Why it's hard for us to believe in the best?

in #life5 years ago

This is a very simple mechanism. As soon as you let hope into your heart, living in an imperfect present becomes unbearable. You doom yourself to the struggle for a happy future. A fight you can lose.

Cynicism is much easier. Keeping your heart locked, you always leave yourself the opportunity to be content with what you have.

It is easy to say that this cruel world suits you when you cannot even think of a happy and good world. It is easy to say that it doesn’t hurt you at all when you didn’t even dream of living without pain.

Traditional joke

Anyone who allowed himself to openly set ideals above his own benefit, forever enrolled in the ranks of the forces of good. It sounds pathetic, but there is no turning back.

You become an eccentric. They will scoff at you, they will reproach you, they will forever accuse you of duplicity.

"If you are so kind, why didn’t you do it this and this?"
"You speak of compassion, but you..."
"You see, you had to be tougher to prevent this from happening."

Do not be afraid. Good does not fight to win. Good fights so that evil does not conquer.


There is no true despair without hope so those who aren't capable of looking at dispair in the face lose hope. To make their decision seem normal and acceptable they try to bring down others to there level. The fact is the majority of people are weak-minded, that's what society is built on.

All we can do is continue to hold our values in the face of adversity and show up to fight for it each day

"The fact is the majority of people are weak-minded, that's what society is built on." - I like the way you think)
I'm a little embarrassed to talk about it, but I always thought the same.
I think that adversity is given to us just so that we ourselves understand who we are. Do we have the strength and courage to get around this without losing ourselves and our values, our dreams. I think that this is how a person’s personality and worldview are formed.

Must be my lucky day. Logging in and getting 3 responses from you ☺️

Amazing how we think alike yet our backgrounds are so differnet, lol we seem to be kindred spirits :P

Adversity surely shapes the way we think and see the world, not always in a good way some of us become really bitter and hold onto the circumstances instead of trying to learn from them. I don't blame people, it's not easy to get over certain things.

I'm very sorry that I can’t answer you regularly lately(( but I hope this will change soon.
I myself am very surprised that we are so similar in our opinions. This rarely happened to me, to be honest!!!)
In such cases (if I see a depressed or embittered person in front of me) I don’t try to argue with him and condemn him, because I always think that he probably had to go through a lot to become just that and even at such moments I always remember my mom. Her pessimism and cynicism are precisely from there. Perhaps, after a while, everything will work out for him and he will find the strength to look at this world differently, and if this does not happen, then this is also not terrible, because not everyone is strong and can go through it without "side effects".

It's no problem, no need to apologise, the way I see it is like the old school sending telegrams or messages in a bottle, you never know when you'll get them so you value it when it does. Instead of the whole always connected trying to get instant answers and responses, I'm pretty chilled about these things. It's more about the content for me and engaging in thoughtful conversation than the time between responses.

I've tried the be as you mentioned but its so hard, so I just try to withdraw myself from people or situations where I might want to lend my opinion but know it won't be welcome. It can be pretty frustrating at times.

My parents, especially my dad is like that, feels his learned everything he needs to know about the world, everything he doesn't know is rubbish and super pessimism and cynicism. No sense in debating anything that doesn't echo his view of the world so I don't even try.

Some people simply won't consider a change or be open to it and we have to accept that.

You reassured me) people just react differently to this and few people like to wait. I always liked paper letters and waiting time for an answer, so I am very glad that there are other people for whom such pauses only add beauty to the conversation.
I understand what you are talking about. It is sometimes very difficult with this type of people, because tries have their own opinion and do not even want to consider a different point of view. My mother is exactly the same, so it has long been clear that arguing with her will be pointless.
As for communication and situations, this is the surest way. I also see no reason to talk about something with people who adhere to different values ​​and still I will not understand you.

My pleasure :) Well seems like today is my lucky day because we're having 3 fascinating conversions at the same time lol so that time between was well worth the wait. Lol, I'd actually love to get a postcard once again, that would be epic and also interesting to see if these things still work, I haven't used the postal service in ages.

Lol It took me a while to reach that point with my parents, I would argue to the bitter end and it would only affect me and exhaust myself, it would never go anywhere. As I got older I find that sharing your opinion is only worthwhile if theres going to be constructive critique and if its just smashing opposing views without relenting its a waste of energy.

Like I'm open to you showing me your views and ideals but if you have nothing to back up your claims I simply cannot respect that. I think its also an issue with me, I'm always looking to have a deeper conversion with people and it puts them in uncomfortable positions so I think its also part of the defence mechanism. No one wants to be wrong or seem dumb so they put up these barriers.

Parents do not want to be outsmarted by their kids, as much as they like to say we want better for you want want you to be better than we were lol.

I can’t understand why I’m so pleasantly surprised anymore - that I finally have free time to be online or that I can communicate with you so quickly) lol
I understand you. sometimes it is bitter to me to admit that I am too different with my interlocutor and that we will not be able to build a communication based on close mutual understanding and solidarity.
you can’t even imagine how long time and my nerves took my self-education and the ability not to enter into disputes with parents, with other people. every time I effortlessly left the dispute, I always promised myself that this dispute would be the last for me, lol. but they repeated again and again. Now it’s much easier for me, I’m just leaving if the air in the room becomes heavier)
oh yes, I almost forgot) with regards to letters - in Russia it still works, people still continue to collect stamps. although I myself received the last paper letter 8 years ago. only holiday cards that I get for Christmas and Birthday save me, lol.

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