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RE: Tyrannical Law Will Throw Waiters in Jail Who Offer Customers Unsolicited Plastic Straws—Here's the Libertarian Solution

in #life7 years ago

I find myself saying this very often lately.

Thank God I don't live in the USA.


It's not all California

Yeah but your president is an outspoken racist, there's a ridiculous level of inequality and influence from the top echelon, and it's not like other states don't have ridiculous laws like this one.

You have mass shootings every other month, and guns are still not outlawed, because you have a strong gun lobby with ridiculous levels of influence.

And don't get me started about the fact that your country is trillions in debt yet still manage to find money to interfere in the affairs of other nations through war and "diplomacy"

Obama is gone now, we don't have anymore racist nonsense coming from the Whitehouse, he was the one who holds the record for presiding over the greatest growth in the rate on income inequality growth in history. Trump is the one who recently set the record for lowering the black unemployment rate to historical lows. You would be hard pressed to find a law as ridiculous as jail time for a server who offers someone a straw.

"You have mass shootings every other month, and guns are still not outlawed, because you have a strong gun lobby with ridiculous levels of influence."

No, we don't outlaw guns because we know that would only affect their availability for law abiding people, not their availability to homicidal maniacs and criminals. Those people prefer that guns are banned, they call civilian gun bans "job security". And what is a "mass shooting"? A term invented by the media and defined however they please with no actual legal meaning. And of course your statistic is quite misleading, does the number of mass shootings matter or the number killed?

I think the number killed is more important don't you? In that case France in a single year has more casualties from public mass shootings than America had in 8.

We have a strong and influential gun lobby because about 2/3 of Americans have a favorable or very favorable view of the NRA. The gun industry is not even in the top 20 for actual spending on lobbying.

"And don't get me started about the fact that your country is trillions in debt yet still manage to find money to interfere in the affairs of other nations through war and "diplomacy"

Jealous? ;) C'mon, nobody likes that, let me be the first to apologize for our Nobel Peace Prize winner starting all those drone wars, the guy we have now has not started any new conflicts and is making progress at putting an end to a number of ongoing conflicts, that is part of why he was elected.

I'll have to respond to this drivel in multiple posts, as I'm off to a wedding today and don't have the time to sit here and doesn't the crap that you're sprouting.

But I'll start now:

we don't have anymore racist nonsense coming from the Whitehouse

13 examples of Donald Trump being racist

Trump is the one who recently set the record for lowering the black unemployment rate to historical lows

You're really giving him credit for that? Let's see how it's performed over a longer period:


Quite clearly the vast majority of improvement happened under Obama. Trump is really just claiming credit for somebody else's work

You are aware the Huffington Post is utter bullshit right?was that supposed to be a good source?
There are three false narratives the leftist media like the Huffington Post cycles through practically every week,

  1. He is a racist.
  2. He is a sexist.
  3. He is insane
    It's a propaganda campaign, Jesse Jackson does not give multiple Rainbow Coalition awards to racists does he?
    Thanks for your chart proving me correct. Thanks Trump for finally remembering all the forgotten people. Here is another chart for you, of a real divisive racist, from a leftist source

If you honestly believe my chart proves you correct, then I think we're done here. I'm not going to waste my time with somebody incapable of seeing logic.

You can't tell from your chart that under Trump black unemployment is at historical lows?

You're either a troll, or a moron. Either way I'm not interested

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