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RE: You Are 100% Replaceable - Lucky You!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Good god! What an article!

I'm sorry but I can't agree with what you say 100%... more like 150%! Not to offend anyone, but I believe it's a little self-indulgent to suggest we are anything more than a speck of dust flitting around the surface of this planet, devouring all its resources. None of us are special, everyone is replacable. That's the cold, hard truth of the matter, whether we want to hear it or not.

Take a look at the vastness of the universe, then one's self and compare the two... Lol, case closed forevermore!

Absolute class post, brother!


We are just meat machines - tubes, fluids, and electrical impulses trying to pass our genes on. One of billions of nearly identical units on this planet. We have climbed onto the top of the pyramid of life here and so the simple things of living and passing on our genes have been usurped by stock market predictions, TV shows, politics, sports, and what some actress wore that one time. This whole complex mechanism to distract us from what really matters.

Life is simple, it doesn't take much to live well. You can use the balance of all of that extra time to ensure your genes gain the knowledge of what it really means. And it ain't working your ass off for 60+ hours a week for your whole existence.

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