Close the Doors: Biohazard

in #life6 years ago


As I had mentioned in my last post we are currently in Germany for the Volksfest where people traditionally drink massive beers and then eat half a grilled chicken with a huge Pretzel.

This is also what we set out to do on Saturday evening. We met up with some friends and really proceeded to have a nice evening. Not really drinking excessively everyone congregated around another bar when the huge Bavarian party tent closed at midnight.

And there it began

my stomach began churining, I seemed to get a clammy forehead and lost all energy. I alerted my dear wife of this situation and just went of to the sides a bit. Everyone just thought I had a bit to much to drink or had eaten something wrong.
So that is why I joined some other true drunks by puking in the corner. When I rejoined the party I had some water and some chewing gum. I must have looked quite pale because it was quite easy to get the wife and to go home. We then said our goodbyes and proceeded to walk home.

When we got to the house of the inlaws some 20 minutes later we saw the husband of my mother in law coming out from the bathroom, also looking quite pale. He said that he had the same thing as me and that is when we realised it was not something I had eaten. The thing was that my mother in law had been sick the week before and she had thrown up the whole night as well.

So this is what we in turn proceeded to do. With passion I puked out my heart and soul or alternatively lay in bed trying to regulate my breathing so I did not have to do the former.

I can assure you it was not the best night of my life. To top things off, at 8 am it seemed that my wife also got a delayed case of the same thing.

So our sunday was just spend laying in bed, drained of all energy. It is now around 8 in the evening and this is the first time I really have the energy to even sit up for more then 10 minutes. I guess our drive back home will have to wait till tomorrow.

Close the Doors... Highly contagious virus around...Biohazard


Holy shit! sounds like the bug caught everybody in the living vicinity. Take care my man!

Hope you are feeling better soon. What a way to end your time in Germany. Make sure you are both well enough for the drive home. Things could get messy otherwise...

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