TMIS - Too Many Ideas Syndrome

in #life7 years ago


When there are people sitting behind their laptop/PC thinking what is the next thing they should post about, maybe not having a new idea yet, I have the opposite problem that I have too many ideas. It was fine for couple of months, I had my ideas under control, knowing with which idea to start. The ideas came one after another, but now of a sudden my head feels like it's about to explode, it is full of many ideas at the same time.


I wanted to post about food, then something else came in my mind, 3D designing, then it was sewing and then another light bulb entered my head, I wanted to bake something.... For every idea, I have sub-ideas...I bought some of the stuff I need for all these posts, but did not completed one (shopping list) because I could not make up my mind with which one I wanted to start.


I wrote all my ideas and sub ideas and had a look which one I would do first. So I started with one, but somehow I moved to another, and then I got confused. I want to start with ALL! I have so many ideas at this moment that my head says: "I want ALL ideas done NOW!" I felt frustrated and stopped doing with what I was doing. The weather and bad news about the hurricane(s) in Florida also contributed to my frustration.


I keep thinking that I don't have enough time for all these ideas to post as soon as possible.


Now I think: " What do you mean, not enough time, Fathin? Nobody told you to do ALL at ONCE." I guess I just have to pick one idea and finish till the end, post it and go to the next. It's just that every time I am working on one idea, another "brilliant" idea is popping up in my head jumping to be picked.


(Source pictures: Google)

What do you think about TMIS?
Do you also have this sometimes and how did you deal with it?
Let me know in the comment below. ;-)


It's a mild form of ADD which, by the way, is not a disease but a high intelligence attribute that links us back to our hunter/gatherer ancestors. People who cannot quickly change their focus when in the wilds tend to get eaten by predators. So don't beat yourself up. Some ideas are better than others. Pick one and write as fast as you can. Keep your posts short and you'll be able to produce more of them. More posts, more rewards. Most people aren't interested in more than a couple of paragraphs anyway. We're all ADD nowadays.

Haha! Yes, you are exactly describing my problem. I would say I am a dinosaur. Why? Because most of my postings are very very long.

I do know though that the aware span of many people is short and that we are somehow contaminated by advertising habits.

Still I refuse to "serve" that.

But it IS a problem and sometimes it frustrates me. But then my inner critic raises her voice and says: "Well, you yourself are willing to read long texts. But if the content isn't interesting or bad written, you stopp. So don't wonder, when nobody reads what you write."

Then the statistician points out: "Just wait and be patient. You have to go on with working and when there is a relevant amount of follower and people whom you meet with their taste, everything will be fine."

Guess the inner voices could group to a theatre ensemble.

Please, I don't want you to be ADD :-)

By itself, inner dialog is not ADD. We all use our mind to weigh our options and decided the best path forward. It only becomes a problem if it paralyses us.

Also, if someone doesn't read all the way to the end of the post, it just means they aren't interested in what that post is trying to say. It's not personal. They don't even know you. I'll read a couple of paragraphs of something and if it's covering ground I've already walked and seems to be going down a path that has already dead-ended for me, I'll move on. If a post resonates my beliefs, I'll usually finish it and then comment, upvote or resteem to spread the word. If I don't wholeheartedly agree but the post is making me think, I may not resteem, but I'll usually comment and perhaps, upvote.

I keep studying Steemit posts that draw a lot of attention and generate a lot of Steem. In any given category by a single poster, the longer articles usually generate more Steem. I feel that is because the poster has caught the interest of a segment of the Steemit community and has given them entertaining and enlightening information. The same poster can slap up a short post and have it ignored because it has little substance.

I'm just entering my third week here, so here are some of my (admittedly green) observations:

  • People resist questioning their own beliefs. They want reinforcement.
  • People want to be entertained, the more light-hearted the better
  • People reject what they perceive to be negativity. Keep it positive. Negative posts don't make money (usually)
  • People want information they feel they can use, even if they never use or apply it.
  • Truth is irrelevant if it goes against the reader's core beliefs.

