Running Errands

in #life5 years ago


I’ve had a really productive day of running errands in the city, and I’ve just arrived back to the countryside.

My first stop was to find a battery for the film camera I got a few days ago, unsure if it still works, and then film for it from the next place. After that I chucked two carpets and retro kitchen chairs to my city home, and brewed a takeaway coffee for myself because I left without eating breakfast. Next I picked up some car parts, and then finally on my way back I went grocery shopping.

My hangry self bought a bag of donuts and ate two in the car while driving back. Now I’m crashing from the caffeine and sugar high and plan on taking a loooong nap. I didn’t get much sleep last night because I was out shooting, which the results of you’ll see later today.

This is how you fill a thigh gap.


can't beat rage eating donuts, until you hit that high and are like, that was a mistake... man, i want donuts now..

And they weren't even that good, a day old and dry, but they were on sale and I was hungry🤷🏻‍♀️

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