The Bitcoin Wedding Registry

in #life8 years ago

There may be a few upset - soon to be wives out there if this happened.. But if I weren't already married I would totally include my BTC hash in the wedding invitation as a form of Gift Registry. What better way to spark up a conversation about Crypto with all of your close friends and family that they can't ignore. Better yet, what if that were they ONLY form of gift registry you have. Most would probably just give you cash.. but you could even include instructions on starting a coinbase account to entice them even more.

Yes an argument might ensue with your significant other because of it - but one entirely worth it.

#life #steemit #relationships #wedding #travel #marriage


This is hilarious! Good luck explaining that to grandma!

haha No one invites grandma to weddings.. jk

My grandma doesn't really know about the internet...

This is such a good idea! Why didn't I think of it?! My fiancé and I wanted to encourage people to just give us cash instead of buying things anyway...but I didn't think of this.

You shouldn't assume all potential wives are going to "be mad" about this. If fewer women understand cryptocurrency than men, we need to encourage them to start caring and learning about it! :p

Thanks for the reply. I was just going by the fact that the majority of those who embrace crypto currency and bitcoin for that matter seem to be men. At least that is what is reported at most meetup groups or what discussions I've watched online.

My wife is now a supporter of crypto though.. took her awhile at first.

Yeah, the majority are men. I guess I just wish so many of my fellow women weren't missing out. How much convincing does it take? Knowledge of computers and math = greater freedom and independence.

Nice post and I'm glad you converted your wife. ;)

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