I realized today that because of @blockbrothers I see my friends way more than before. It's fantastic!

in #life7 years ago

Today I had lunch with blockbrother developer and my oldest friend @bennierex (Ben).

The other guys (@eqko, @s3rg3) in the group sadly couldn't make it today.

One was working and the other was waiting for a package to arrive.

Ben is the brilliant mind who programmed Steemify.

We talked about life in general, the Steem blockchain and of course the witness @blockbrothers.

He informed me that STEEMTURBINE is near completion.

It will be our second project on the Blockchain.

I can't wait till we can release it.


The observant viewer will notice that I'm not enjoying the best beverage on the planet because of Steemfat 3.

Ever since we started this crazy blockchain adventure our lives have been turned around a lot.

And for me, pretty much always for the better.

Especially now that my friends are on board.

One of the best things I have noticed is that I see and talk to them way more!

I have a pretty busy life but my friends are way busier (in general) and that has all to do with kids and other responsibilities they have as parents.

It resulted in us not seeing each as much as we wanted.

Life simply isn't like it used to be where I could run across the street at random (as a kid), knock on the door, and ask Ben's mom if Ben wanted to play. (and he almost always could!)

But this is now changing a little bit because of @blockbrothers.

It's the one topic that brings us together more often. Not only in our WhatsApp channel (that is now always buzzing) but especially in 'real' life.

Now we have monthly meetings with all of us but also see each other individually on separate occasions to discuss certain things blockbrothers related.

It's fantastic and just another thing I have to thank the STEEM blockchain for :)

It just keeps giving.

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:


Don't ever miss the best beverage on planet again, you can control the extra fat in Steemfat 4 or Steemfat 5. Looking forward for STEEMTURBINE launch!

lol! That made me chuckle!

It's great to hear that your life has changed so much for better because of blockchain and crypto.

Oh, I also have feedback for Steemify, I think the app would be more useful if there was a sound or tone for every notification. Sometimes I miss certain posts because I don't always have my iPhone or iPad open to see the notification.

Love your enthusiasm! I get equally excited every time I read your blogs, on a whole different level, obviously, but nonetheless, keep up the good work & prettig weekend to you all 🤗

Have a great weekend!

This is a great time when you have the opportunity to see a friend and discuss important points about the Steem blockchain . At the same time, great news that the STEEMTURBINE is close to completion and there is not much to wait! Thank you Mark and tell us about your meetings and witnesses @blockbrothers.

Is that diet coke ? :))
If blockchain will have similar effects on people's lives then the future look brighter and brighter :D

Yeah, it is :)

Exciting! I saw the Steemturbine announcement earlier.
Envious for all of your friends being on Steem - I am yet to bring mine in. Soon though :) They have no idea what they are missing!!

Its great that you have friends who have great minds and ambitions goals unfortunately mine just arent as serious while its not all about work work work you need to be able to get some done or there is no moving forward best of luck @exyle

blockbrothers are the best.. still waiting for the invite to tald a whole night about crypto..

I love how steemit got you and your friends more time to spend with each other and share the same ideas and come up with new ones and now I really know what the name @blockborthers really means and I love the name and of course, you guys have my vote.

It's so great to see you guys supporting each other and growing and experiencing together. It's amazing how high you guys can grow together, the sky is the limit for you guys.

So many things are changing because of that cryptocurrencies run.
We have much more time now to actually enjoy our life to the fullest and try new things that we wanted but couldn't do before.
I'm glad that everything is alright for you too, man :d

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