Looking at my grandmother today I realised that in this life you only get one shot.

in #life6 years ago

There are a couple of moments in my life where I think my life was a little nuts.

Nothing mental, just a little nuts.

Asking my dad for permission to smoke joints inside the house instead of in the park in the winter and him saying yes is right up there. (I was 16).

Today, explaining the concept of dporn to my mom was also an interesting experience.

I think I introduced her to a world she did not know existed, lol.

The only difference is, I'm now so old, I have become indifferent to a lot of stuff.

Someone asks, and I explain. Simple.

We were on our way to meet my grandmother.

She broke her hip recently and my mom asked if I wanted to tag along for a visit.

She's in the hospital.


When we arrived in her room she remembered me but she admitted she couldn't remember my name.

It's not her fault, I'm sure it's mine. I should visit more often.

She guessed Bram (Dutch name), close enough. It's also 1 syllable.

She is in a wheelchair so we rolled her downstairs to the lobby of the hospital which nowadays looks more like a hotel than a hospital.

I like it, feels cozy.

We got coffee and had a chat.

I asked her if it's easy to accept that you can't do certain things anymore when you get older.

She said that you get more grateful for little things.

She's happy her mind is still sound and that she can do her puzzles and remember people and feel the love from those same people.

She grabbed my arm several times, I did feel a slight guilt.

I think what she dislikes the most is her body failing her. Even though she can accept it.

She doesn't complain, takes life as it is. I find it very impressive.

We stayed for 90 minutes and then we went back.

My grandmother is 50 years older than I.

My body is not yet failing me although you do notice certain things.

That little crack in your back, the grey hairs, the knee that locks up from time to time and that drop of pee that sometimes appears out of nowhere even though you double dried the bastard.

So before it gets worse I want to enjoy life as much as I can.

I used to think this was selfish but I don't anymore.

Looking at my grandmother today I realised that in this life you only get one shot.

You better make the best of things.

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This is reality kicking.
Glad you are a family person.
You spent time with Sam and now your grandmother.
You are growing up fast mentally.
Your body is the only one you will ever have. Treat it really good.
Keep on steemin;

@exyle, thanks for this reality
@pouchon, yea we should enjoy life while we still can cos some day, we won't get the chance

Hahha, you had really cool relationship with your father lol
Seeing you sitting with your grandmother just reminded me of my grandmother. We used to talk a lot when I used to sit with her, now she lives in abroad.
By the way with is dporn? Is it porn platform on blockchain?

cool relationship with father and mother... couldn't imagine trying to explain dporn to my mother, lol
Yep! @dporn (I'm a mod in their discord), is a porn platform on blockchain. It's built on steem

Mark @exyle you mentioned you don't visit your grandmother enough. Try to visit her more often if you can. It will make you feel better inside and then you won't have regrets if you do visit her a lot. I lived with my Grandmother when I was in High School and I was closer to her than I ever was to my Mom. I look fondly back on simpler times when my Grandmother and I would play Board Games together like Monopoly and Scrabble. It was always so much fun. She was Very Good at Scrabble and I have to admit that when we played together it certainly helped me to increase my Vocabulary. Mark Please Listen to me this once if you will. Make the effort to visit with her as often as you feel like it. Honor for our Elders is so IMPORTANT. I will leave you with this thought and take it as you may, your Grandmother is a Blessing and without her you would not be here. Life is Precious and so is your Grandmother............

Asking my dad for permission to smoke joints inside the house instead of in the park in the winter and him saying yes is right up there. (I was 16).

Lol, your dad’s reaction was amazing! You mantioned your grandmother is at the hospital. I hope she gets well soon.

Your grandmother has reached 90 years. But she still has a strong memory power. This is very rare. You are so lucky. You can also enjoy long life. Because you have the desire to enjoy a happy life. I saw a picture of your mother at one of your posts. I liked it so much ... what else would I say? I like all of your posts written about life. I read it attentively. I think I got the power of life about your writing.

Thanks @exyle sir

Hii @exyle, by visiting and hospitality of your grandmother I think you feel fresh and stress less. I hope that she recovered soon. May she Live long. everyone should be caring of his elders.

Hey sir @exyle
Your article is about caring and loving. I hope your grandmother is quite well and healthy. Smiling of grandmother is really awesome and your a great person to carry his relation for long terms. Its nice steeming for community.
Keep it up man and stay blessed

Oh yes, very true of our sojourn on this earth and it better be memorable. That is why I believe you should make yourself happy no matter what happens to you or the conditions you are. You should not let any thing affect a pinch of your happiness. Ultimate goal!

Grey-headness, they say,"Is the beauty of the old"! A young boy today becomes a young man tomorrow and tomorrow an old man- thats the chain of human growth...
"The young shall grow", so was your grandma told in her youthful age, now she has grown old, grandma should be between 75 & 80 years of age (she can no longer do virtually all she does when she was much younger, to add fuel to fire, she got her hip broken! geeeezzz... Please do visit her more, she needs you more.
Now, we too have been told the same words grandma was told then-" the young shall grow", though we're growing not old yet (lol), still agile, strong and filled with vigour- "we want to make the best of things" (I quote you) before the time comes and we now say(in line with the thoughts of wise King Solomon):

..... I have no pleasure in them.

i hope that,now you fully stressless and tension free.you visiting hospital of your grandmother to seeing.i pray to god she is quickly come back of her bad body condition. And also happy to know @exyle sir,still have a grandmother becos i lost mine a while ago, and her memories are still fresh.thanks to sharing for your good post..very well done sir...@exyle

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