Business confidence because of crypto. Choosing my clients and an increased hourly rate.

in #life7 years ago

Lately, I have been redirecting some clients, mainly consumers, to another party that is welcoming there business.

I have been taught how to do this by my colleague @s3rg3 about of year ago.

He gave me fantastic advice because I was struggling with this.

The whole key is to not offend the client, help him with any questions and then redirect him to another party. Leaving everyone happy.

This whole process has become easier for me now that I have crypto as back-up.

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I have been self-employed for nearly 10 years.

When I just started I jumped on every client, often charging less then I deserved and treating them like kings.

It's a beginner mistake that I think most of the people new to business have made but a logical one because you need them.

I have been struggling for years trying to fix this mistake. Slowly increasing my hourly rate and apologizing for it along the way. It truly is a constant guilt trip.

Until crypto came along.

Trading crypto gave me a second source of income and that has opened up possibilities.

I increased my hourly rate a lot. The biggest jump was $50 to $85 (before taxes) for businesses. (also because of @s3rg3)

For consumers, it's now $60.

Admittedly I lost a few clients along the way, but also gained some new ones and kept a lot of them.

It's nice to get paid what you feel that you deserve. (the whole world will tell you and make you feel that this is a bad thing, especially if you are perceptible for this, but trust me it's not, in the end, it's your livelihood.).

My biggest lesson that I learned from all of this:

"A client will forget how much he paid (or how much discount you gave him) and will only remember who helped him and how well."

Crypto gave me the confidence to make the jump. But I should have done much sooner.

Now, I have the luxury of picking my clients.

I'm very busy lately but I still want to help everyone.

That's where @s3rg3 comes in.


Yesterday I got a call from a client. A laptop would not boot up properly and he asked me to take a look.

I went there and after 30 minutes was 99% sure the HD was near dying.

From experience, I already know what's needed. Replace HD, reinstall windows, restore backup etc...

Hours and hours of work.

The problem is that I have become too expensive for this.

I also don't have the time anymore.

So I told the client if I have to do it it will cost him $400 (and explaining why), so I recommended him to take it to the local pc shop that I know will help him well.

I rang up the shop and ask for an estimation. They could install an SSD 250gig + reinstall for $180.

A much better deal for the client.

The client was happy and so was I.

He gave a small tip too.

Charging what you deserve is an interesting experience and a scary one. But if you are good at what you do and know it, it's worth exploring.


I miss the times when I could choose my clients. Although I have my own company now we work for a great company. The prices are set by them, the number of workers is decided by contract. I haven't felt like an entrepreneur for years.
The future of small businesses in the telecommunications sector in Spain is very sad.
Large companies are too busy distributing dividends among their shareholders, and small businesses pay the costs.
I'm glad to see that in other regions of Europe you can still work in the old way.

Hi @exyle,

I can relate to this. I have been working for myself the last 14 years. Since 2010 I have been mainly working in the IT and Digital Marketing space. Increasing my hourly rate was something I feared doing because I was worried I might loose the client.

So, the last two years I went with the going rate and I simply just increase my rate by 10% every year. However, what I have done is downsize my clients. I go according to the 80/20 rule. 20% of my clients bring in 80% of my money. So I focus on them primarily.

The smaller ones find it difficult to pay me. I always have issues getting money out of them. So I decided to kindly pass them on to other interested parties.

Good post.

“I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is just an employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial's hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.”

― Jessie B. Rittenhouse

I love this quote. I remember seeing it years ago and been amazed by how that sums up the whole concept of self-worth. Thanks for reminder!

Shame I can't resteem a comment!

thanks for the sentiment anyway!! Hope all is well in London and you did not lose the WHITE TIGER!!

We could never lose such a precious and endangered species! All is well here, hope everything is well with you too!

hahaha. glad to hear :D

That's a great quote!

Yes very true, people never remember how much he paid, but only remember who helped him and how much well. Great quote, very realistic, yes life is not easy it is full of hardships and challenge. You have successfully over come your journey. Thanks for sharing such a valuable message, how is your mom now. Please convey my good wishes for her @clio. Thanks my friend.

You can even charge commissions from local PC shop for redirecting your customers, i guess they won't mind.

They offered. I just said help them properly it's all I want.

@exyle The Beauty of what you just shared is the FREEDOM you have now to pick and choose and not feel obligated to apologize for anything. You always treat everyone with kindness and respect. You have now given yourself the the Best Gift of all.........

I applaud your attitude! You have learned many lessons I missed along the way. Congratulations!

Thank you. But it makes one wonder what else is to learn out there!

Wow is a great advice

"A client will forget how much he paid (or how much discount you gave him) and will only remember who helped him and how well."

I work in service of delivery of boxes from US to Honduras and is very truth the people remember only the service if is of quality or is the bad. counted the first impresion .

nice post. i can imagine it's hard to do that. I did help consumers in the past with computer problems. but stopped with it. The consumer always thinks he must pay too much. BEcause it's a computer they think you can do all for $10. But if they bring the car to the garage for 15 minutes and they charge $50 then they pay and accept it..
At least that is my experience..

Excellent post my friend, well i think the most important thing in any business or public dealing is a person's behavior, if a person have a great behavior well then the price won't matter at all, your face always contains a very nice smile on it my friend and this surely gives great impact to consumers and your way of talking is excellent and always full of love and all these things gives you an extra edge in business dealing, just stick with love, peace and respect my friend, this is a great course and surely produce fantastic result in the end, Stay blessed

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