Why it's so important to take vacation (holiday)

in #life7 years ago

I am a firm believer that everyone needs to periodically take a vacation! For me, I enjoy traveling to the beach. Others may prefer camping, hiking, boating, cruising, sight seeing, horseback riding, etc.

Whatever it is that you prefer, you need to make the time to take at least 1 week off and unplug from your everyday routine! We all have so many stresses in our lives that a periodic break is the only way for us to truly unwind. Don't fall into the trap of taking "long weekend" vacations / trips and thinking that you're "taking a break". Those trips don't give you enough time to completely mentally release yourself from the many stresses and obligations running through your mind on a daily basis.

Once you've arrived at your destination, take a few slow and deep breaths; you've made it! You're free from your day-to-day routine! And if you want to stay that way, figure out a way to leave your smart phone at the hotel/air b&b/etc. Life is meant to be experienced outdoors, with other people. Technology is only going to slow you down and keep you tethered to the stresses you're trying to leave behind! The more you're able to avoid TV, the internet, your smart phone, laptops, tablets, etc, the more you will relax.

Personally, I travel with a couple of books. I can't truly relax when reading on an e-reader, or focus on the content of the book, so I stick to my ol' faithful paperback books. I also usually stick to some sort of a fiction book. Sometimes I'll throw in a self-improvement book, but most of the time I want to immerse myself in a compelling story or be taken to another world!

While you're away, explore! Meet new people! Try something new! One of my favorite things is to find a highly rated local coffee shop and order a cappuccino or latte and sit down for a while, preferably outdoors, and just enjoy my coffee.

In the wise words of Chubbs from Happy Gilmore, you need to "Find your Happy Place".

Life is too short for us to work every day without a break, or to imprison ourselves in our work. We all need to let go for a short while every so often in order to perform at our best when we are working. It is a proven fact that you are more productive at your job if you take a break and truly unplug.

I am a workaholic, so when I'm on vacation it is a constant struggle for the first few days that I'm away for me to let go of my work. I have the luxury that my job does not result in a life or death situation. As such, I calm myself by reminding myself of that fact, and that I have provided my team with everything that they need to succeed while I am away. Eventually I relax and by the time I return to work, I am refreshed and ready to tackle the next series of projects I'm working on.

My perfect vacation is the beach, and my hope is that you will "Find your beach"!

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