Temukan jalan hidupmu || Find your way of life

in #life7 years ago


Masih banyak diantara kita belum mengerti mamaknai arti kehidupan sesungguhnya. Kita perlu mengenal terdahulu agar mengerti jalan hidup yang akan kita tempuh. Sudah saatnya kita mengikuti apa kata hati kita. Bukan apa yang orang lain perintahkan terhadap kita.

Masih banyak yang harus kita raih dan kita lakukan. Bukalah mata hati. Kembali belajar mengenal diri. Jangan pernah ragu melangkah. Teruslah semangat dan jangan pernah menyerah.


Still many of us do not understand mamaknai real life meaning. We need to know the past in order to understand the way of life that we will take. It is time we follow what our hearts say. Not what others tell us.

We still have much to accomplish and we do. Open the eyes of the heart. Back to learn to know yourself. Never hesitate to move. Keep up the spirit and never give up.


nice Place, Like to visit some time. @fadhilarnas

I hope you can come here hehe

Upvoted for nice post and for mention the same motto accomplish..keep posting..good day.

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