Powering down? In the end it's non of my business.

in #life6 years ago


Last night our witness @blockbrothers noticed that Ned started a power down.

That's the beauty of our app Steemify. You can add as many accounts as you like and get notified about anything regarding those accounts.

Notifications about power down is one of them. I use them as an extra security feature (besides account changes) on all my accounts.

We all also have added Ned because as a witness (we are 4 people) we are interested in what he has to say on the blockchain and we like to be notified about it as soon as possible.

So this happened last night:


The first instinct is panic! Why? WTF? What's going on...(that sort of stuff).

Perfectly normal first reaction, maybe he got hacked?

That was clearly not the case.

We were talking about it and being a long time member I remembered that it wasn't the first time this happened.

Many accounts have powered down over the years.

So I did some digging.

I found this picture of an article I wrote on 17 March 2017 here.

It's a screenshot from Steemwhales (no longer works).

You will see many familiar names on that list.

It's clear to see that many accounts used to have more SP back then than they have now.

Yet they are all still here.

Maybe they sold their SP for other crypto or fiat, maybe they spread it out over multiple accounts and used it for different purposes.

In the end it's non of my business really, so who cares?

What I do care about is the rest of the article.

I am so happy in that article because STEEM just doubled overnight.

The 40k Steem power I had back then doubled from $5000 to $10,000.

This was before I knew what the future had in store for crypto and I wrote in the article that I will probably be stuck on 40k forever.

I consider 10.000 dollars to be a lot and can't risk more money in the bank to add to this.

Yet here we are 15 months later.

All those accounts powered down in the past and yet the STEEM price is higher than I could have ever imagined back then.

Also the Steem blockchain is so much richer in development and apps then in the beginning of 2017.

In the end all those power downs didn't matter much.

When it comes to STEEM I would recommend you make your own decisions and build your own journey.

I'm glad I did.

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:


I guess @ned has his reasons. Perhaps to invest in new developments for the Steem blockchain. Who knows! Exciting time still ahead of us!

Thank you!

Yup look @ackza just did a post showing the screenshot from @ned 's Smart Media token telegram chat. where Med confirms that hes staying with steem (Which we of course knew but many new users and even some old were and still are worried)


So there you have it, @ned in his Own Words confirming that he is NOT leaving steem, that he is Indeed STAYING!

so I hope we can show this to as many of them as possible and I hope @ned makes a post about how he only powered down that 1.8 million steem and how thats NOT selling it on the market, people need to know the difference! And also how thats NOT even CLOSE to half his stake, just because its half the stake in that ONE "ned" account doesnt mean much!

Ned is simply moving around funds and its to help develop cool stuff for steem!

thanks for sharing this!!

I jsut hope it’s soemthing for the better of Steem and not just taking it all then destroying the value of Steem. I don’t like living my life with regrets

Well if someone like @ned is powering down, it is no big deal after all he has loads of sp to burn and he is probably using it for a project or payment for services.

I am only concerned when I am powering down and I know damned well that I didnt touch that button. Oh I will be very concerned.

Typical mass panic, man. We've seen it a hundred times over and will continue to see it hundred times more.

Oh sorry... I'm I worried? Not in the damn slightest.

I have a policy I follow. Mind my own business. I will do what I feel is necessary for my future regardless of what others do. I am not a lemming. I might read what someone is up to but I would never tell them that they are wrong to do something. Iknow the neighbour's yard always looks greener, but it is best to spend your tme and effort on your own yard.

It is odd to power down wen #steem is low.
The beauty for #steem you earn #Steem by posting.
@ned got #steem by other avenue.
By cashing now, he is just paying himself out.
Keep on postin'


the power down is ok as ned always use it wisely but the engagement activity is quite a lot to be concerned about now for steemit many people have left this platform and no more post's

Now you want see my posts anymore, because berniesanders will flag all of them. One of the good reasons to get out of this swamp

i was able to see ur post and actually ur comment being flagged made me curious as to why bernie flagged it, so you should thank berniesanders for flagging your comments because it actually makes them standout among all the other non flagged comments ;)

but after viewing your comment i see why it was flaggedm :D you basically asked for it,

Now you wont see my posts anymore, because berniesanders will flag all of them

lol well, yeah, you got what you kinda asked for lol. try asking for forgiveness and explain how you will change? you cannot get into fued with those on here with more Steempower thqan you, you will loose and it is not worth it, You may be able to salvage things socially if you just ask politely and explain your reasons for being defensive maybe, i dunno,m people get second chances. He can be very reasonable, just come on steemspeak.com ask to talk to ngc and just be polite and respectful and Understand you are going in to the conversation not expecting to get any flags removed and understand he had a reason for doing so in the first place and your goal is to convince him you have changed enough to warrent him changing his policy toward you. You have a high possibility to make things right between yourself and Bernie and steem but i suggest you start by not making comments about how steem is a "swamp" simply because theres 1 user you don't agree with you flags your posts, but if you just lease out your SP delegation you can earn liquid SBD/Steem every week or month however you want, and you can then avoid being flagged if you just depend on income from that delegation leasing out instead of from your own post rewards. Anyway try to reason with him first to express that youve learned a lesson etc. Just try to show your value. I know it can seem rough but you CAN reach out and respectfully reason and ask to make deals with people!

Sometimes it's best to swallow your pride and know when youve been bested.

May be Ned is planning to invest in marketing STEEM ...

The problem that I have found with Steemit is it can be a very murky and convoluted journey. It is extremely hard to remain relevant and consistent in the community, which is what it takes to maintain a following here. The constant exertion from posting good content can wear on even the best bloggers here. I have completely exhausted myself in the past trying to keep up with other daily posters and have barely even made an impression in the community. For this Steemit can be very daunting and intimidating for new users.

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