Why Do You Ask?

in #life6 years ago


This is not a new thing but I got reminded yesterday that people are very very curious and very very boring. What seems to surprise me, even though it shouldn’t, is how interested people are about my life. They ask so many questions! What do I do these days, where have I been, what bar am I gonna go to and with whom and where do I know that person and is there something going on between us.

Why do you care so much? We are not close friends, so what do you do with this information? I don’t think you really want to know, and I don’t think you would like what I have to say. I already know we have nothing in common so I don’t want to waste my time with you.

I don’t ask you the same questions from those people because I DO NOT CARE! I don’t care about most people because quite frankly, they bore the life out of me.

When I’m having a conversation with an acquaintance, I have to actively remind myself to try and ask even a few questions about their life. I don’t care really, I don’t even want to know but it’s common curtesy to ask how are you and how do you like your new job blablabla. I think social situations are so draining because I have to fake interest in order to appear as a somewhat decent human being. Sometimes I wonder do people notice that I don’t care for them. I think most don’t because they keep going and keep asking more questions the next time our paths cross.

I know I sound harsh, but I’m just saying how I feel and I know there are other people who think the same way. I only want interesting people in my life, and I’m gonna argue that I am quite interesting myself.

Chances are, if I like you, you are a little fucked up in the head department too. I only like people who speak their mind in everything but the political way. I don’t like platitudes and people who never do anything out of the norm and going to a one drink on Tuesday evening and wearing red lipstick is the most exciting thing they have done in the last year.

I feel like I need to go through 99% of boring ass people to find the few diamonds that are somewhere in there. Thank god for internet, it’s so much easier to find likeminded interesting individuals in here, without wasting time with the boring ones.


I know the feeling. I feel bad about my lack of interest in most people as well. Although, over time I actually do care that people are at least happy and comfortable. But what they do with their time is of little interest to me.

It can get awkward at times as well, since my wife often wonders why I rarely ask what she did with her day. I know what she does most of the time, she's at work, and I don't give a fuck what she got up to in her office job. And that does sound harsh, but it's the reality, it's a fucking office job. No amount of wine or beer is going to make that any more interesting.

Anyway, most people are tedious. The trick is to find a common interest in most cases, something that you can joke about of a point of view that you can debate. Then people can be interesting, just don't get them talking about their fucking office job...

I think it's the meaningless day to day stuff that I rarely care for either. I hardly ever ask anyone what they did yesterday, I'd rather talk about something they are passionate about, which surely isn't the office job. Or if it is, then they must be an a whole different level of mental. Though, what would I know, never had an office job, and never will. I would be fired on sexual harassment before lunch time.

Why do you care?
Am I out of touch?
I don't want to share
You bore me and such

I'll talk to you
And look at your face
You must have a clue
That must be the case

Because most are a bore
I'm not kidding you
If I want more
You are one of the few

Hi, how are you? What are you upto? xD

Oh hi there, I'm doing fine! What about you? I'm obviously up to no good! ;)

I can't see that and I don't give a shit xD
Edit: Naah! I can't even be fake harsh lmao :P

LOL, that was my favorite thing I have read that you have written! When people greet me with a "how are you?" I sometimes respond "fine" and keep going but then I realize I have been an asshole for not replying in kind. Whatever, fuck em.

Is it really? I bet you have a read a lot of my stuff over the months! I think most people actually want to talk about themselves, I am no different, so if I don't want to reveal anything about myself, I just try and make them talk about themselves to divert the questions about me.

I like anything that makes me really laugh.

Don't be surprised, You are Steemit's celebrite... it is natural side effect.

But I'm a nobody in real life! 🙄

@eveuncovered - totally understand Your point of view - I also don't give a sh*t about other people's life, even if they are artists or photographers I like. I don't care what they are doing private and I don't understand why people are so amazingly interested in other's privacy... but it is like that from always I think. Especially now when internet stuff, all the social platforms and mass media are bombarding us with other's life and secrets. Big pile of crap for me but many people lives for it!

And remember, there is nothing like "nobody" and If You are running succesfull blog - You have a lot of interesting stuff to offer. Some likes Your photography, some other like Your points of view... I like both but I don't really care who You are in private - I like the profile, personally don't know You. Keep blogging "nobody" human ;)

I think it's a whole culture of wanting to know whether or not celebrities are real people, by trying to find out about their personal lives. I never cared for that, I don't read the news, and definitely not the celeb gossip ones. I really do not understand why people would care what a singer X bought from the grocery store. I actually find artist that stay private, a lot more interesting than the ones who reveal everything about themselves on the internet. For me that proves that they are in it for the music (or what ever is their craft), and not for the fame.

Maybe, but you are our nemo!

What, does my tan look that orange!? 😭

Noooo Nemo is Latin for nobody ;)

I didn't know that! You are always schooling me!

I think you are too smart for your own good!

Amen. I feel you sister! I too always need to remind myself to ask the "common courtesy" questions...unfortunately I forget sometimes XD If I'm energetic and in a good mood there's no problem in acting the way you "should" but if I'm tired...then it takes a lot of energy and my inner voice just want's to shout "booooojaaaaaaaa muddafuuuudgeeeee!!!" ..kinda.. but I never do...I should try it though... good bye.

Haha I think it would be really funny if you did that. Make sure to records it if you ever do! :D

Didn’t you ask how I was today? Just saying.

Kind of, you must be one of those rare diamonds then!

"I think social situations are so draining because I have to fake interest in order to appear as a somewhat decent human being." my life in a nutshell :D

Hello soul sister!

I know what you say, not able to listen to most while I m too busy running after my own mind. Turns out you develop some habits for bullshit talk, some kind of standby-mode, where you just answer "ah" "really" "explain" or just pick the last three words of another's sentence, asking: How?
Most people dont even get, you re fucking not caring a fuck. :D

BUT: I dont believe in this "we are the world" internet bullshit. Might be cuz I remember a time before all of that.

Yeah it's pretty easy to ask some general questions to keep the other person going while thinking of an escape route.

What, there was a time before internet, omg, you must be like 100 years old! 🙄🙄

Many people seem to forget or never heard of, that "the internet" was a invention of the military....

Evil to him who evil thinks... ;)

bummer, I really thought you were interested...... lol :P no serious , I can relate to a lot you wrote :) But I do have true interest in the things my friends do or think or want.... :)

Well of course I find some people interesting, and those I keep close, but it's a very limited bunch.

Yep, same here... With the internet / social media, it's often shallow because you don't even have the chance or options to get to know someone for real.... So all those questions about what you are going to do, how things are, were you're going.... non info i.m.h.o.. :)

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