in #life6 years ago

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Hello everyone, sad news today. So I walked off my job about an hour ago and now am home, I left in an unprofessional manner- the only thought in my head was to leave, one bad experience led to another and another until all reasoning as to why I should stay vanished from my mind.

To start, everything was going fine on training until my trainer got sick and missed an entire week- for that week we were assigned multiple trainers as the week progress, they weren't fully prepared and because of that, we fell behind on training.

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By the end of the week, we were visited by a floor manager asking us for assistance on the floor as the demand was high and they needed extra help on the weekend- though we were untrained, we volunteer- I mean what's the worse that could have happened. I volunteered too because I said to myself, once It's not life threatening I should be fine and the experience could be quite valuable. It turns out it wasn't so bad- am lying- I took one call and it was horrible. I wished for it to be deleted from existence.


The following week started off with a shock- we were advised that it's time to go on the production floor for nesting. This means we would be taking live calls with the assistance of a team leader. Despite my optimistic nature- I knew things were going to be more chaotic because we missed 2 weeks of training and we didn't even practice what we learned. Still, I tried to keep my mind clear and focus.

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Needless to say, the week was like hell on earth. Everyone was feeling the pain and the frustration because of the lack of preparation. On my second or third call, I had an angry female customer who was past due on her bill for about 5 months and the charges kept accumulating month after month. She was pissed and would not hear my explanation as to why her bill went so high- after being interrupted a million times and being told how incompetent I was, she then asked for my supervisor-luckily my trainer from the first week was passing so I transferred the call to her. Did she save day?.... On the contrary- I was on the line with my trainer only to witness her getting the same treatment that I got and even worse- she was told that she was no good either-IN FRONT OF ME. I could just imagine how embarrassed she felt knowing that I'm one of her students and I was on the line to hear it.

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I woke up this morning- and the thought of going to work was unsettling. "Damn it!" I said to myself. The attempt to condition my subconscious mind from the night before didn't work. I was trying to focus on having a good day(well, the day is not over yet so who knows). Anyway, I forced myself to get ready for work because I already missed a couple days and I didn't want to miss another day. Plus I have debts weighing me down and need money to invest into steemit and steem monsters among other logical reasons.


So I arrived at work a few minutes late, wanting to leave before I even got there. First thing I noticed was that my headset was missing. Anyway, I log in and load up my systems then search for about 6 minutes for a headset, then boom onto the first call. Which didn't go so well because my system kept giving an error when I tried to assist the customer, so I took the customer information so that I can have my supervisor call him back- Then another call came in immediately, giving me no time to fix the issue with my system. I did the same thing as I did with the first call- but while doing that I noticed that I could hardly hear a thing the customer was saying similar to the first caller. So definitely the headset that I found was faulty. I got that replace- restarted my system and took another call.
The customer then explained the issue but it was really difficult to understand even after asking probing questions, so I asked the customer if I could place him on a brief hold for a few seconds while I check for additional info on my end. In my head, I didn't know what to do except to ask for assistance-to my surprise I saw only 2 leads and nearly all my coworkers competing for assistance - about 15 of them just so you can get an idea.
The customer was on hold for about 5 minutes which was unfair and I felt bad because I wouldn't want that happening to me.

Finally, I got some info to assist the customer- while I was doing that I suddenly realize that am talking to a new customer....sigh and this customer wasn't happy... and the line was unclear...big communication barrier. The customer hangs up on me after I made several attempts to understand what he was saying.
Immediately next call- which happened to be my last call.

It was a female customer that called in before to make changes to her account. Whatever changes were made, was not in her favor as her bill skyrocketed- she stated that the wrong changes were made but no notation was on her account for me to see . I wanted to advise her correctly so asked for help again which took about 20 MINUTES. When I got back to her I explain to her that I could not waive the charges she began to cry and request for a manager. I granted her request, log off the phone, log out and walk quickly to the exit where I used my ID for the last time then left it on a chair- I didn't even say goodbye to my friends. I was like,what is the point?- customers call in with their problems to have them resolve and then we end up adding more problem to their life because things weren't right from the get go. See, I can blame another person just like they blame on us for our stupid mistakes but that wouldn't solve the problem.I would rather use my time otherwise to work with people who try to do things the right way from the get go and stay true to it.

Now I need to know- is there a way that I can earn a sustainable income here on steem within a month or less ? I don't have any money to spend now but I have time and computer skills and a brain that can learn quickly. Leave your comments as to what you think I should do.
The other day ran out of Resource credit and I did a few simple tasks for @aggroed and he gave me 20 Resource credit and it felt a little like a paycheck. So if anyone needs help in developing steem let know my handler is @filandosmith.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this post. Am gonna light a joint and play some steem monsters for a bit.
Have a good day!

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