Is heaven human only?

in #life8 years ago

  We, human beings are the only species, who think that instead of only dying and rotting on the ground like the rest of the other millions of species that ever existed and died, we live again after we die FOREVER. Not 100 years lifetime, not 500 billion, forever. Now, the only context in which this kind of hypothesis would at least seem ‘reasonable’ or believable nowadays is either when someone considers the afterlife the norm without questioning it, or when confronted with a profound fear and even panic in the prospect of mortality.

   It would be an incredible coincidence if out of millions of living species, and a huge amount of them being extinct, we were the ones that God decided “Yeah, I’ll grant you a blissful afterlife or eternal torment, depending on how I judge your deeds. Now, the rest of the animals? eh who cares?” Let’s even assume that God would do this simply because humans are smarter than most animals in that they can learn about the world, build things, and try living morally. What about the earlier species of humans? At what human being along the evolutionary line did god say “Yep, that’s evolved enough for heaven”? It makes sense, then, to suggest that heaven would be created for every animal and not just us. Or at least a fine-tuned heaven for different animals. And why stop at animals? Do the bees not deserve a honey heaven? Bacteria should get something as well right? 

   If, however, heaven is human-only then the last person to not be eligible for an afterlife has to be the unluckiest person in the world. Good thing god didn’t have to break the news to him because that would be a very awkward conversation. “Uh, listen dude; I have to draw the line somewhere. If I let you in, then I have to let the next one in and then it’s all downhill from there, you know how it goes. Hey, at least I gave you a big cock though.” I say give the Neanderthals a chance for god’s sake, they were decent people worth of heaven too. They only didn’t have the holy book to know the rules of the game, that’s all. 

  But even if we did have an eternal afterlife, it had to be really amazing and entirely different from how we live right now. After at least 500 trillion years you’d think we’d all get tired of the same routine of waking up, eating, taking a shit, going to bed and repeat. Suicide or temporary suicide should be an option. In conclusion I think it seems fair to at least consider the fact that we only get a lifetime of ~ 1-100 years and then we go back to the way things were before we were born.  


Actually, Heaven is not human only. Heaven is a newly regenerated universe with a new Earth full of all the glorious creatures that first appeared in the Garden of Eden. Non-carnivorous creatures I might add.

This is standard Biblical teaching.

As for getting tired of it. What makes you think that the Creator of the Universe is not capable of making things infinitely interesting? Take a look at the size of just the part we know about! And our job is to help govern the whole thing.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

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