique sounds.
  3. The third reason because i have no money to go elsewhere :P


The Main Reason Of The Post

Now the reason i made this post is to inform everyone that i have no internet here. That means that i can't post regularly as i used to but i have already made some posts alongside with their pictures and all i need to do is the format. Doing some quick math i will post till 11-12/8/2018

After that time and probably till the end of August you are not gonna see any posts for me. Note also that to upload these posts as well as vote and comment i''ll have to take my little cousin's laptop. Because we are talking about little kids :P i am not sure how i will handle this because you know ''my stuff, don't touch it''


I am pretty confident that for these 10 days i will keep my program as planned but after this probably i won't do anything. if i get the chance i may use an app for autoving but just bare with me if you don't see any upvotes,comments or replies. When i come back i will answer to every single on of them!


Enjoy your vacation @filotasriza3 . I remember in one of your posts (Why I love summer I think) where you stated that your uncles treat you free food during summers. Lol Wish you all the best in your vacation too with your grandparents!

Enjoy! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Κοιτα να περασεις ομορφα και να ξεκουραστεις στο χωριο. Δεν χανεται το Steemit...μαλλον

''ll have to take my little cousin's laptop. Because we are talking about little kids :P i am not sure how i will handle this because you know ''my stuff, don't touch it''

Be the bigger man... literally! take his laptop, put your ass on his face fart and then say: " It's mine now, if you want to keep going with this argument I'll show you that i'm the alpha male by peeing on you"

Works everytime... at least it does for me!

PS: You might stop being invited to family dinners and such xD

i act kindly towards him in order to keep the benefits of free food my uncles provide :P :P :P

Now for example he is sleeping and i found the chance to take his laptop. After 13 of month he will leave so no laptop :P

Guess what... the heat arrived in Portugal and half the country is burning again... AT least we aren't having any victims, so far

people started those fires or are random ones? (probably both). At least as you say you have no victims

I really don't know... at this point in time every time some stupid thing happens i'm always thinking is this just a random thing, was it the government or was it a random person... in the end it's the government fault for not cleaning up the forest enough and not providing good and fast counter-fire systems

in other words governments have lost our trust

kala na peraseıss!! :))))))

Καλά να περάσεις ! Ο παππούς και η γιαγιά είναι σημαντικότεροι απο το steemit και ταυτόχρονα λιγότερο δεδομένοι απο αυτό. Οπότε ζήσε όσο περισσότερες "στιγμές " μπορείς μαζί τους .

Enjoy and Rest . :)

Καλές Διακοπές!

Να περάσεις τέλεια, να απολαύσεις τη φύση και να ξεκουραστείς! :))

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