This blueprint is for reaching the majority and I'm going to adapt my next few posts to see if my theories are true or not. Of that above list only a couple apply to me. I always appreciate the truth and a slap across the face that makes me question my beliefs is always welcome.

As more people join Steemit, your particular viewpoint, whatever it is, should gain a following. Most of my followers are newbies. The "good 'ol boys" aren't taking my bait.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You're not a dinosaur. You just walk your own path. You don't have to buy a cell phone just for the camera. Most cameras now have wireless capabilities, so you can download your pictures directly to the internet or your home computer. I don't know what it's like in Germany, but here on Turtle Island almost every teen you see walking down the street has his or her face buried in their cell phone and if you see one that doesn't, the cell phone is in their hand. This is especially true of twenty-something women. I think part of it is unwillingness to make eye contact. That's not good for society. It's isolation.

Also, I can only write in one language: English. You and many other Steemians have command of English as well as your native language. Give yourself some credit. I really admire that. Education on Turtle Island is more like indoctrination and job training.

I hope this helps you. You only just got here too. In time you will find your following. Steem on!

Thank you so much. I am getting goose bombs... I was hoping to meet people here where answers aren't fakes and conversation really can be held.

I love the debate and I enjoy exchanging different views. You made my day!

Your art of writing is clear and very well structured - you must have some practice in that, no?

Remembering pre-Internet I wrote long letters out of paper materials - overcoming the distance of the Atlantic Ocean. Nowadays my friend and I skype, which also is nice and has its advantages. But still... the written word is my favorite, though I would like to meet people in reality which I built a connection with.

Where is Turtle Island? - Is it a real name? ... wait, I will do the research... are you talking about this island group near Malaysia?

I want to give you feedback to your points - this I am going to do tomorrow. Just have to blog a promised article and I will be out for today.

Again, thank you so much for your reply!

I've journaled since I was 20. That's a long time ago! Plus, I was born with the gift of gab. It's a genetic thing.

Turtle Island is what the natives called the Americas before they were invaded. I'm not an aboriginal, but I have ceased to recognize the legitimacy of the government regimes that control my homeland. I don't believe their lies any longer. They're destroying everything and enslaving us all. It's a small, impotent protest, but it opens up lines of discussion; about all one man can do.


Dinosaur? hehehe! I think a long post is good! People see you put a lot of effort in your post! Don't forget to put also interesting pictures in your posts that matches your posts. Don't worry too much about followers, Some have thousands of followers, but the people who upvotes are not more than 200. :-)

thanks. Pictures is real effort for me. I would prefer to put my own photographies into my articles but then I am one of those people without a smart phone and no internet use during moving through the "real world". BUT: I think I will get one just for the purpose to create my own pictures and be safe with license stuff.

Putting your own pictures are better yeah. I think a phone with good camera is indeed a good investment.

Thanks @citizenzero for you comment and detailed explaination:-). I didn't think of ADD at all. I googled it and checked the symptoms and it matches 90% with me. I saw some posts here saying that the more text, the better. Confused......

I suppose longer posts have more value to the community. You want to produce something the Whales will like and enjoy reading because their upvotes and what distribute the coins. But lots of exposure certainly can't hurt.

Consider your ADD a gift. You have a very active imagination with a brain that contains more cross links than the average person. It's the difference between a wild mustang and a plow horse. Embrace it. I have ADD as well. I've learned to go with it. Do stream of consciousness writing and then go back and edit. You'll be surprised how the ideas that you think are disjointed begin to dovetail together. Also realize that your mind is a tool. It isn't You! You observe the mind. Once you begin to observe the mind instead of identifying with it, it calms down a bit. This is the core of meditation. It really does help.

Though I'm new here, I've noticed that the very first few words of your post are super important, almost as important as your tags since they appear right after your headline on the feed. This is where you'll hook all of us fishies into actually clicking on and hopefully reading and voting on your posts. Hope this helps. Steem on!


