in #life6 years ago

I remember this morning when I was a IMG_20180429_084533_596.JPGlittle boy... I was actually sent to get something in a dark room and entering the room became a big challenge and greater problem simply because I was afraid. I actually stood there for almost 15 minutes before I was able to gather myself together and summon courage to enter the room. That day was a big story I still tell. Where the courage came from was beyond what I could comprehend and how I got what I was asked to get and ran out of that room like I really was so courageous remain a misery if I may say.

It also happened couple of weeks later when I was asked to get a bucket my uncle forgot at the backyard. I still wonder where the fear came from and why. I was so afraid that I nearly went back to lie that I couldn't find it, but I knew my uncle was a very wild man and he was a man I so much fear. So, I went there with a kind of a sharp speed, got the bucket and ran in like a thief being chased by police. That was when I knew what fear is.

I found out this is what most people face in real live not in the darkness anymore, but in a broad daylight. "Fear" is the most dangerous thing that even kills faster than death itself. I assume you agree with me on this. The most funniest part of the story is that we mostly at times fear what's not existing. Funny, right? That's true. We fear what doesn't exist. I am not saying fear doesn't exist. It does, but only if we welcome it. It exist in our mind only if we accommodate it. Fear is like or it's a thought that flashes a mind at uninvited or unexpected time and weigh us down once we give room to it.

This is actually what we all experience except if you're "filled with the spirit of God." Did I just mention the spirit of God? Yes, I mentioned the spirit of God. I know you're asking what that got to do with fear, but I am viewing this from the point of light and darkness, or good and bad. Let me not take much of our precious time and go straight to the point. If you're still with me, then I bet it worth it.

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

while fear as a verb is to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.

Another writer said: Fear is one such emotion that is pre programmed into all animals and people as an instinctual response to potential danger

That's not all. Another says:
Fear is a feeling induced by perceived danger or threat that occurs in certain types of organisms, which causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behaviour, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events.

I know there are more definitions to "FEAR" as the subject now, but why don't we look through another aspect which is WHY ARE WE AFRAID AND WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF?

I was asked the same question few months ago and no body seems to have correctly answered that. Now, let me hit the spot. There are different kind of human being in this world, some who live in mind and others who live life. I know that sounded so meaningless, but you can never conclude until I do say my last word. The only reason why you Fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind. Your fear is always about what's going to happen next. That means your fear is always about that which does not exist.

Remember I earlier said that we mostly fear what's not existing. I guess now it's becoming clearer to you that your fear doesn't help you AND will never help you in any way. It instead leaves you devastated and confused. Absolutely true. Either we fear or not, what would happen would happen.

Some people died and some dying not because their present difficulties, challenges or problems are so unbearable, but because they're already filled with a kind of fear that kills faster than the problems. I have heard of several Minor incident where people accidentally killed not by the incident itself, but by fear. This is a thing we really need to think over and over and over again because FEAR has never in a any way helped anyone or anybody, it instead destroyed. The fear of the unseen now kills faster than what's seen whereas it shouldn't be so.

Now let me go back to what I mentioned earlier... Filled with the spirit of God. Yes, that's where I need to elaborate better for us all to know that there are people who don't ever fear either of the seen or the unseen no matter how big or small. I came across this "Spirit of God" when I was just a teenager. I never knew what it was until I started seeing what it could do. I am not here to preach to you concerning any religion or belief, but to make you understand that there's one strong thing we need within us which helps in every aspects of our life once we have it within us.

Only one man I ever heard said "Nothing fears me. Not even death, tribulations, or whatever name the challenge or problem might carry" was my mentor as I was growing up as a child. What is the significant difference between him and every other people I've ever met is the grace of having a "Spirit of God" within you. Believe it, there would be nothing to fear no matter what you face or go through.

In conclusion, "Fear" is an enemy you should never accommodate because it kills faster than a straight bullet. HOW DO WE OVERCOME FEAR is what I know you want to know now.

Anyway, overcoming fear is as simple as when it flashed your mind, do not accommodate it, neither should you do what would make it coming too often. And secondly, Being filled with the Spirit of God help far more than anything.

Don't be afraid to fail, it's better to fail than not to try at all. So, be fear free.


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