PORNOGRAPHY; Do you think it deserves it?

in #life6 years ago

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The distinction isn't so much anatomy. Unlike men, women use porn primarily as a way to express, explore, or reclaim their sexuality; it's a tool to mentally connect with their sexual selves or partners, says Rupp.

"Porn is serving a different purpose in women than men. Women tend to use it in an adventurous way or for the relational component."

One British website found that sixty eight percent of people who searched for "Fifty Shades" looked for lingerie sales afterward. (Clearly they'd be showing that sexy lace off for somebody or wear some breast or cleavage revealing outfit.) Most women involved in pornography enjoyed the coy of gradually seducing a man. Licking of lips, use of coquettish baby voice on phones, little moanings in the middle of conversations, etc.

When women use explicit materials, they choose to call it erotica. When men and women look at materials together, they tend to look at erotica. "But when men look at materials alone, they look at pornography."
The definition of "erotica"—a term coined to separate the sensual from the smutty—The standard once widely used to distinguish erotica—"nonviolent, non degrading, consensual sex"—from pornography is defunct.

Now, say Australian researchers, the distinction is intimacy. Pornography downplays interpersonal connection, but erotica depends on it. Be it erotica or pornography, both are arousing and have the same effect....increases the urge for sex. Just the way men masturbate, women equally touch themselves after watching some of this so called "erotica". My question is....who are we deceiving?
Finally,Dr. Victor Cline, of the University of Utah, has studied this escalation and reports that it proceeds according to four steps. 8
Addiction: You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You’re hooked and can’t quit.
Escalation: You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier, but is now enticing to you.
Desensitization: You begin feeling numb towards the images you see. Even the most graphic porn is no longer arousing. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can’t find it.
Acting out sexually: This is the point that you make a critical jump and start acting out the images you have seen and rehearsed in your mind.

A lot of men have lost their sexuality to pornography. They prefer masturbating to making love to the wife of their youth. Even when they finally succumb to sex so as to avoid being accused of negligence, the think about the electronic sex on their computer screens more than their wife.

This is what I chose to call "cheating in the mind".The trust of some people have been betrayed just because they discovered their partner fancy electronic sex. Some men feel inferior once they discover their wives prefer looking at men with very big penis more than their small sized penis. Insecurities, zero self confidence all because of pornography.

My dear steemians, it's not worth it. If you are hooked, get yourself unhooked. Thanks for reading such an inspiring post. I appreciate.

Image credit:,1,2


how many people seen picture of girl that way. went to jerk off before upvoting? ............................................................i know right lol

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