Well, I try to combine text and many pictures :-).
In the beginning I also didn't know how and what. But it's indeed the title and main picture that needs to pop out in order to get people's attention to read and upvote one's post. Thanks for your advice. I always thought I was weird, but now I know I have ADD, I will embrace it ;-). Some how I have a feeling you are a psychiatrist, I would not be surprised. You too Steem on!

No, not a shrink. I'm ADD like you. I've been around for awhile and learned to deal with it. Yes, embrace it. It's a good thing once you learn to control it. Ciao.

Nice to meet another ADD steemian :-). Ciao!

"You don't have to act on every idea." I know that seems obvious but, I never actually heard someone say that. It's's so true though! I don't need to choose everything that comes to mind. It's okay to let some things go. Thank you!

Yeah you're right :-). It sounds obvious but my mind is not cooperating with my hands :-D.

I think this is a blessing and not a curse. I can one hundred percent relate to what you are saying about feeling overwhelmed with ideas. You definitely have a very creative mind, ideas flying out like pop corn , it's great ! I think you are doing each idea very meticulously, and the fact that you switch from food to 3d to fashion, that is good. I think a niche is good but if a blog is only about one topic it gets a bit boring- your blog page will never have this problem :)

Yeah, blogging only about 1 topic would be indeed kinda boring. I would not like to blog only about food.Thanks for the kind words :-).

My pleasure:)

Great post! TMIS has happened to me many times.

We are the same then :-). Thanx for resteeming @ojamajo

too many ideas but too little time ;p happens with me too but when i try to do multitask every thing backfires lol

yeah, can be annoying right?! ;-)

Oh i'm so relating to this... i have so many ideas, i used to sketch everything in preparation for a painting, now i make long lists of things i need to sketch! how many ideas occur without ever manifesting...

Yeah its insane! But its good that you write it down.

Ohh, a life situation indeed.
Having too many ideas can be a good thing because it could get you greater and deeper ideas for a certain thought. Sometimes having multiple ideas at once (and the further branching that no one knows how far they can go) can help you in connecting ideas and seeing relations in things.
Writing them down quickly can be a solution, or taking note of the different thoughts that flowed from one topic to another might help. Later you can go back and write about them if you are still interested to write about it. :)

That's another good point :-). I always have a memo block on my desk, very important! :-) Thanks!

I have not decided what to blog about yet because I have so many interests and things I do to stay busy and entertain. hey @cleverbot what do you think I should blog about ?

See, you already ruined it.

When something of a sudden pops up in your mind, pick that one! :-)

hello, likeminded companion :-) what a great post - I can relate in every aspect lol guess what get's me luckily interrupted is the kids and all the wonderfull people comming over to visit, learn, ask a question etc. - this seems to be a remedy for my brain, which is just now (it's quater past eight p.m.) picking up on all of the ideas again... it had to let go of one string after the other during the daytime - pondering in the very back... wainting for every kid to be in bed and all visitors out of the house! cheers from Germany - upvoted, resteemed and will follow you on your journey!

Hi @jkiw! Thanks for your comment, upvote and resteem! I like how you say: luckily interrupted by the kids :-). I have also 2 kids and when I am in the flow working on a project, and the kids ask mama this or that, then the flow is gone. My best time is also after the kids are in bed, but often I am also exhausted in the evening hehehe... I also believe it is impossible to post every day when you are a mother.... we have so many things to do besides blogging. Being a mother is a job already! Often people do not realise that... If you pay attention, most women who really get paid very well here on Steemit, like about 40-500 euros per post are single/ child-less. So I really feel you ;-). Cheers from the Netherlands!

:-) looks like we're on a very similar track :-) Have a great day - I'm off to all the chores and errants now, but b4 I go, here's a little "Liebeserklärung" to your homecontry (we spend our summervacation in Oostkapelle)

Hahaha! Love the picture! We sometumes go to Germany/Dieringhausen to my husband's mother, she is German. You too have a great day!

Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Thsnk you @lichtblick :-)

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