I fought the sink and the sink won...

in #life7 years ago

After my morning vlog, I decided to clean the kitchen.

Bianca left-for a baby shower and I was home alone.

The house was a mess. It needed to be done.

I found cups and plates all over the house and I brought them to the kitchen.

I filled the dishwasher and turned it on.

About 2 minutes later it started to beep.

I noticed that the sink was slowly filling up with water.

mmm...this could only mean one thing.

Clogged pipes..


I hate those.


I'm not the handiest of men when it comes to fixing stuff.

It runs in the family.

We seem to produce generation upon generation of men that can't do anything use-full with their hands.

Although I do have my occasional success like with the boiler I cleaned not to long ago.

But fixing anything related to live water or electricity I consider next lvl and dangerous.

I tried my luck anyway.

We do own a plunger and it seemed the most obvious to start with that.

I put it on the hole where the water goes and gave it a 'plunge'.

Water splashed all over me from the little hole at the top of a sink.

Insert curse words

I tried to close the hole with a towel but then couldn't find a comfortable way to 'plunge' with one hand.

I gave it a little think.....and then I got a genius idea.

I decided to grab some duck tape and tape over the hole.

I put the plunger over the hole and this time I got a satisfying 'plunge'.

I plunged a lot of times expecting to solve the problem but nothing happened.


I went online and looked for solution.

One solution said to put coffee smuck (from the filter after making coffee) in the sink and force it through the hole.

It would grind the pipes clean.

Why not I thought?

I made coffee that morning so I grabbed the filter and dumped it in the sink.

It dissolved instantly.

I'm not sure what I was expecting...

I waited 15 minutes anyway but nothing happened.

I went back online..

The next solution said I should use fake teeth cleaner tablets.

Now you might wonder where one would get those....but I actually own them.

I use them to clean my anti-snore bracket from time to time.

I went upstairs and grabbed a bunch of tablets.

I threw them in the sink and waited..

But nothing happened.

I was now annoyed and feeling adventurous so I opened the cabinet below the sink.

It was filled to the brim with stuff I didn't recognised

I got it out one by one.

Then I found the holy grail!

HG clogged pipe cleaner!



I opened the bottle and dumped the whole lot in the sink.

I was saved!

Or so I thought..

This was about 4 hours ago.

I just had a check in the kitchen.

The water is still there.....

And it's even worse

The whole sink is now filled with regurgitated food particles, coffee and fake teeth cleaner.

It looks awful.

I'm not sure how I'm going to explain this to the professional I have to call tomorrow.

If the the look I got from Bianca when she came home this evening is anything to go on..

It's going to a be a tough one.

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At these times we understand the importance of plumbers in our life and how important they are for us. Even you tried hard to fix it so I can imagine your pain.

thanks man!

This is a simple repair man. Put a bucket under the P Trap, Unscrew those two large nuts and remove the P trap. Flush it out, then put it back together.

Thanks for the advice. I unscrewed everything this morning straight away. The pipe was sadly clean inside. I did get rid of all the water in the sink, so that's a big plus.



What he said. Just be prepared to be covered in a lot of "regurgitated food particles, coffee and fake teeth cleaner" that may spash out while removing the siphon.

Problem should be fixed instantly after that though.

Only problem with removing the P-trap and making a 10 min fix is that there is no drama in it and not worth a post. At least I get to shake my head this way. And he gets a whole lot of up votes to help pay a plumber . LOL

Yeahhh good job my man👌👌👌

Haha .. interesting
It really is annoying .. then you say in yourself just do it
Thanks for sharing your experience‏

I have a spinner snake in my garage for when that happens lol

Before you call the plumber, here's a popular 'technique'. This may or not work; and, may not even be recommended since you used drain cleaner...might react to the baking soda...not sure...
But, for future reference, this might help.


Pour a pot of boiling hot water down your drain.
Dump in about 1/2 c. baking soda. Let that sit for a few minutes.
Then, pour a mixture of 1 c. vinegar and 1. c very hot water down on top of the baking soda.
Cover with a drain plug (to keep the reaction down below the drain surface) if you have one              and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
Flush one more time with a pot of boiling water.

Why this works: The baking soda and hot water treatment will loosen up any grimy sludge that’s hanging out at the bottom of your drain, and the explosive chemical reaction with the vinegar will jolt it all loose. Then one final super hot-water rinse will make all the bad stuff go bye-bye.

Reference link found below:


Best regards; and, we'll give you an A for Attempting to do a good thing!


This idea works! Tried and tested a few times.
Hot water is key, it has to be boiling not just tap hot.

Praise God! ✌!

Wow, I like the non chemical approach. I'll try that next time! Not sure with the drain cleaner in there now.

I'll try that next time!

I'm glad to see that you've prepared a beautiful meal for Bianca; so, this dilemma is but a memory!

Best regards!


Oh yeah, it's an eternal problem, my friend and I'm sure that each of us has come across this. In such cases, there are several solutions, draining in the sink works on the principle of a sump and you need to disassemble the drainage device under the sink and clean it, there are also special chemicals that dissolve the blockages and they are sold in stores and finally, if nothing helps I use a small plumbing cable (photo at the bottom), which is used by plumbers, it must be gradually pushed into the pipe and it breaks the jam; it is a simple, but 100% tool for cleaning pipes. Thank you Mark and I hope that I somehow helped in your problem.

I called a plumber before years ago for a blockage in the garage. He had one of those things that rolled out of his van that worked on water pressure. He said it was so powerful it could drill a hole in your hand. It did the trick.

It is good off you to atleast try to fix it yourself instead off calling mister plumber...
To bad you didnt won the battle but you gave a good fight!

Hope all will be fixed asap for you..

Have a great night and i enjoy your blog!

RIP handyman skills

In this house, I'm afraid that's true...

Time to call a plumber? Either that or take everything out from under the sink, get a pipe wrench and loosen the elbow (u tube) oh, better put something under it catch all the gunk that will likely spill out. Take the elbow off and lean out the pipe. Then reverse the process and put the tube back. Keep fingers crossed. Maybe it works. Or call the plumber...

I tried. It sadly didn't work. Now it's out of my league for real :)

Sometimes when my sink is clogged, I remove the trap and clear it out and then pour some drain cleaner inside of the drain pipe that goes to the wall. Then I put the trap back on and wait for a couple of hours and then run some hot water. usually clears it right up.

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