Tech Giants Go Full Authoritarian

in #life6 years ago

By now you probably know that the Tech Giants have axed #AlexJones and his content. The axe came down on several platforms and seemingly was coordinated with mainstream media debasement, lawsuits, and far left hysteria over flat out lies. Facebook, Apple's iTunes, Spotify were first. Then Alphabet Corporation, that runs Google and YouTube, axed the Alex Jones Channel and it's mirror channel Ron Gibson. As we are smack in the middle of the 2nd Reformation, perhaps we can consider this de-platforming action the first shot fired in full blown Information War.

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Anyone who does not take the censorship of Alex Jones seriously may one day find themselves censored and de-platformed.

Regardless of what you think about Alex Jones, the boldness of cancelling the First Amendment under the excuse that it was "Hate Speech", is a horrible attack on the United States of America and freedom. And if you do not stand up to this tyranny and allow yourself to be distracted by the plethora of media spin then, by all means the red pill needs to be added to your diet.

My hypothesis for the timing on how this has all gone into overdrive includes the recent mainstream media acknowledgement of Q. Of course mainstream media never got into any of the vectors Q covers, such as the worldwide pedophilia cult. They simply called Q a conspiracy theory and used that term as the debasement itself.

This hypothesis comes on the heals of the SGT Report video labeled - Q: Something HISTORIC and GLOBAL is Happening.

The skinny on this video is that there are sealed indictments for several people in the "Dark Cabal" who have been involved in Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse. When you consider the recent outings of several pedophile related tweets and the affect it has on the public, you can see the motive for wanting to censor Jones. Although he was not a promoter of Q, he has come out several times against the growing awareness of the Hollyweird Pedo cult and its connection to political elites.

What you can do to protect your future is make noise about this. Spread this article. And of course, my shot into the "ventilator shaft", so to speak, is to build a consensus to repeal the Telecommunications Act of 1996. And also, we need to call for anti-trust suits to be enacted on the Tech Giants. They do not own the internet. And although there are great alternative platforms such as #steemit, #Gab, minds, and, we cannot allow voices to be silenced in the #informationwar.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." - Martin Niemöller


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Censorship is the only tool left for a desperate mainstream.

Very desperate! And I think those who benefit from control of the media are in full panic mode.

Operation Mockingbird was real. And, the only way they continue with censorship is secrecy.

Exciting time to be alive. Really amplified my resolve to defeat Globalist and whole kit and kaboodle.

It's really the first time I have ever seen a movement gain traction to the point of electing a President, if censorship is the best they can do we've been sharing news and getting out the word long before they ever tried to censor Infowars, and they probably gave Infowars who knows how many new listeners with their censorship. Yes an exciting time to be alive.

Yeah, it's like "all the cool kids" know have known about infowars for over 10 years. And well, there is so much out there now, it's like a groundswell of energy. Check out my new post. It's a trailer for a sci-fi film with no political agenda. The only agenda was to tell a good story. Sci-Fi has been subsumed by SJW and Identity politics. And well, they say, make the films you want to see. So I did!

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